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Wake up, Sheeple!

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What do we know about Barack Hussein Obama?

Obamalies or Lies Obama Tells

The videos that will cause Barack Obama to lose the election.

2008. The Year The ONE … Lost.

Vote for and elect John McCain — Honesty, Intergrity and a true Patriot.


what do you really know about John McCain? if you really believe it’s honesty, integrity and a true patriot. you have been drinking your right wing kool aid again.

Take a look at his military record before he was shot down… where did he graduate in his class at the naval academy?? 894th out of 899…. How many american jets did he crash? that would be 5… 4 were pilot error accidents and one was in combat.. (he should have never been allowed to graduate flight school.) Was he even divorced from his first wife before he became engaged to Cindy?

Sky55110/RAP… it’s a tribute to the Constitution your existence is even tolerated…. A more embarrassing example of an American I’ve never seen.

Why don’t you recommend some “government cure” – your usual MO – for your manufactured beef. You’re really getting on my nerves this eve

mata harley,

Look it up… i am correct!!!! remember google is your friend….

Mata, don’t let him get to you. Remind yourself it/he/she isn’t worth your aggravation.

What are you guys waiting to kick out that stupid Real American HATER. He is a disgrace to your country.

Thank you for the “not worth” comment, in order to save my valuable time, Custer. But Sky55110/RAP and I go back a while. And the day anyone can pass off a modicum of intelligence as “google” is the day I seriously become an Obama welfare retired citizen.

Now, for you, Sky55110. Because I’m hard pressed to call you any kind of a “patriot” tonight. You are merely a welfare benefit of our Constitution, being tolerant of the least mentally able type of humans to exist.

Your comment to AdrianS was:

Take a look at his military record before he was shot down… where did he graduate in his class at the naval academy?? 894th out of 899…. How many american jets did he crash? that would be 5… 4 were pilot error accidents and one was in combat.. (he should have never been allowed to graduate flight school.) Was he even divorced from his first wife before he became engaged to Cindy?

Let’s go to the obvious.

We all know McCain’s military record… from his mediocre academy scores to all his crashes. We also know about his military record of 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton, which you choose to conveniently ignore.

Divorced before marrying Cindy? I’d say the courts would know about that plenty as bigamy is a crime. And for there to be a crime, there has to be one committed, and a plaintiff. Apparently there is neither.

So that’s some of the stuff *we* KNOW about McCain, including your own “google educated” dumb ass. So much for your “what do you really know about John McCain?” comment. Even the most brain cell challenged google users know that.

Now… what do you know about Obama? What will he refuse to discuss… and that includes the Chicago Annenberg Challenge… HIS ONLY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE ON RECORD.


And, BTW… that’s only one in a very long list of “what do YOU know about Obama” questions.

Craig… INRE your:

What are you guys waiting to kick out that stupid Real American HATER.

Hopefully never. We are firm believers in the 1st Amendment. Not limiting dissent.

Maybe he’s a real american parrot and just repeats everything he hears. If you do not know what it is like to be shot down , then , i don’t think you have too much to say. Maybe he isn’t a parrot. He’s just a jack ass.

Real American Idiot

Yes, we know all about John McCain, warts and all. What we don’t know about Obama is legion. Where are HIS transcripts from all the colleges he attended? What were his grades? Who were his professors? Who were his friends? Where did he live? Where are his theseis? Where, heaven help us, is his birth certificate? We know nothing about this guy. He refuses to tell us anything about his past life. Everything has been scrubbed that can be. He is a true cipher with no experience at much of anything. And the little bit of anything was a failure. You have a real nerve to question McCain’s resume when your candidate’s resume is blank.

His stance on all the issues have made a complete u-turn. To hear him tell it his policies are just like Bush’s. Without the hatred of course. The man is a liar par excellence. There is no other way to describe him. And the fact that you support him and exhort his candidacy says a lot about you.

Real American Bonehead:

…Haha. Oh, man, you’re a funny one. You honestly expect your sad-excuse-of-a-“point”-against McCain to actually fly? Know your facts before you write.