Will You Support President Obama’s War:

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No more, no more, it is time to end the racist war ! (pakistan)

At least we would own this stupid chant used by the leftards…

The Ukraine isn’t actually a NATO ally . . . yet.

hey the last question didn’t load right, no, i won’t vote for obama. i would rather be pregnant for 2 years straight than vote for him.

Some of us may not have a choice.

When you retire from America’s military, you enter what’s called inactive reserve. That means the military can bring you back in. So for some of us, it’s rather a trick question. Even if we refuse to support Obama as a presidential candidate, if he does get elected, some of us might be “physically” forced to “support” whatever military actions he commits our forces to, like it or not.

With such many potential military actions just on the docket you’ve provided, after years of the Clinton draw-downs and military budget cuts, our current forces would be quickly overtaxed. The only ways to add more “meat for the grinders”, is by reinstating the draft and calling us old-timers back in.

I hate to admit it, but I would not could not should not support Obama in any war. I would rather arm myself and join a militia to defend the US against invasion. My reasoning is simple enough. I do not believe Obama has the capacity to wage a war to victory and any gains we might achieve will be far too easily and likely, given away for an empty promise and a ugly foot note of derision in the history books. I would not bleed for a war with no honor and no hope of honor or victory. And I especially wont fight for those liberal elite fucks who elected Obama and would be hiding in colleges to avoid the consequences of that choice.

I will support Obama as I did Clinton in any mission in the interest of the United States. However, I would despise him as the CinC the same as I did Clinton. Every mistake he made, I would be hounding him in anyway I could and be telling his supporters they are Chickenhawks if they don’t enlist.

I would not support Obama on anything. Absolutely anything. He is always wrong anyway. This is why he flips-flops all the time.

I wouldn’t support Obama either, screw the rally-around-the-flag effect. I’d rather have Biden in charge. At least he thinks more like McCain does.

I would never be like a leftist and only support the President if he belonged to my party. If there was another situation like Iraq and he went in, I would support him in a heartbeat. Will never happen tho. He would NEVER order a pre-emptive strike. He will do as Bill did. My lob a few missiles, hell…he may not even do that.

“I would never be like a leftist and only support the President if he belonged to my party.” (Curt)

What are you talking about? No one said that. But to follow a fool that will lead you up to the edge of the cliff? NEVER. Obama is a fool and he cannot take one good decision, he has already proved us that he has no judgment: ACORN, Chicago Anneberg, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakkan, Jeremiah Wright, Resko, Fannie Mae, Odinga, the Socialist Party, spread the wealth, hide his citizenship, hide his records of Harvard, threw his granma under the bus, his opposition to the surge, his voting to cut the money to the troops, his opposition to save a baby born alive from an abortion, his lying, his flipflopping, etc.

NOT ONCE has he proven he had judgment. So why the hell should someone follow him? NO REASON. He would be the Republicain POTUS, and I wouldn’t follow him. You do not follow an blind men, an idiot, a jerk… unless you are a suicidal sheep.

What are you talking about? No one said that.

Of course some of you are saying that. He is a dangerous Socialist bent on bringing that ideology to our country and I would never believe for a second that the man would make the kind of decision like Bush did. Go against popular opinion and protect this country by ensuring a beacon of freedom exists in the middle of our enemy….no way no how

But Scott’s question wasn’t whether you thought he would do it, but if he did, would you support him.

If you answer no to whether you would support him if he actually did the right thing then your basing it all on your dislike for the man and his party and ideology.

IF he does the right thing I would support him….

Won’t happen tho.

Curt, Curt, Curt, Curt,

Obama is incapable of taking a good decision. And if by MIRACLE he could, then he would do it all wrong, he would screw it up and make things worse. Forget it! NO WAY should anybody follow that bum.

P.S.: If McCain was a Democrat POTUS, I would follow him on everything, because he has proven he has judgment.

Do you even hear yourself Craig?

I agree that the man is incapable of making a good decision but Scott’s question was not that. It was if he DID make those good decisions would you support him. It’s a hypothetical. As I said in my earlier comment which you ignored, I don’t think he will make those kind of decisions but if he did, and did the right thing protecting this country and it’s interests then of course I would support him.

There were some questions which would not be to protect this country and its interests tho ie. Pakistan, Sudan, Congo


BUT HE WON’T. Scott’s questions are useless, we all know that this is impossible. And like I said, even if by MIRACLE he would once in his life take a good decision, we know for sure that he would screw it up and make things worse. So NO we would not follow him. A stupid jerk doesn’t become brilliant because he is a POTUS… he remains dumb. So those questions are worthless.
And why should Obama want to protect America? He hates America.
If the same questions where directed to Hillary Clinton, instead of Obama, I would have answer yes to some of them.

If Scott’s questions where concerning Hillary Clinton, instead of Obama, I would have answered YES to many of them.

Special thanks to Curt for helping w this poll! (applause, standing ovation, flowers tossed, etc)

I have to say I’m simply shocked at some of the responses. I am, however, glad to see that most readers understood that hopefully all of these scenarios are unlikely. Hopefully Sen Obama (if elected) will shock the world with his charisma, and world peace will break out everywhere. Lacking that, I believed these were the most likely situations that Sen Biden referred to as a coming international crisis. They may or may not happen, and it’s even more debatable if a Pres Obama would take military action (having zero experience w any and all things military).

Thank you all for your participation and comments!

Will McCain vote to cut troop funding the way he did for troops fighting in Somalia? Will it send a cold shiver through Cindy McCain?

Actually I expect the military honor guard at the white house and on the tarmac as the ‘chosen one’ arrives and departs to be replace with Nation of Islam and Black Panther members.

Call me stupid but in the beginning I was so confused by these questions.

These questions supposed that Obama could make a hard decision. He can’t. Any decisions made are made by the “machine” behind him. He is just their smooth talking front. Its becoming more and more obvious this man’s real agenda. And it ain’t pretty.

Plus …. I don’t think Obama and crowd would “fight” any of these people. He/they agree(s) on too many of their positions. AND of course, everything is America’s fault according to him/them and we just need to understand them and throw more of our “rich people’s” money to them. (yeah right)

AND of course HE will TALK to them. All of them….without preconditions.

Give me a president that knows HOW to think and has real values for life and one who loves America and Americans. McCain/Palin.

I will not ever follow Obama and crowd….I will however ALWAYS support America and Americans…not necessarily one and the same.

God help us ALL.

Scott & Curt;
Tough Quiz – LOL. Really required a lot of groaning to get through and thoughts as to how Obama-Biden might screw it up. There’s a cruel streak in there somewhere, LOL.

I think you might be right Scrapiron, Obama’s crowd would object to the Marine Honor Gaurds in “Their White House”, as much as, the Clinton’s did.

And forget about picking out the drapes, I’m wondering if they have plans to repaint the exterior a “racial neutral” color and change it’s name. I think the Obama’s might prefer pink or red.

What you miss is that the question isn’t about whether someone will make the right initial decision. The question is whether or not they will have the steel to see the decision through even when it becomes unpopular. Obama may Go to war for all the right reasons, but how long will it be before he abandons those troops while they are on the battlefield? Who wants their son or daughter to be one of thousands who die defending a town that Obama then would simply give over to the enemy?

Following a leader into war is about trust that your life blood and treasures will not be squandered.

I simply can not and will not trust Obama. He has not one single honorable man or woman in his inner circle. They would all sell us out.

I have armed myself, and will lead a militia in defense of the Constitution of the USA

Obama doesn’t care for “Victory” in a war. John McCain would rather lose an election than lose a war. Obama would accept defeat if the public would be fed-up with the war and he would bring the troops home in defeat. NO, I would never follow that guy in a war and I don’t think that Canada would either. This guy knows nothing about war.