US Drones Strike Al Queda inside Pakistan (again)

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Why do people still believe the “eye off the ball” myth? Could it be because the old media doesn’t report that the war in Afghanistan, and the hunt for Bin Laden in Pakistan has continued? Why would they stop reporting the war? Why would they themselves perpetuate a political myth given the facts that they see coming across the wire services every day?

US unmanned Predator aircraft have struck again inside Pakistan’s tribal areas. The latest attack occurred in the Shakai region north of Wana in South Waziristan. This is a region under the control of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud.

Eight people were reported killed after missiles struck what a Pakistani security official described as a “facility.” The Taliban and al Qaeda are known to have numbers camps and support facilities in South Waziristan. There are no reports of senior Taliban or al Qaeda leaders killed or wounded.
