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Times like these I highly appreciate all that Fox News is. Tellin’ it like it is, baby!

You need more medias like FoxNews. If Obama wins, it will not be a victory for your country or your citizens, it will be a MSM victory.

Joe Biden went crazy in another interview — this time in Philadelphia, where he became irate when asked questions about Obama’s socialist takeover of America and the more than $2 million Joe Biden personally channeled to his family members from campaign contributions.

Biden lies repeatedly through the interview.

The station, CBS 3 in Philadelphia, was not only banned by the ObamaBiden campaign from future interviews, but was also dutifully attacked by Obama’s followers who claimed it was unfair to ask Biden any serious questions.

They said Biden should have only been asked about what he thinks about the Philadelphia Phillies instead. http://hillbuzz.wordpress.com/2008/10/27/another-tv-station-banned-for-calling-biden-out-on-his-lies/ (video in link)


It might have been more informative if you had included Barbara West’s interview with Senator Biden’s responses and let the readers of this blog decide for themselves instead of having their information pre-chewed for them by Steve Doucy.

Dave, the video was posted earlier. We all saw it. We all know what Biden said.

Obama and Biden are wussies.
Oh don’t ask them any questions that are off script because they are just too stupid to answer them.


Then you would have noticed that it was an endless string of “when did you stop beating your wife?” questions. When you start out with a question that asks a candidate whether his campaign is embarassed by an organization that is not linked to the campaign, it illustrates the tone of the rest of the interview. Ms. West maintained that tone and content throughout the interview. What if Brian Williams asked John McCain if he was embarassed by Sarah Palin’s responses in the Katie Couric interview? Or more to the point, what if he asked him if he was embarassed by some outrageous comment that Rush Limbaugh made?

Further, “babblehead” Joe Biden’s responses were cogent and on point. Just as Barrack Obama, the guy who couldn’t put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, won every single debate in the national polls.

But I guess it’s all in the eye of the beholder.