Taliban spokesman claimed killed in Bajaur

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Regular readers of Flopping Aces and The Long War Journal might have noticed a few weeks ago that there were reports of the Pakistani military (under new management) preparing to push hard into the Bajaur area where Taliban and Al Queda are strongly present. That offensive IS taking place, and it IS having a massive effect.

Unconfirmed reports from Pakistan indicate the Taliban spokesman Mullah Omar was killed in an airstrike in the Bajaur tribal agency. The report comes as Pakistan claims a major victory in region that has exchanged hands several times.

General Tariq Khan, the Inspector General of the Frontier Corps, claimed more than 1,500 Taliban and foreign fighters have been killed in Bajaur since the operation began in early August. Another 950 “militants,” including more than 300 are Uzbek, Tajik, Nuristani, Afghani and Hazara, have been captured. Tariq also claimed Afghan “officials” were captured during the operation, Geo TV reported.

Pakistani casualties have been light, according to Tariq. Only 42 paramilitary troops have been killed and 174 wounded, according to the general. The Taliban have disputed these numbers in the past and claimed to have killed hundreds of Pakistani troops while taking far fewer casualties.


still no reporting on this in the old media

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Has FOX repoted this? Has FOX demanded Obama release his medical records, or his college records? I though FOX was a great, “fair and balanced” network! My mistake.

Nope. Fox has not to my knowledge. Dunno where you come up with the FOX is great idea though. I never cite em. Could be all that MSNBC jealousy and far left fear of the truth that’s more often reported on FOX than anywhere else though.

Spokesman for the Taliban? That’s putting it mildly.

This should have been the lead story on all the networks.

Omar was the leader of the Taliban, up until 2001 had 90% of Afganistan under his control, and harbored Osama bin Laden prior to 9/11.

He was one of THE Most Wanted Taliban officials on the NATO lists:

Mullah Omar

WANTED: Should be considered armed and dangerous. Mullah Omar’s Taliban regime in Afghanistan sheltered Usama Bin Ladin and his al-Qa‘ida network in the years prior to the 11 September 2001 attacks. Although Operation Enduring Freedom removed the Taliban regime from power, Mullah Omar remains at large and represents a continuing threat to America and its allies.

REWARD: The Rewards for Justice program, US Department of State, is offering up to $10 million for information leading directly to the apprehension and/or conviction of Mullah Omar. If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office if you are in the United States, or the nearest US Embassy or Consulate. If you prefer to use E-mail, send your information to rfj@state.gov. If you prefer to use the telephone, please call 1-800-US REWARDS.

Omar’s Wikipedia Bio;