A Reminder…

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A POSITIVE attack ad, paid for by the National Republican Trust:

“Barack Obama followed a preacher of hate and said nothing as Wright raged against our country…For 20 years, Obama never complained, until he ran for president,”

Hat tip: American Power

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That is a perfect ad, Wordsmith. What can we expect from a man that hangs around with American haters? NOTHING!

Who me Hate America, what just look at my friends they will vouch for me, tell um Rev. Hey Rezco tell him it ain’t so.

I agree with Craig and further more I would ask : What can we expect from a man that hangs around with
this Preacher for 20 years and then says he did not noticed the way this preacher hated America and then what can we expect when the PRESS gives him a pass.?

I hope Americans open their eyes, as the Wall Street Journal says today
” the courts are poised for a takeover by the judicial left”

The way that Democrats thwarted efforts by our President to appoint judges to the lower federal courts should Obama win, can reasonably make us believe that we will have to face not only a President that listened for 20 years for such a preacher, a Senate and Chamber of Representatives also leaning to the left, we are going to face too a MSM as we have seening lately that is in the tank for Obama, and also as the WSJ
rightly points out the courts are poised for a takeover by the judicial left.
Ah I forgot, the far left has also voiced through some Representative that they will be for the Fairness Doctrine, looking forward to shut up the radio shows that do not agree with them.

I hope that Americans that love our great Nation no matter what has been traditionally their party can focus on our future.

Check out this link. Then ask yourself why would I vote for the hot headed McCain???

@Real American Patriot:

You’d rather vote for the candidate who, if he were a private citizen, would not be able to pass the background check for a Top Secret security clearance?


real american patriot,
please post links or sources to his arrest record on these issues. In addition, I think you missed the time when McCain raised his hand to a lady in a wheel chair.

Seems to me that back handing a woman across the face could get you arrested. Unless of course the ladies didn’t think it was that big of a deal. But then again, they wouldn’t be appearing on a anti-McCain ad. We all know that there is no way these people are fake. I usually stick by one rule of thumb in life: if its on the internet, its true.

Ok. Real American patriot,it is your right to think as you wish, I try to set
priorities in my thinking,

Priority No. 1, I do not like :for anyone taking over the court system with judges that instead of following the Constitution like to legislate from the bench, and for a sample what has Obama said?
In an interview with Public Radio WBEZ FM OBama noted that the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren ” never venture into the issues of redistribution of wealth and sort of more basic issues of political and economic issues in this society” and” to extend as radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical”
He “also noted that the Court ” didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it has been interpreted”

So this in a main consideration to me.

Mc Cain’s bad or good temper as long as he has character and does not stand quiet when someone says ” GOD DAMN AMERICA” for 20 years in front of him , is a consideration way down in the list of priorities.

You know, I believe this is not an election between Democrats and Republicans it is an election
between the America that with its virtues and flaws has become the First Nation of the World and
a different America like what they have now in many European countries.
Socialist , welfare states.

HOw are they doing in Europe? Go and check. Google their unemployment, the efficiency of their social welfare programs, the every day limits in the civil liberties of their citizens. And if you are not convinced go and check closer countries like Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and others.
How the left is chocking them day by day, little by little. Yes their citizens wanted change at a certain point. Well ,they got it, go and check.


RAP/Sky55110 is our resident poo slinger.

Don’t expect much, if any, response from him whatsoever.

He dashes in and dashes out, leaving a malodorous deposit as he passes through.


LOL… he says that Wright represents the best of what the black churches has to offer