See the positive side of it — many good things in life are free, if you have the time and education to enjoy them. For example, you can achieve a lot of things politically if you have the time to campaign… instead of wasting it at work, earning taxes for everyone else but you and yours.
So drop out of the rat race, put your feet up and stretch your hands out ready to receive… 0bama is going to bring you lifelong holidays[1] and cross your palms with free, freshly printed money.
If you really want to beat them… don’t support them, but join them 😀
[1]It won’t last very long, but 4 years off is not too long and just enough of a sabbatical, it’ll make everyone appreciate owning things again too, a bit of poverty has never hurt smart people, but often improved their person and life greatly. Of course if you’re dumb and poor… well, that’s a story that has always had a sad ending, no matter how it’s told.
“And once you go down that road, there is no turning back. Creating a massive new system of entitlements such as Obama has proposed will make an even larger class of persons dependent on the wealth of others for whatever meager existence the government is able to permit with dwindling resources as the creation of new wealth is inhibited.”
I believe that is their *goal*. The politicians (especially the Democrats, but more than a few Republicans as well) have already created a permanent government-supported class which feeds them votes, and now they seek to make it larger and larger. It is a way to permanent power while keeping the trappings of democracy.
Steve Rowland
16 years ago
Well….let’s see…..38% don’t pay any taxes at all…that’s a hell of a lot when you get right down to it…..wonder how many of that 38% vote? When we had only 49% of the eligible voters voting in the last election, it obviously becomes self-explanatory. The Democrats barely won the midterm elections, although as usual they ‘swept in’ according to the MSM, but if one looks at the results of those midterm elections, practically every race was close; if only a few more had turned out on the Republican side it may have went the other way. We got what we deserved. The Democrats got what they deserved because they turned out, we got what we deserved because we did not.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I have critical issues with these ‘Republicans’ but voting for the devil to spite ones face ain’t going to cut it. You get what your deserve. Yeah, we are going to shoot the goose, but what I think might surprise conservatives is just how many socialists we actually have in this country. Don’t feign surprise, with government policies continuing to increase that 38% and and an outright socialist running on the democratic ticket, we are heading for a fall.
Better work on those ‘undecideds’……forget the rank and file they ain’t going no where….
luva the scissors
16 years ago
my friend was at a small store the other night and the conversation with the clerk turned to politics and it was obvious tha tthe clerk was pro obama. so my friend started to ask her questions, she kept peppering her and the clerk had no answers except that he wasn’t a war monger. interesting…. there wasanother customer in there and she started to ask him questions, he also had no answers. so my friend started to educate them, she gave them all sorts of info, she harped at them about not believing the media, everything. she even told them that obama most likelly wasn’t even born in the us. she tuned 2 away from the one, she kept at them for a long time and she swears she turned them. i am so proud of her. thank god they weren’t the violent obama supporters, she would have ended up being smacked with a stick ofr something.
luva: Does these people know that war is much more likely to happen if Obama is elected than if McCain is? Did they hear what Joe Biden said would be a “guaranteed” world crisis to “test” Obama?
Obama has already signaled the green light to terrorists and dictators from North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Colombia (FARC) and Hamas.
Undecided Republican
16 years ago
I been here 20 minutes and I already learned more about Obama than I have during the entire campaign. He’s a Socialist not a Democrat. My taxes will go up. He is a foreigner, a terrorist and will take my money and assets and re-distribute them as he see’s fit. I also learned the reason the house and senate are Democrat is because of weak turnout by Republicans.
I came here to read about McCain and Palin and their plans for the country. Unfortunately much like all McCain ad’s and speeches everything I read focused on Obama. Not one thing I read mentioned anything McCain will do if he becomes president. Not one. Are you serious? McCain’s don’t-vote-for-obama-because… campaign has been a failure at best. I’m still waiting to hear what he actually has planned. At the very least Obama is saying I’ll do A, B, C and D.
Don’t get me wrong, I like McCain. I think he’s done great work. But his negative campaign and lack of a detailed plan has soured me on the man. OK so I know McCain doesn’t think Obama’s qualified….yet he picks Palin? At 72, we are a cheeseburger away from President Palin. I’m sorry but the thought of that scares the crap out of me. She’s just like us? Hockey Mom? Joe Six-Pack? That’s great but neither you, me, hockey mom or joe six pack are qualified to run this country. She has no business being McCain’s running mate. I suspect it would be McCain on the offensive if he would’ve chosen more wisely. Instead it would be Obama running the negative campaign.
The House and the Senate are Democrat because of weak turnout? I don’t think so. Check the numbers. The reason is people are sick and tired of the fear ticket most republicans run on. Plain and simple. It’s no coincedence that after 8 years of Bush the biggest fears still exist. That’s by design. Since without those fears most Republicans don’t stand a chance. Not to mention scandal after scandal powered by pure greed on the part of the elite.
To say Obama was not born in the US is probably the dumbest thing I read. There must be bigger idiots than I thought running this country to let that one get by them. First he was Arab now he associates with terrorists AND is a foreigner. Are you for real?
I find it hilarious that everyone here is so worried about getting their wealth re-distrubuted to the less fortunate. I guess if you make more that 250k a year you should worry. Somehow I doubt any of the people making those statements actually do have that kind of income. I mean you have to be just a little bright to take home 250k a year. If you do make that, I envy you…..I wish I had those kind of issues.
So it’s finally sinking in. I was an undecided registered Republican less than an hour ago. A profound thank you for helping me make up my mind. Thank you to all the irresponsible fear mongers spreading ridicuolus lies. All is not lost, I might end up voting for Palin….in 2012.
The clincher? McCain doesn’t like or use computers and refuses to go on the internet. Talk about out of touch. At least Palin has a Yahoo account.
Then again you probably won’t publish this anyway. Which kind of explains the limited reading material.
16 years ago
Undecided Republican,
Hahahahahaha! You do not fool us. You are clearly a blind Obamatron, I think your lost, you are not on the right blog here. I would like to tell you: Nice try… but I can’t, your underskirt is outrageously showing. Go to bed, maybe a good night sleep will do you well.
“Undecided Republican:” We know about the organized campaign of disinformation you Obamatons are engaged in. It’s nothing new for people who daily traffic in lies and smears.
A word of advice: Next time you do this, don’t make it so OBVIOUS that you are lying.
It’s so transparent.
Maybe you think everyone is as dumb as you are, but I am here to tell you it ain’t so.
See the positive side of it — many good things in life are free, if you have the time and education to enjoy them. For example, you can achieve a lot of things politically if you have the time to campaign… instead of wasting it at work, earning taxes for everyone else but you and yours.
So drop out of the rat race, put your feet up and stretch your hands out ready to receive… 0bama is going to bring you lifelong holidays[1] and cross your palms with free, freshly printed money.
If you really want to beat them… don’t support them, but join them 😀
[1]It won’t last very long, but 4 years off is not too long and just enough of a sabbatical, it’ll make everyone appreciate owning things again too, a bit of poverty has never hurt smart people, but often improved their person and life greatly. Of course if you’re dumb and poor… well, that’s a story that has always had a sad ending, no matter how it’s told.
“And once you go down that road, there is no turning back. Creating a massive new system of entitlements such as Obama has proposed will make an even larger class of persons dependent on the wealth of others for whatever meager existence the government is able to permit with dwindling resources as the creation of new wealth is inhibited.”
I believe that is their *goal*. The politicians (especially the Democrats, but more than a few Republicans as well) have already created a permanent government-supported class which feeds them votes, and now they seek to make it larger and larger. It is a way to permanent power while keeping the trappings of democracy.
Well….let’s see…..38% don’t pay any taxes at all…that’s a hell of a lot when you get right down to it…..wonder how many of that 38% vote? When we had only 49% of the eligible voters voting in the last election, it obviously becomes self-explanatory. The Democrats barely won the midterm elections, although as usual they ‘swept in’ according to the MSM, but if one looks at the results of those midterm elections, practically every race was close; if only a few more had turned out on the Republican side it may have went the other way. We got what we deserved. The Democrats got what they deserved because they turned out, we got what we deserved because we did not.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I have critical issues with these ‘Republicans’ but voting for the devil to spite ones face ain’t going to cut it. You get what your deserve. Yeah, we are going to shoot the goose, but what I think might surprise conservatives is just how many socialists we actually have in this country. Don’t feign surprise, with government policies continuing to increase that 38% and and an outright socialist running on the democratic ticket, we are heading for a fall.
Better work on those ‘undecideds’……forget the rank and file they ain’t going no where….
my friend was at a small store the other night and the conversation with the clerk turned to politics and it was obvious tha tthe clerk was pro obama. so my friend started to ask her questions, she kept peppering her and the clerk had no answers except that he wasn’t a war monger. interesting…. there wasanother customer in there and she started to ask him questions, he also had no answers. so my friend started to educate them, she gave them all sorts of info, she harped at them about not believing the media, everything. she even told them that obama most likelly wasn’t even born in the us. she tuned 2 away from the one, she kept at them for a long time and she swears she turned them. i am so proud of her. thank god they weren’t the violent obama supporters, she would have ended up being smacked with a stick ofr something.
luva: Does these people know that war is much more likely to happen if Obama is elected than if McCain is? Did they hear what Joe Biden said would be a “guaranteed” world crisis to “test” Obama?
Obama has already signaled the green light to terrorists and dictators from North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Colombia (FARC) and Hamas.
I been here 20 minutes and I already learned more about Obama than I have during the entire campaign. He’s a Socialist not a Democrat. My taxes will go up. He is a foreigner, a terrorist and will take my money and assets and re-distribute them as he see’s fit. I also learned the reason the house and senate are Democrat is because of weak turnout by Republicans.
I came here to read about McCain and Palin and their plans for the country. Unfortunately much like all McCain ad’s and speeches everything I read focused on Obama. Not one thing I read mentioned anything McCain will do if he becomes president. Not one. Are you serious? McCain’s don’t-vote-for-obama-because… campaign has been a failure at best. I’m still waiting to hear what he actually has planned. At the very least Obama is saying I’ll do A, B, C and D.
Don’t get me wrong, I like McCain. I think he’s done great work. But his negative campaign and lack of a detailed plan has soured me on the man. OK so I know McCain doesn’t think Obama’s qualified….yet he picks Palin? At 72, we are a cheeseburger away from President Palin. I’m sorry but the thought of that scares the crap out of me. She’s just like us? Hockey Mom? Joe Six-Pack? That’s great but neither you, me, hockey mom or joe six pack are qualified to run this country. She has no business being McCain’s running mate. I suspect it would be McCain on the offensive if he would’ve chosen more wisely. Instead it would be Obama running the negative campaign.
The House and the Senate are Democrat because of weak turnout? I don’t think so. Check the numbers. The reason is people are sick and tired of the fear ticket most republicans run on. Plain and simple. It’s no coincedence that after 8 years of Bush the biggest fears still exist. That’s by design. Since without those fears most Republicans don’t stand a chance. Not to mention scandal after scandal powered by pure greed on the part of the elite.
To say Obama was not born in the US is probably the dumbest thing I read. There must be bigger idiots than I thought running this country to let that one get by them. First he was Arab now he associates with terrorists AND is a foreigner. Are you for real?
I find it hilarious that everyone here is so worried about getting their wealth re-distrubuted to the less fortunate. I guess if you make more that 250k a year you should worry. Somehow I doubt any of the people making those statements actually do have that kind of income. I mean you have to be just a little bright to take home 250k a year. If you do make that, I envy you…..I wish I had those kind of issues.
So it’s finally sinking in. I was an undecided registered Republican less than an hour ago. A profound thank you for helping me make up my mind. Thank you to all the irresponsible fear mongers spreading ridicuolus lies. All is not lost, I might end up voting for Palin….in 2012.
The clincher? McCain doesn’t like or use computers and refuses to go on the internet. Talk about out of touch. At least Palin has a Yahoo account.
Then again you probably won’t publish this anyway. Which kind of explains the limited reading material.
Undecided Republican,
Hahahahahaha! You do not fool us. You are clearly a blind Obamatron, I think your lost, you are not on the right blog here. I would like to tell you: Nice try… but I can’t, your underskirt is outrageously showing. Go to bed, maybe a good night sleep will do you well.
Concern Troll Aisle 6.
The technique on display in #6 is called astroturfing.
UR has the technique down pretty well, but it’s easy to spot if you pay attention.
“Undecided Republican:” We know about the organized campaign of disinformation you Obamatons are engaged in. It’s nothing new for people who daily traffic in lies and smears.
A word of advice: Next time you do this, don’t make it so OBVIOUS that you are lying.
It’s so transparent.
Maybe you think everyone is as dumb as you are, but I am here to tell you it ain’t so.
Now, go back to your ACORN meeting.