LOL The Republican Party has become such a mess that this is now out there on the web
Palin/Hasselbeck 2012
16 years ago
Yeah Richard were a mess, but still the only answer to you wealth sharing tax um to death socialist. What do you do for a living? My guess is that you work for a government agency where you are assured a job. Try being a business owner with all your policies implemented. This country is doomed with your silliness.
Ah, pay no attention to Richard, jainphx… he’s still trying to pull his foot from his rear orifice after his comments over at the illegal investigations of Joe the plumber thread. They’re still looking for him over there to do something other than take a dump on civil liberties. Perhaps even admit he’s incorrect… but then that’s only a demand made of conservatives, not progressive socialists.
But, as Aye Chi noted, he’s just dodging the thread now, “spreading his wealth” of knowledge elsewhere instead…… right. Never seen anything from his that isn’t a regurgitated Obama or media talking point. That’s a problem when we have elections packed with voters who are merely headline/soundbyte educated.
But I can’t blame him. He’s obviously a victim of our public “social and economic justice” school system that Ayers has been slowly introducing via his lectures, workshops done with the help of his “educational intelligentsia” circle of friends. Obviously he (Richard) was never instructed in Civics, and thereby hasn’t got a clue what’s private and public info.
It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.
Me? People like Richard are little more than a gnat in my life. And I’m always armed with a fly swatter.
16 years ago
The people at MSNBC already wear their love for Obama on their armsleeves, so this logo makes perfect sense.
B McGregor
16 years ago
To all of you who think “stereotype”, you’re going to need to get a new argument. I am an Obama supporter who owns a prosperous business with employees, there are millions of us who believe in the Obama policies who are big tax payers.
We are exhausted with all the “isms” being bandied about. Socialism is not defined by a progressive tax policy. Trickle down hasn’t been as effective as we all would have liked. A politician with differing opinions who is supported by Bloomberg, Volkers, Reich, Buffet and scores of other credible economic experts is not a socialist.
McCain has issued the new word of the week: socialist. Correction, Steve Schmidt has issued the new word. Say it often enough and it becomes a real to the low information voter.
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
Bonnie, thanks for posting here-seriously. I personally appreciate it. Your post was well-written and not inflammatory imo. I hope you’ll hang around and share/discuss your views as well as why you believe them.
There are a few things I don’t understand about the Obama tax policy & trickle down/up econmics.
We were told that the top of the financial pyramid was in dire trouble and needed $700bn to save it (plus anothrt $150bn in pork). The effect of not saving them was supposed to trickle down to Americans. Why tax those same business leaders, investors, businesses, etc under Barack Obama? It just seems odd to me that on the one hand we have to give them money, and the other we’re supposed to believe it’s ok and non-effectual to take it from them.
Another thing I don’t understand is how raisingt he capital gains tax at a time when investment is stalled will help INCREASE investment? How’s that work? The cost of investment is up, the yield is down, it’s already risky, so people w money to invest choose to invest in the US because…?
I saw a stat that said the top 5% of the nation pays 40% of the taxes, but brings in 20% of the GDP. Why shouldn’t they pay 20% or 30% instead of more? I mean, isn’t their fair share relative to their share of GDP? And if they’re supposed to pay more because they have more…then aren’t they already?
Where does the tax em slope end? Why at $250 instead of $200k? Why not $1mil? Why not just say, hey we’re in multiple wars and financial crisis, we all have to pay more except those not paying anything (40% of workers)?
16 years ago
B McGregor,
You the owner of a prosperous business? Hahahah! You would not be talking like that, unless you are a socialist yourself. You do not fool me… lol
16 years ago
B McGregor, read this:
… Warren Buffet, an investment genius, is representative of the businessmen who make fortunes within the individualistic framework of capitalism, but are powerfully attracted to the collectivism of the socialistic welfare-state. Like the heavily-armed cavalry dragoon, Mr. Buffet has employed his wealth to harass and pressure – to dragoon – for adoption of crippling economic policies that would push the nation back toward the economic and social disaster of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
… Mr. Buffet’s cohort of socialists who made fortunes within the capitalistic system include George Soros, Jon Corzine, and Robert Rubin. Mr. Soros, like Mr Buffet an investment genius, is said to have spent more than $20 million to support the candidacy of radical left-winger John Kerry and other welfare-state advocates. Messrs. Corzine and Rubin made their millions at the investment banking firm of Goldman Sachs. Mr. Corzine spent several million dollars of his fortune to become a liberal United States Senator from New Jersey and is now that state’s higher-tax-advocate governor. Mr. Rubin, a traditional New York City welfare-state lover, served as President Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury and is now one of the senior officials of Citicorp, the giant banking group. Mr. Rubin recently has authored high-tax-policy studies for the anticipated liberal-socialist election victories in November
Bonnie McGregor, I am unaware of anyone stating, or insinuating “stereotype” here. There are millions of Americans in various states of financial status. However that you are a business owner with employees, and knows others, who feel they wish to pay larger taxes… I’ve got no problem with that.
However unless you like to run your business thru a middle man, I suggest that perhaps you may prefer taking what earnings you wish to give away… along with your friends… and perhaps starting or donating directly to a favored charity. Or perhaps just hand over the cash directly to your neighbor in need, and skip the administrative costs that will inevitably be ciphoned off the top from any charity… and most especially government.
Raising taxes to take care of your neighbor is about as business savvy as purchasing your company supplies thru a middle man, marked up for handling… all union people with pensions, to boot.
The same principle applies.
As far as your overall faith in Obama, it’s easy to post a comment such as yours in response to a just a manuf joke logo. Are you ready to tackle a post with more substance INRE the accounting of Obama’s tax plan? Perhaps you could weigh in on just how you think Obama’s $4.3 trillion of proposed policies are to be raised in this economic trend.
Or, since you’re fatigued of the “isms” since the “isms” haven’t been adequately explained…. Understandable. Heaven knows McCain and Palin haven’t gotten to it. Even most of the media have distorted it with off tangent soundbytes. I hope your mind is open to hear views with more elaboration.
Or how you feel that Obama and Ayers manipulated funding to advance the campaigns of local politicians that would support this educational agenda via the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
This is possibly the only experience even near administrative that Obama possesses, yet so few want to know about it. Especially since the budgetary management by Obama and William Ayers of the total $160 mil resulted in absolutely no educational improvement at all.
But then again, maybe that failure has to be chalked up to insufficient funding because Obama and Ayers funneled only $50 mil of that $160 mil raised to the schools, and the remainder to their shared political allies. Such a wise use of educational funds, don’t you think?
Is there any wonder that Obama doesn’t tout his CAC administrative experience on the campaign trail? Is it any surprise that he dodges any indepth questions on Ayers, other than refer to events Ayers was involved in when he was “eight years old”?
Lastly, I’d absolutely love your input on why you believe modeling the US after the Euro socialist democracy … or, if you prefer to not hear the “S” ism word, the “Europeanization” of America… will result in a success when it has been a historic failure all over Europe?
All in all, I’d say what you do *not* know about Obama could fill a tome. But I’d surely love to see you more curious than you are.
Otherwise, enjoy your success now. For under an Obama/Pelosi/Reid supermajority, it will be shortlived.
Mr. Rubin, a traditional New York City welfare-state lover, served as President Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury and is now one of the senior officials of Citicorp, the giant banking group. Mr. Rubin recently has authored high-tax-policy studies for the anticipated liberal-socialist election victories in November
Rubin is the particular Treasury Sec’y who rewrote the compliance regulations for the CRA in late 1995, in order for Clinton to push thru new bank reporting on redlining… while dodging having to run any significant changes thru a GOP majority Congress coming in Jan 1996. This, of course, was the beginning of the perfect storm of housing and lending events leading to today’s current economic fragility.
After setting the stage for failure in the 21st century for the credit/banking industries, Rubin then went on to help himself at Citigroup. There is still the little matter of his abuse of office and connections between the feds and Enron… as noted even by the very progressive/socialist CommonDreams article.
Needless to say, he’s one of the key figures in many aspects of this… yet he walks about sans investigation.
If Bonnie is a successful business owner then I am the Queen of England.
There’s not a business owner out there anywhere who wants to pay more in taxes.
Hey Bonnie, if you’re still around, how about paying those employees of yours more per hour so that your profits will be lower? They are, after all, the ones who are helping you to be successful. Give them more fruit from their labor.
Better yet Bonnie, since you think it’s such a great idea to pay more then why don’t you tell us about how much EXTRA you sent in to the IRS over the course of your being in business.
I’d be willing to bet that you didn’t even send in one extra dollar.
Very true.
LOL The Republican Party has become such a mess that this is now out there on the web
Palin/Hasselbeck 2012
Yeah Richard were a mess, but still the only answer to you wealth sharing tax um to death socialist. What do you do for a living? My guess is that you work for a government agency where you are assured a job. Try being a business owner with all your policies implemented. This country is doomed with your silliness.
Ah, pay no attention to Richard, jainphx… he’s still trying to pull his foot from his rear orifice after his comments over at the illegal investigations of Joe the plumber thread. They’re still looking for him over there to do something other than take a dump on civil liberties. Perhaps even admit he’s incorrect… but then that’s only a demand made of conservatives, not progressive socialists.
But, as Aye Chi noted, he’s just dodging the thread now, “spreading his wealth” of knowledge elsewhere instead…… right. Never seen anything from his that isn’t a regurgitated Obama or media talking point. That’s a problem when we have elections packed with voters who are merely headline/soundbyte educated.
But I can’t blame him. He’s obviously a victim of our public “social and economic justice” school system that Ayers has been slowly introducing via his lectures, workshops done with the help of his “educational intelligentsia” circle of friends. Obviously he (Richard) was never instructed in Civics, and thereby hasn’t got a clue what’s private and public info.
His comments about the GOP 2012 are not only embarrassingly elementary in content (i.e. the equivalent of a “na na, nanaaaaa na”) but just another tactic from the Alinsky Rules for Radicals/Obama campaign playbook.
Me? People like Richard are little more than a gnat in my life. And I’m always armed with a fly swatter.
The people at MSNBC already wear their love for Obama on their armsleeves, so this logo makes perfect sense.
To all of you who think “stereotype”, you’re going to need to get a new argument. I am an Obama supporter who owns a prosperous business with employees, there are millions of us who believe in the Obama policies who are big tax payers.
We are exhausted with all the “isms” being bandied about. Socialism is not defined by a progressive tax policy. Trickle down hasn’t been as effective as we all would have liked. A politician with differing opinions who is supported by Bloomberg, Volkers, Reich, Buffet and scores of other credible economic experts is not a socialist.
McCain has issued the new word of the week: socialist. Correction, Steve Schmidt has issued the new word. Say it often enough and it becomes a real to the low information voter.
Bonnie, thanks for posting here-seriously. I personally appreciate it. Your post was well-written and not inflammatory imo. I hope you’ll hang around and share/discuss your views as well as why you believe them.
There are a few things I don’t understand about the Obama tax policy & trickle down/up econmics.
We were told that the top of the financial pyramid was in dire trouble and needed $700bn to save it (plus anothrt $150bn in pork). The effect of not saving them was supposed to trickle down to Americans. Why tax those same business leaders, investors, businesses, etc under Barack Obama? It just seems odd to me that on the one hand we have to give them money, and the other we’re supposed to believe it’s ok and non-effectual to take it from them.
Another thing I don’t understand is how raisingt he capital gains tax at a time when investment is stalled will help INCREASE investment? How’s that work? The cost of investment is up, the yield is down, it’s already risky, so people w money to invest choose to invest in the US because…?
I saw a stat that said the top 5% of the nation pays 40% of the taxes, but brings in 20% of the GDP. Why shouldn’t they pay 20% or 30% instead of more? I mean, isn’t their fair share relative to their share of GDP? And if they’re supposed to pay more because they have more…then aren’t they already?
Where does the tax em slope end? Why at $250 instead of $200k? Why not $1mil? Why not just say, hey we’re in multiple wars and financial crisis, we all have to pay more except those not paying anything (40% of workers)?
B McGregor,
You the owner of a prosperous business? Hahahah! You would not be talking like that, unless you are a socialist yourself. You do not fool me… lol
B McGregor, read this:
… Warren Buffet, an investment genius, is representative of the businessmen who make fortunes within the individualistic framework of capitalism, but are powerfully attracted to the collectivism of the socialistic welfare-state. Like the heavily-armed cavalry dragoon, Mr. Buffet has employed his wealth to harass and pressure – to dragoon – for adoption of crippling economic policies that would push the nation back toward the economic and social disaster of President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society.
… Mr. Buffet’s cohort of socialists who made fortunes within the capitalistic system include George Soros, Jon Corzine, and Robert Rubin. Mr. Soros, like Mr Buffet an investment genius, is said to have spent more than $20 million to support the candidacy of radical left-winger John Kerry and other welfare-state advocates. Messrs. Corzine and Rubin made their millions at the investment banking firm of Goldman Sachs. Mr. Corzine spent several million dollars of his fortune to become a liberal United States Senator from New Jersey and is now that state’s higher-tax-advocate governor. Mr. Rubin, a traditional New York City welfare-state lover, served as President Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury and is now one of the senior officials of Citicorp, the giant banking group. Mr. Rubin recently has authored high-tax-policy studies for the anticipated liberal-socialist election victories in November
Bonnie McGregor, I am unaware of anyone stating, or insinuating “stereotype” here. There are millions of Americans in various states of financial status. However that you are a business owner with employees, and knows others, who feel they wish to pay larger taxes… I’ve got no problem with that.
However unless you like to run your business thru a middle man, I suggest that perhaps you may prefer taking what earnings you wish to give away… along with your friends… and perhaps starting or donating directly to a favored charity. Or perhaps just hand over the cash directly to your neighbor in need, and skip the administrative costs that will inevitably be ciphoned off the top from any charity… and most especially government.
Raising taxes to take care of your neighbor is about as business savvy as purchasing your company supplies thru a middle man, marked up for handling… all union people with pensions, to boot.
The same principle applies.
As far as your overall faith in Obama, it’s easy to post a comment such as yours in response to a just a manuf joke logo. Are you ready to tackle a post with more substance INRE the accounting of Obama’s tax plan? Perhaps you could weigh in on just how you think Obama’s $4.3 trillion of proposed policies are to be raised in this economic trend.
Or, since you’re fatigued of the “isms” since the “isms” haven’t been adequately explained…. Understandable. Heaven knows McCain and Palin haven’t gotten to it. Even most of the media have distorted it with off tangent soundbytes. I hope your mind is open to hear views with more elaboration.
In which case, I’d to hear your two cents worth on why the Ayers/Obama relationship is so important in the context of a shared educational agenda founded on “social and economic justice”.
Or how you feel that Obama and Ayers manipulated funding to advance the campaigns of local politicians that would support this educational agenda via the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
This is possibly the only experience even near administrative that Obama possesses, yet so few want to know about it. Especially since the budgetary management by Obama and William Ayers of the total $160 mil resulted in absolutely no educational improvement at all.
But then again, maybe that failure has to be chalked up to insufficient funding because Obama and Ayers funneled only $50 mil of that $160 mil raised to the schools, and the remainder to their shared political allies. Such a wise use of educational funds, don’t you think?
Is there any wonder that Obama doesn’t tout his CAC administrative experience on the campaign trail? Is it any surprise that he dodges any indepth questions on Ayers, other than refer to events Ayers was involved in when he was “eight years old”?
Lastly, I’d absolutely love your input on why you believe modeling the US after the Euro socialist democracy … or, if you prefer to not hear the “S” ism word, the “Europeanization” of America… will result in a success when it has been a historic failure all over Europe?
All in all, I’d say what you do *not* know about Obama could fill a tome. But I’d surely love to see you more curious than you are.
Otherwise, enjoy your success now. For under an Obama/Pelosi/Reid supermajority, it will be shortlived.
Craig… INRE your quotes:
Rubin is the particular Treasury Sec’y who rewrote the compliance regulations for the CRA in late 1995, in order for Clinton to push thru new bank reporting on redlining… while dodging having to run any significant changes thru a GOP majority Congress coming in Jan 1996. This, of course, was the beginning of the perfect storm of housing and lending events leading to today’s current economic fragility.
After setting the stage for failure in the 21st century for the credit/banking industries, Rubin then went on to help himself at Citigroup. There is still the little matter of his abuse of office and connections between the feds and Enron… as noted even by the very progressive/socialist CommonDreams article.
Needless to say, he’s one of the key figures in many aspects of this… yet he walks about sans investigation.
If Bonnie is a successful business owner then I am the Queen of England.
There’s not a business owner out there anywhere who wants to pay more in taxes.
Hey Bonnie, if you’re still around, how about paying those employees of yours more per hour so that your profits will be lower? They are, after all, the ones who are helping you to be successful. Give them more fruit from their labor.
Better yet Bonnie, since you think it’s such a great idea to pay more then why don’t you tell us about how much EXTRA you sent in to the IRS over the course of your being in business.
I’d be willing to bet that you didn’t even send in one extra dollar.