THE VERY “fabric of democracy,” or so Sen. John McCain warned at the final presidential debate, is at stake. “We need to know the full extent of Senator Obama’s relationship with ACORN, [which] is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country,” Mr. McCain said, referring to the liberal group the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Mr. McCain’s hyperbole about ACORN, which has endorsed Mr. Obama, is unwarranted.
The group, whose voter registration drive has helped sign up about 450,000 low-income, minority and young voters this election, has been accused of submitting phony or duplicate registrations. ACORN itself has acknowledged problems, noting that in Nevada “there have been several times over the past ten months that our Las Vegas Quality Control program has identified a canvasser who appears to have knowingly submitted a fake or duplicate application in order to pad his or her hours.” ACORN says it phones those who sign voter registration cards to verify that the applications are valid and flags the questionable registrations for election officials. Most of what are presumed to be fraudulent registrations can be explained as clerical errors; voting officials routinely check registrations against databases, such as driver’s license records, to identify questionable submissions.
If ACORN or any other group has engaged in a scheme to submit phony registrations, by all means that should be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted. What Mr. McCain’s alarmist attack ignores, however, is the enormous gulf between improper voter registration — whether fraudulent or merely erroneous — and actually committing fraud at the ballot box. Evidence of fraudulent voting is scant, though there is always a risk. But there is a far greater risk of citizens entitled to vote being turned away from the polls — and the real threat to the “fabric of democracy” is the McCain campaign’s effort to stir up unfounded suspicions of massive voter fraud, casting unwarranted doubt on the legitimacy of the election.
No, the real threat to the “fabric of democracy” is an in-the-tank MSM that fails to hold one political party and its candidates up to the same level of scrutiny and standards that it subjects the other political party and its candidates to.
It’s certainly not like there aren’t ties between Senator Obama and ACORN that the American voter should know about; or that ACORN hasn’t committed voter registration fraud and voter fraud in the past; nor that the tax-payer-funded “nonpartisan” organization isn’t merely encouraging new voters, but seeking out low-income potential voters, most likely to be welfare recipients and therefore wedded to the nanny-state party, with the intent of turning them into Democratic Party voters.
I suppose ACORN is just another one of those “distractions” from “the issues”.
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
It seems like the idiots at the WAPO have been into the mushrooms again. Or it could be the fact that most of them don’t know their ass from deep center field. Let me give them a shellback initiation from the pre-coed days in the Fleet. It is definitely an attitude adjustment.
You know this may be true. The thing is though that in Ohio, I believe this has been the complaint filed against Brunner. She isn’t going to be allowing voting officials to know which registrations are questionable so they can’t be checked against records.
Its about like the moronic claims of how there is very little in the way of actual voter fraud by illegal voters, because there are so few cases of it. If you don’t have a way to check if they are lying about who they are you’ll never know if fraud is being committed. Its like it being illegal to drive without a driver’s license but cops are forbidden from asking if you have one.
So it’s ok with the Lame Stream Media if ‘out of state’ ACORN workers come to Ohio (or your state), register to vote, and actually vote? That is no longer an assumption but a fact. They got caught (Liberal college graduates) and their votes are now being cancelled. If they caught 13, how many thousands didn’t get caught? The democrat supported anti-american organizations like ACORN have destroyed the ‘voters’ rights in the entire country. I will not be voting for McCain but will be voting against Hussein O and ‘his’ criminal organization ACORN and his other criminal/terrorist business associates and friends. My family already know that I will not be responsible in any way for the installation of a Socialist leaning regime in the Federal government. When the time comes they will know who to look for.
Imagine the shame and disgust the founders would feel for todays American people. We allow a corrupt media to elect a president dedicated to the destruction of the nation and to the federal usurpation of the rights and liberties for which those men risked everything.
I just can’t quite get a grip on the ACORN criminals. We have the brightest of the bright (according to them) from the best liberal colleges ? of today going to states other than their home state to help the ‘uneducated’ register and vote. They themselves register to vote, and vote. When caught they claim they didn’t understand the voting requirements, and the Ohio attorney general refuses to indict and prosecute them for voter fraud. Did the attorney general attend the same liberal college/law school which evidently hands out a lot of paper but provides no education, not even the ability to read? Something stinks in liberal land.
I live in Ohio and I have not heard one word about any arrests or indictments regarding voting fraud. To my knowledge our illustrious governor (D) has not done anything to insure that my vote is not disenfranchised(invalidated) by these crooks.
Brightest of the bright by today’s standard of learning doesn’t mean much.
How can they call him an “Alarmist”, these ppl really know how to down play. Just a few days in the media and they will have turned ACORN into such a joke that ppl wont care.
Bravo nonpartisan media, bravo. Controlling the minds of insipid since 1925. (First synchronized transmission)
That voter registration fraud is just of the tip of the iceberg story. The real story is the Democrats, such as Obama knownly send money to front companies of groups such as ACORN, the same group that’s suppose to be bipartison and accepts government money. Obama filed a FEC claiming that Obama paid over $590,000 (out of the $800K that was sent to the same group) for sound and lighting to the front group Citizen’s Services Inc. CSI does not provide sound and lighting. The group’s filings say CSI, created in 2004, does polling and voter registration. Obama relfiled claiming that CSI was part of ACORN but neither CSI or ACORN do sound and lighting. Obama is not the only person that uses CSI. About a million dollars worth of other money flowed into CSI for polling and voter registration. Being a front, CSI is just in government paperwork. One has to actually know it exists and the only way to know it exists is through government filings or ACORN paperwork. The Democrats already know the names and fronts because it was the Democrats that set up these front organizations. This allows the Democrats to use groups that can get government funding or claim to be non political. Imagine a political group able to use the Catholic church for political gains just by setting up a front company.
The enforcement that the Post talks about always seems to come a day late and a dollar short.
They begin investigating voter fraud AFTER the election when the damage has already been done.
We’ve known all about ACORN for YEARS and still they are receiving federal grant money to continue their fraudulent activities solely on behalf of one candidate? Perhaps the RNC should apply for a grant for a get out the vote campaign. Would that be a fair use of taxpayer money?
from here…
How much money in grants from the federal government is ACORN using to promote Obama?
Back when I was administering grant programs at EPA we had a rule that you were not allowed to use federal funds for political purposes. Has that rule been waived for ACORN?
If so, can Flopping Aces apply for a grant too? Or is partisan political acitivity by federal grant recipients only permitted if the group favors Democrats?