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There is no way on God’s green earth anyone can consider a Hussein O win in Ohio legit. How many more states have had their citizens votes negated by the criminal/socialist left wing democrats?

I understand the left wing anti-americans, aka democrats, in Northern Va have been throwing out military votes from overseas. Guess they learned that from the criminals in Fl. It’s funny the state would leave a required block off the overseas ballots and then throw them out because the voter (5-6 thousand miles away) didn’t add the block to the form and then fill it out. If they had added the block it would have been thrown out because the voter altered the ballot. When did all democrats become criminals or are they all mentally ill?

Maybe I shouldn’t have said all democrats are criminals or mentally ill. Only 99 44/100% of them are.

more then half in my opinion cant tell you why they are. Seems Democrat is inherited and republican is chosen, or at least might as well be considered so.. who inherently wants to be persecuted for their beliefs. LOL just jokin.

Is it my imagination or is most of the states petitioning for early vote states with large acorn ties? Or am i just grasping at straws?

They will have to mobilize the Army to supervise this election. Otherwise, Obama will win with all the fraud that his Obamatrons are doing.


“… Lawyers for the Obama campaign have written U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, asking him to delay any investigations of voter fraud until after the election.”

Read the rest:

Thanks Craig. A larger excerpt:

Lawyers for the Obama campaign have written U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, asking him to delay any investigations of voter fraud until after the election. The Obama campaign’s general counsel, Robert Bauer, says the FBI should instead be investigating those who have lodged complaints of voter registration fraud against groups like ACORN. Bauer contends that concerns about voter registration fraud are “manufactured allegations” being used to intimidate and disenfranchise low-income voters.

It’s clear to anyone who has paid the slightest attention to politics the last few years that this group ACORN is a rotten apple from top to bottom.

It really takes some nerve for a lawyer to suggest that the FBI should instead be investigating the people who are bringing this rampant criminality to our attention.

This is just another example of the “change” in store for us all if the Obama Thugocracy gets the keys to the White House.

Say goodbye to voting rights. Say goodbye to property rights. Say hello to communism in the USA!

The corruption of this Obama Campaign is atrocious (Thanks Craig). “No of course the Obama Campaign has no ties to voter fraud.” they loudly proclaim while nudging judges and saying, “Hey do us a favor and bury this voter fraud thing until after we collect on those fake votes won’t you judge?”

They must think that once the Electorial College announces their decisions, it’s iron clad. After that, it doesn’t matter if those thousands of illegal votes that might put them over the hump are later struck down.

If these were Independents or Republicans they would have already been arrested, charged, and awaiting trial.

would any of you care to write about voter suppression??? which is the real scandal here…
it happened in 2000 it happened in 2004 and it is happening again this election.

Try Montana… from seatlepi.com
In Montana, the Republican Party challenged the registrations of thousands of legitimate voters based on change-of-address information available from the Post Office. These specious challenges were made — surprise, surprise — in Democratic districts. Answering the challenges would have been a wholly unnecessary hardship for the voters, many of whom were students or members of the armed forces.

In the face of widespread public criticism (even the Republic lieutenant governor weighed in), the party backed off.

it’s also happening in Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and more…

not to mention the voting machine BS that is already happening in early elections…

Sure RAP;
Why don’t you start with the voter suppression of Hillary delegates at the DNC caucus’s by Obama’s thuggies?

How about the voter suppression during that 2000 recount when the Dems tried to exclude American military absentee votes?

How about Dems trying to do the same in the 2004 election?

Why don’t you talk about how Acorn posts people outside of the voting precincts pretending to be poll workers, shoving Democrat pamphlets into people’s hands, polling white voters to ask who they are going to vote for, then demanding to see their voter registration cards, before lying to people and telling them they are at the wrong polling place? This when the polling place address is clearly printed on the damn card? I saw them try to pull this crap myself in the 1980’s & 1990’s in Nevada. In one case they pulled this on an elderly couple. We interjected, asked the couple what was printed on their card and confirmed they were indeed at the right place. The During the 1996 General Election, they tried to pull the same thing on my family.

I imagine you have nothing to say to that but to flash us a sh!t-eating grin RAP. You are so full of crap it’s not funny.

In Nevada (and several other states we’ve found), those voting machines that do not provide a paper trail, were used to replace the ones we had by Harry Reid and the Democrats of our state.

Or are you only interested in the voter suppression of Acorn registrated illegal and fraudulent voters like; Mickey Mouse, Jive Turkey, the Dallas Cowboys in Clark County, NV, and the same person using the same address, but different social security & driver’s liscense numbers, dates of birth, etceteras to register multiple times in hopes of voting numerous times to negate the votes of others? The suppression of transient Acorn workers who are trying to vote in more than one state. And the suppression of voters who are dead, underage, and illegal aliens?

How about the voter suppression of the elderly by Acorn reps calling nursing homes and telling the patients they are too old to vote.

How about the voter suppression of blacks in the South by Southern Democrats which resulted in the creation of the HAVA Act? Obviously you don’t feel it necessary to actually read anything concerning voter laws.

If it were not for the illegal voting fraud attempts being supported by the DNC, there would be no reason to subject voter registration to higher scrutiny.

And guess what RAP? When a voter’s registration is challenged, be it by Republican or Democrat, all the individual has to do is present valid ID to be reinstated.

Voter suppression claims by Democrats are extremely inflated and unsubstantiated. They use the lies like you do to try to convince lower income voters that Republicans are engaged in systematic ways to prevent them from making their votes count, when it is actually the Democrats that have a true history of voter fraud and suppressing votes.

Voter suppression? How about all the votes from Chicago’s Dead Voters Society that cancels out my vote in every Federal election, or the votes that were suppressed by Kerry’s campaign in Milwaukee when they slashed the tires of the vans the Republicans were going to use to take voters to the polls, or St. Louis and Kansas City illegally allowing the polls to stay open hours past the deadline to get Carnahan’s wife elected, then of course lets not forget Gore fast tracking, without the proper paper work, millions of aliens in time for Clinton’s last election and again for his run for the presidency or calling the election an hour early in Florida in 2000 where an estimated 9,000 to 14,000 Republicans didn’t go to the polls because they thought Gore won Florida. How many votes did that cancel or suppress?

No, the democrats whine and scream voter suppression every time an attempt is made to clean up the voter rolls.

BTW, ACORN blitzed the lefty sites with this trumped up issue a week ago, and the lefty blogs dutifully blasted it out and now you dutifully pass it along, getting a bit slow RAP aka ACORN propagandist.

this has got to be the most crooked election cycle ever. this nation is going to be the laughing stock of the world because of all the bullshit associated with this. i really hate this.

The Dems did their best after Florida 2000 to find a single voter who was wrongfully denied the opportunity to vote. They failed to find EVEN ONE.

The real problem here is not voter suppression, but vote nullification. Every vote cast by fraud nullifies that of an actual voter.

And I imagine it would be quite difficult to find many, if any, Democrats who are out there expressing a concern about that!