Fred talks for over 12 minutes on what a Obama presidency will do to this nation…well worth the time to watch the whole thing:
Man o’ man I wish this guy was our candidate.
Select quotes:
Senator Obama and his campaign see a historic opportunity, a political opportunity. They know that in times of fear and uncertainty the promise of a safe haven is well received. But there is no sanctuary in what they offer. Their haven is the same tired old refuge of liberalism. The federal government. And the candidate, the least experienced, the most liberal in two generations, represents the last gasp of imposing the failed 1960’s radical leftist agenda that could never succeed in normal times.
Now let me make it as plain as I know how. Senator Obama is elected President with a Democrat majority in both the House and Senate, this country will make a dramatic shift to the left such as we have never seen before. Senator Obama and the Democrat congress will be unrestrained, and unrepentant at making our country, as never before, more divided, more dependent, on a dramatically larger and intrusive federal government.
Another good quote:
Are we really expected to believe that the spending needs of the most liberal government in American history in control of all three branches will be satisfied by only raising revenue on the top 5% of American taxpayers?
I think we’ve heard this tune before. Back when Bill Clinton campaigned on a middle-class taxcut and when elected imposed a middle-class tax increase.

See author page
As the guys at IMAO said when he dropped out of the race, “one day America will be cool enough to have Fred Thompson as President.”
Fred’s the man.
Standing ovation for Fred Thompson!
“A Republic, madam, if you can hold on to it!”
– Benjamin Franklin, responding to a lady in a crowd, who, at the close of the Constitutional Convention, called out, “Mr. Franklin! What kind of a government have you given us?!”
– Sept. 17, 1787
I was always a Fred Head and was very disappoited when he got out of the race.
You go Fred
Ha, Curt, you beat me to it…I was going to post this video, too, but glad you did because mine would have been a link only (haven’t figured out the posting a video thing yet)! I watched it this morning, and it’s good for those of us former FredHeads who needed a “Fred Fix”. And, Jeri was on fire last night on Hannity & Colmes, too. Put Allan in his place, I’d say. I’d like to see both of them in a McCain Administration! Atleast Fred, since Jeri has to take care of the kids, I’m sure, but I’d love to continue to see more of the Thompson family in the near future.
The Republican party missed the boat, too damn bad. I will be posting this
This great video should be in the “Feature Post” section up there in the right column of this FA site. Everyone should see this video.
[The Republican party missed the boat, too damn bad.] by sarge charlie.
?? Sorry, sarge, I think you’ve jumped way ahead of yourself! And, you very much have underestimated the American people in general. There are many who do not favor Obama, including Democrats and Independents, as well as Republicans. Most people are not swayed by the Left, and the Leftist media’s hype. So, not sure what you mean exactly.
I was pulling for Fred in the NV caucus. Videos like this, and his convention speech, are bittersweet reminders of what I hoped would be.
Nothing to add. Great speech there Fred.
I love Fred Thompson, both as an actor and as a politician (and probably would as a president). He was my first choice in the beginning. To me, he kinda gives off the Reagan vibe, I dunno.
And I love how in this video he’s reverberating the Madisonian belief that an executive and a legislative branch of the same party would only lead to a “mobocracy”. A policy decision will be much more stable if the president and the Congress were of different parties because each side would fight in order to compromise.
All in all, I just love this guy. =)