loved the subtitles, and it is just catchy enought that the liberals will love it. are they all freakin crazy or what? do they know what the hell they ar trying to do to this nation? i love the national anthem as it is, it is beautiful and gives me goose bumps.
Bronze: You’re going to have to embrace the change… otherwise you risk being sent to a government re-education facility.
An Obama Administration would usher in a freak show of anti-Americanism and it will be forced down our throat.
16 years ago
But if Obama is elected we are going to have to get used to “change” aren’t we?
One answer for that, Mike:
I would NEVER let some inexperienced prick change an anthem that displays our proud American spirits, change everything our forefathers fought long and hard for, and just defile everything with his mere presence! I’m not being racist, I’m taking a shot at his character and his pompousness. This is America. I’m proud of it just the way it is.
Bronze: You’re going to have to embrace the change… otherwise you risk being sent to a government re-education facility.
An Obama Administration would usher in a freak show of anti-Americanism and it will be forced down our throat.
From my cold, dead hands…
16 years ago
I am going nuts with all that BS. Tell me how is it possible for a proud American to vote for Obama? Could it be that all Obama’s junkies are foreigners? I mean from recent mass immigration? Like immigrants from countries who don’t care about freedom, pride and democracy, because they don’t know what they are? They have never experience it before; or maybe they come from dictatorships or socialist/communist countries?
I can not believe that people like Unfit Unfit, Real American Hater and Voter Erika are just normal Americans. It is impossible that they hate their country so much, that they want to give it away to a socialist/communist bum who hangs around with terrorists, crooks and American haters. Please someone, help me understand what is happening in your country.
16 years ago
That is our problem; Cult leaders may or may not be OF this country, but they are more interested in themselves, not in being proud Americans. It helps to know how cult leaders are made.
A number of individuals in this country, never grow out of their teenage rebellious stage. They carry a grudge against anyone and anything they consider conforming and normal. They got it into their heads that rebellion, disdain for authority, standard values, and morality is being “Cool”. They don’t see that this is one of the few countries where you can act that way and not be imprisoned, yet they don’t even respect what makes their non-conformity possible. Our freedom, liberty, and rights. Not only do they not respect these values, they speak out in support of eliminating them. They are their own paradox. That’s why it’s so hard to understand.
It may start with local grass roots public soapbox style speeches at campuses where they can prey on the young and gullible. People see them and wonder what’s going on and stop to listen to their tripe. Many move on. Some who stay are entranced by these snake-oil salesmen, become enamored, and lost in the words. Others see an opportunity that they might also benefit from. They draw their initial groupies, from people who become in awe of what they mistake for bravado. They prey on young people in their high school and college ages, some raised in homes where morality and family values were important. To them, these non-conformists are something new and exciting they’ve never been exposed to before. It doesn’t matter what is said, as long as it’s done loudly and with conviction. The rubes may even comprehend the message or confuse BS with platitudes. The non-conformist feels power in their acceptance. They are finally “somebody”, a self-made person. They start forming their cult. Non-conformist leaders may unite with other non-conformists. Many of these group leaders share similar views.
The leaders now must decide what to do with their power and look for a plan.
If you are already wealthy and powerful enough, you can bypass this street work, like George Soros. You look for viable recruits entice them with promises of wealth, power, and fame, then provided a purpose. George uses socialism. George Soros was not born in American, but in Budapest, Hungary. His bio says in 1947, he fled the Soviet Union Communist occupation of Hungary and arrived in England. He then went on to study at the London School of Economics and graduated in 1952. Soros then emigrated and settled in in the United States of America in 1956. Reading his bios, one would think he would be against socialism.
Once a plan is decided, they rarely reveal them or true motivations for fear they will lose followers and power. The cult becomes a movement as they re-organize, develop a charter, and “causes” devised to seduce more followers. It just keeps snowballing from there. This is similar to what happened with Patty Hearst with the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was a wealthy debutant who was at first kidnapped for ransom, then she got sucked into the cult’s dogma and became an operative.
The rank and file followers don’t hate their country. They just are blind to what’s really going on. They see a charismatic person telling them what they want to hear and don’t bother going any further.
16 years ago
When Glenn Beck played this on his show, M Obama was in the green room prepping for another show. Courious thing, A week later Glenn of off air at CNN. He was the ONLY show I watched over there. Shure is change on the wrong direction.
Steve Rowland
16 years ago
Craig: They cannot, it’s that simple. People, however, are like lemmings.
I wonder though, right now the ‘undecided’ voters hold sway. Will the pollsters be confounded again on election night when, hopefully, some of those lemmings come to their senses and
McCain wins running away?
The song was written by Glenn Beck and/or his writers.
When he got ready to have it produced he couldn’t find anyone willing to sing it for him because the professional voice talents were all Obama supporters.
He actually had to get a relative of a staff member to perform the song.
My favorite part is the “Hope for the change of the hope of the change.”
That sums up the Obama campaign just perfectly.
16 years ago
The national anthem is just the beginning. Think of the national holidays, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. They will be gone. We know so little about Hussein O. Everything is so secret, but if only half of what we know is true then I cringe at the thought of him as president. The extent to which people have been propagandized is unbelievable.
Speaking of holidays…. what do you think will happen to July 4th?
If they keep it, they’ll add compulsory “history lessons” on the evils of slavery and what the white man did to the native Americans.
No more military parades… instead they’ll let Code Pink members waddle down main street shouting obscenities.
16 years ago
I loved the Soviet Subtitles popping in there in yellow just before the English subtitles.
Speaking of the National Anthem; Did any of you catch this story of a black woman who was supposed to sing the National Anthem before a Denver Mayor’s speech and instead decided to sing the “Black Anthem”?
Speaking of the National Anthem; Did any of you catch this story of a black woman who was supposed to sing the National Anthem before a Denver Mayor’s speech and instead decided to sing the “Black Anthem”?
See that’s the BS i don’t like, disrespect to the country you call home. I wish we could deport these types of people. Clearly they don’t want to be here half the time. Lets pop them where they want to go, and watch them cry to come back with in the month. Somehow i bet this furthers this womans career.
Here where i live at St. Johns College, their is a Muslim girl on the basketball team, during the National Anthem she would turn her back on the flag. She did this in all the games, until a man showed with a flag walked onto the court opened the flag in front of her and said “You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to salute it…but YOU DON’T TURN YOUR BACK TO IT”. They arrested him, and he went quietly with a smile on his face.
Job well done.
16 years ago
Like most people, I would guess, my first reaction is that this must be a joke…a Scrappleface moment. Buy given the limitless arrogance of the left and its Manchurian Candidate, I have to say that nothing would be all that surprising. But should the MSM and voter fraud actually manage to put him/them in power, at least this would be a genuine foretaste of what the nation had better be prepared for. Stock up on your guns and ammunition now…before they become illegal.
16 years ago
But should the MSM and voter fraud actually manage to put him/them in power, at least this would be a genuine foretaste of what the nation had better be prepared for.
He wins their will be nothing to prepare for. I feel their will never be any semblance of legitimacy in the presidential race ever again. Dems/new party will police our very thoughts. (In example Repubs more or less are the majority on the radio, liberal/Dem TV, they are talking about counter balancing FM radio with 1 lib/dem per 1 repub)
If Obama is in the white house and most of the representatives being Dem. Repubs will never get another bill passed ever again. Also more then likely he will restaff the white house cabinet to what he calls “the color the future of america will be.” I think we all understand what that means.
16 years ago
>>You’re going to have to embrace the change… otherwise you risk being sent to a government re-education facility.>>
Now…I’ve wondered about this. Who’s going to put them there and enforce security? Is there any point at which police and military forces are likely to reverse the direction they point their guns? Will they initiate their own draft that will be outside of the military? US Military is not permitted to take action within the US without specific permission of the Governor of the state…change the law?
I remember one of those stories about President Jackson (I think) and a SC decision he didn’t like…”They’ve made their decision – now let them enforce it”
16 years ago
To be honest if that ever happened, forced “reeducation” that would be the only real civil war. Sheep Vs Shepherds. That would be bloody, the sheep will come like sacrificial pawns on a chess board. Shepherds being those against “reeducation.” Sounds like an interesting idea for a political satire scifi story.
True American
16 years ago
Hey Buckeye, are you aware that only Thanksgiving is a “national” holiday, whereas Christmas and Easter are international holidays (it means they are celebrated in other countries too). Why don’t you educate yourself and get rid of that “non-anti-american” “red-neck” image. Don’t worry education is nothing to fear, it merely allows the mind to have the ability to THINK for itself.
This whole post is a riot and the fact that people are actually eating it up just shows the “lemming” mentality of some so called Americans.
Thanks for the correction bronze. Grammar has never been my strong point. Though you have sullied your character for pointing out a grammatical error. Really was no point for doing that. Other then trying to “hurt” or “offend” me. Or even undermine what I’ve said, though really I’ve said nothing of actual merit that needed undermining.
My apologies though if I’m reading to far into your correction.
Da_Hutt#8… I was wondering why I kept seeing Lou Dobbs in Glenn’s spot. Went to his personal site and it says he’ll be moving to FOX at the beginning of next year. And in the meantime, his CNN show has come to an end.
Anyone got the skinny as to why? Haven’t heard anything myself.
He will also have a bit more freedom to do what he does over there. CNN was stifling him and preventing him from covering things the way he wanted to cover them.
He said on his show that he felt that Fox would be a better fit for him.
This got me going on how I despised this hypenated-American nonsense… which in turn set Wordsmith off on his now infamous post, Hammering out sparks from the anvil.
Not many remember Ms. Marie… glad you did.
16 years ago
Thanks for your answer. I understand better, but I am not less discouraged. All I can hope for is for is that those idiots don’t show-up on Election Day. Maybe they will be too intoxicated with drug and alcohol to vote. Let’s hope!
He said this morning on his show that dropping a show immediately is the normal way of doing things in TV. I don’t know for sure.
I would imagine that the folks at CNN were more than just a tad bit miffed at him for leaving. His show was one of the biggest ratings draws that they had.
I’m not sure when his contract was supposed to end.
loved the subtitles, and it is just catchy enought that the liberals will love it. are they all freakin crazy or what? do they know what the hell they ar trying to do to this nation? i love the national anthem as it is, it is beautiful and gives me goose bumps.
Mike, this is the only version that needs to be sung.
Bronze: You’re going to have to embrace the change… otherwise you risk being sent to a government re-education facility.
An Obama Administration would usher in a freak show of anti-Americanism and it will be forced down our throat.
One answer for that, Mike:
I would NEVER let some inexperienced prick change an anthem that displays our proud American spirits, change everything our forefathers fought long and hard for, and just defile everything with his mere presence! I’m not being racist, I’m taking a shot at his character and his pompousness. This is America. I’m proud of it just the way it is.
From my cold, dead hands…
I am going nuts with all that BS. Tell me how is it possible for a proud American to vote for Obama? Could it be that all Obama’s junkies are foreigners? I mean from recent mass immigration? Like immigrants from countries who don’t care about freedom, pride and democracy, because they don’t know what they are? They have never experience it before; or maybe they come from dictatorships or socialist/communist countries?
I can not believe that people like Unfit Unfit, Real American Hater and Voter Erika are just normal Americans. It is impossible that they hate their country so much, that they want to give it away to a socialist/communist bum who hangs around with terrorists, crooks and American haters. Please someone, help me understand what is happening in your country.
That is our problem; Cult leaders may or may not be OF this country, but they are more interested in themselves, not in being proud Americans. It helps to know how cult leaders are made.
A number of individuals in this country, never grow out of their teenage rebellious stage. They carry a grudge against anyone and anything they consider conforming and normal. They got it into their heads that rebellion, disdain for authority, standard values, and morality is being “Cool”. They don’t see that this is one of the few countries where you can act that way and not be imprisoned, yet they don’t even respect what makes their non-conformity possible. Our freedom, liberty, and rights. Not only do they not respect these values, they speak out in support of eliminating them. They are their own paradox. That’s why it’s so hard to understand.
It may start with local grass roots public soapbox style speeches at campuses where they can prey on the young and gullible. People see them and wonder what’s going on and stop to listen to their tripe. Many move on. Some who stay are entranced by these snake-oil salesmen, become enamored, and lost in the words. Others see an opportunity that they might also benefit from. They draw their initial groupies, from people who become in awe of what they mistake for bravado. They prey on young people in their high school and college ages, some raised in homes where morality and family values were important. To them, these non-conformists are something new and exciting they’ve never been exposed to before. It doesn’t matter what is said, as long as it’s done loudly and with conviction. The rubes may even comprehend the message or confuse BS with platitudes. The non-conformist feels power in their acceptance. They are finally “somebody”, a self-made person. They start forming their cult. Non-conformist leaders may unite with other non-conformists. Many of these group leaders share similar views.
The leaders now must decide what to do with their power and look for a plan.
If you are already wealthy and powerful enough, you can bypass this street work, like George Soros. You look for viable recruits entice them with promises of wealth, power, and fame, then provided a purpose. George uses socialism. George Soros was not born in American, but in Budapest, Hungary. His bio says in 1947, he fled the Soviet Union Communist occupation of Hungary and arrived in England. He then went on to study at the London School of Economics and graduated in 1952. Soros then emigrated and settled in in the United States of America in 1956. Reading his bios, one would think he would be against socialism.
Once a plan is decided, they rarely reveal them or true motivations for fear they will lose followers and power. The cult becomes a movement as they re-organize, develop a charter, and “causes” devised to seduce more followers. It just keeps snowballing from there. This is similar to what happened with Patty Hearst with the Symbionese Liberation Army. She was a wealthy debutant who was at first kidnapped for ransom, then she got sucked into the cult’s dogma and became an operative.
The rank and file followers don’t hate their country. They just are blind to what’s really going on. They see a charismatic person telling them what they want to hear and don’t bother going any further.
When Glenn Beck played this on his show, M Obama was in the green room prepping for another show. Courious thing, A week later Glenn of off air at CNN. He was the ONLY show I watched over there. Shure is change on the wrong direction.
Craig: They cannot, it’s that simple. People, however, are like lemmings.
I wonder though, right now the ‘undecided’ voters hold sway. Will the pollsters be confounded again on election night when, hopefully, some of those lemmings come to their senses and
McCain wins running away?
Otherwise it’s over the cliff……..
Please tell me this is a joke.
@Hard Right:
Yes, it’s a joke.
The song was written by Glenn Beck and/or his writers.
When he got ready to have it produced he couldn’t find anyone willing to sing it for him because the professional voice talents were all Obama supporters.
He actually had to get a relative of a staff member to perform the song.
My favorite part is the “Hope for the change of the hope of the change.”
That sums up the Obama campaign just perfectly.
The national anthem is just the beginning. Think of the national holidays, Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter. They will be gone. We know so little about Hussein O. Everything is so secret, but if only half of what we know is true then I cringe at the thought of him as president. The extent to which people have been propagandized is unbelievable.
Speaking of holidays…. what do you think will happen to July 4th?
If they keep it, they’ll add compulsory “history lessons” on the evils of slavery and what the white man did to the native Americans.
No more military parades… instead they’ll let Code Pink members waddle down main street shouting obscenities.
I loved the Soviet Subtitles popping in there in yellow just before the English subtitles.
Speaking of the National Anthem; Did any of you catch this story of a black woman who was supposed to sing the National Anthem before a Denver Mayor’s speech and instead decided to sing the “Black Anthem”?
I suspect that is the one the Obamanations would rather replace ours with.
Whew. Thanks AC. I’m at work and can’t see the video.
See that’s the BS i don’t like, disrespect to the country you call home. I wish we could deport these types of people. Clearly they don’t want to be here half the time. Lets pop them where they want to go, and watch them cry to come back with in the month. Somehow i bet this furthers this womans career.
Here where i live at St. Johns College, their is a Muslim girl on the basketball team, during the National Anthem she would turn her back on the flag. She did this in all the games, until a man showed with a flag walked onto the court opened the flag in front of her and said “You don’t have to like it, you don’t have to salute it…but YOU DON’T TURN YOUR BACK TO IT”. They arrested him, and he went quietly with a smile on his face.
Job well done.
Like most people, I would guess, my first reaction is that this must be a joke…a Scrappleface moment. Buy given the limitless arrogance of the left and its Manchurian Candidate, I have to say that nothing would be all that surprising. But should the MSM and voter fraud actually manage to put him/them in power, at least this would be a genuine foretaste of what the nation had better be prepared for. Stock up on your guns and ammunition now…before they become illegal.
He wins their will be nothing to prepare for. I feel their will never be any semblance of legitimacy in the presidential race ever again. Dems/new party will police our very thoughts. (In example Repubs more or less are the majority on the radio, liberal/Dem TV, they are talking about counter balancing FM radio with 1 lib/dem per 1 repub)
If Obama is in the white house and most of the representatives being Dem. Repubs will never get another bill passed ever again. Also more then likely he will restaff the white house cabinet to what he calls “the color the future of america will be.” I think we all understand what that means.
>>You’re going to have to embrace the change… otherwise you risk being sent to a government re-education facility.>>
Now…I’ve wondered about this. Who’s going to put them there and enforce security? Is there any point at which police and military forces are likely to reverse the direction they point their guns? Will they initiate their own draft that will be outside of the military? US Military is not permitted to take action within the US without specific permission of the Governor of the state…change the law?
I remember one of those stories about President Jackson (I think) and a SC decision he didn’t like…”They’ve made their decision – now let them enforce it”
To be honest if that ever happened, forced “reeducation” that would be the only real civil war. Sheep Vs Shepherds. That would be bloody, the sheep will come like sacrificial pawns on a chess board. Shepherds being those against “reeducation.” Sounds like an interesting idea for a political satire scifi story.
Hey Buckeye, are you aware that only Thanksgiving is a “national” holiday, whereas Christmas and Easter are international holidays (it means they are celebrated in other countries too). Why don’t you educate yourself and get rid of that “non-anti-american” “red-neck” image. Don’t worry education is nothing to fear, it merely allows the mind to have the ability to THINK for itself.
This whole post is a riot and the fact that people are actually eating it up just shows the “lemming” mentality of some so called Americans.
There (not “their”), I fixed it for you.
Here’s a little cheat-sheet for you.
Thanks for the correction bronze. Grammar has never been my strong point. Though you have sullied your character for pointing out a grammatical error. Really was no point for doing that. Other then trying to “hurt” or “offend” me. Or even undermine what I’ve said, though really I’ve said nothing of actual merit that needed undermining.
My apologies though if I’m reading to far into your correction.
Yes, you are.
Da_Hutt#8… I was wondering why I kept seeing Lou Dobbs in Glenn’s spot. Went to his personal site and it says he’ll be moving to FOX at the beginning of next year. And in the meantime, his CNN show has come to an end.
Anyone got the skinny as to why? Haven’t heard anything myself.
Glenn got a more lucrative offer from Fox.
He will also have a bit more freedom to do what he does over there. CNN was stifling him and preventing him from covering things the way he wanted to cover them.
He said on his show that he felt that Fox would be a better fit for him.
RockyB and Custer, I posted on Rene Marie’s “anthem” surprise back on July 2nd in my post, When You’re Black First and American Second.
This got me going on how I despised this hypenated-American nonsense… which in turn set Wordsmith off on his now infamous post, Hammering out sparks from the anvil.
Not many remember Ms. Marie… glad you did.
Thanks for your answer. I understand better, but I am not less discouraged. All I can hope for is for is that those idiots don’t show-up on Election Day. Maybe they will be too intoxicated with drug and alcohol to vote. Let’s hope!
Understandable, Aye… but why did CNN just immediately drop the show instead of letting it play out for the rest of the contract season?
Or was his contract already up? Seems rather abrupt.
He said this morning on his show that dropping a show immediately is the normal way of doing things in TV. I don’t know for sure.
I would imagine that the folks at CNN were more than just a tad bit miffed at him for leaving. His show was one of the biggest ratings draws that they had.
I’m not sure when his contract was supposed to end.
You can thank Glenn Beck for this 🙂 Thanks Glenn, you brought a smile to my face!!!!
Thanks Mata;
That was before I found this site, so I didn’t know it had already been covered.