Amazing. He had a chance for party unity by picking Hillary Clinton as his nominee, and he didn’t; ie, unity is not first and foremost in his agenda. He says he’s about equal rights for women, then he pays the women who work for him in the senate and on his campaign less than he pays the men.
Now, Governor Sarah Palin is calling him on it.
“Out on the stump he talks a good game about equal pay for equal work, but according to the Senate pay roll records women on his own staff get just 83 cents for every dollar that the men get,” Palin said of Obama. “That’s 9,000 dollars less every year that he pays the guys. Does he think that the women aren’t working as hard? Does he think that they are 17 percent less productive?”
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
paty unity?
oh thanks marble. corrected. excuse: dog ran away in hot pursuit of evil bunny wabbit
note to self: don’t hit SAVE in moments of chaos. It messis up da spel ling
Actually that would be just his senate staff not his campaign staff. The senate staff are paid equally but not as many have senior positions.
Flail, baby, flail!
@Fit fit:
Aren’t your arms tired?
You always have an excuse and never a reason Nit Wit.
And we should point out that in McCain’s Senate office women get $1.04 for every $1 a man earns.
obama is a ratard. we must have issues with women because of the abandonment of his mother. think about it, he hates his gramma, hates plain, hates women. i really think a good thereapist would have a field day with his bullshit.
” i really think a good thereapist would have a field day with his bullshit.” The thereapist suicide rate would skyrocket if they tried to figure out the mind of a Marxist/Socialist/Islamist with a middle name you are banned from using, and a terrorists family background that would make Hitler proud.
A man running for POTUS who the American people know less about than they do about any other person on earth. That is the hero of the left. The only thing I really know about him is his lifelong association with the anti-american/ hate America crowd, his Islamic/Socialist education, and he is the biggest outright liar to hit the scene in my 68 years on earth, bar none.
Democrat women hate Sarah Palin because she is so much prettier than any of them (look at Botox Peeeeloshi, the pug Madam Not To Bright and bulldog Reno for proof, sorry for the insult to dogs with the comparison), smarter than any of them, and has accomplished more than any of them will ever accomplish.
Sarah is better looking than Tina Fey also, that is why she didn’t want to appear next to her on SNL. Nancy Pelosi is ugly to the bone.
Can’t we all just loathe one another equally?
“Spread the wealth around”, my ass. This guy’s as sexist as they come.
@fester: We are. Democrats are stepping up their game, and so are we. =)
Palin isn’t that pretty, folks. Get over yourselves already! Yes, Nancy Pelosi and Janet Reno are ugly. But, hey, so is Bush Sr.’s wife, but no one made a big to-do about her looks when he was running. And Hillary was way prettier than her when Bill was elected. Good grief, this whole discussion is so stupid…
I don’t care what Palin looks like. I don’t care if she wears billion dollar suits and donates them to some charity (whatever good that does anyone) afterwards. I just think she’s a self-serving hate-monger and doesn’t have the ability to be in the Executive office. No leader respects her in the rest of the world – and yet these are the people that we are indebted to thanks to our huge defecit, these are the people that we trade with, and who we need to have as allies, whether we like it or not. That’s reality. It doesn’t feed our cowboy fantasies, but that’s reality. Hockey moms with their sons killed in war and no health insurance aren’t going to be happier in the long run. Plain common sense.
Why don’t they interview Obama’s female staffers to ask them how they feel? Given all the reporting about Obama’s closest advisor being a woman and that he gives his wife a voice in the campaign, it seems really unlikely that he just doesn’t respect women. Why do people try to hide behind all of these nonsense issues instead of just debating the tougher stuff – how does each candidate REALLY feel about abortion rights, mortgage bailouts, taxes, etc. Not just the one line headliners, but the whole package?
Arnold wants to put some meat on Obama’s skinny legs and scrawny ideas.