I hope Biden is wrong… as the ship of state was sinking, Obama would still be stuttering, “Uh.. uh… we need to look at this.”
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
“Pres Obama! American ships are under attack from small boats in the Persian Gulf! What are your orders?” OBAMA: “PRESENT!”
I used to like Joe the six term senator Biden. Now he’s proving to be so inept, ignorant, and gaffe-ridden that the press barely even covers him anymore.
For me, the important part of this story is that after he made the comments about the crisis, he said that he and Obama will handle it in a way that their supporters (primarily Democrats) will not like, will not agree with, and they will suffer in the polls. Shouldn’t that be a red flag reminder to all those who believed the foreign policy lies and voted for Democrats in 2006? It is for me. CLEARLY, Obama/Biden do not plan to fulfill their foreign policy expectations. That is exactly what Biden is saying.
…but…Obama sure can read a teleprompter, and he looks so SO cool in Rolling Stone!
BTW, there’s going to be challenges in the next 4 years, but let’s face it…only a moron would dare to try and test John McCain’s mettle. The man is a deterrent to tests, not an encouragement.
16 years ago
I read this AM that Hamas has a letter of congratulations ready for Hussein O when he wins on the 4th. They also have a list of things he can do to put the USA in a better lite in the ME.
BTW I don’t think that was a gaffe by Joe B. He was right on in his comments about what is in store for us if BHO wins.
16 years ago
Is Biden wearing a mouth gaurd in that picture or did Barry shove a bar of Ivory soap in there to try to shut him up while he went to visit his white grammy. The same grandma who he couldn’t take the time out from his campaign to visit while she in serious condition at the hospital?
As Obama is fond of saying, “Number 2”; Wrong reason for Biden to be bringing this up is the polls have been overwhelmingly in McCain’s favor with America’s belief that McCain would be stronger against her enemies. The Dems tried and failed to equate Palin with Quayle, but that’s because they were critically examining the wrong ticket all along.
Maybe there will be an “O” movie, say five years from now, but doesn’t look like it will be a serious docu-drama of an Obama presidency but as an “also ran” spoof of this general election. I can see it now… Here’s how I would cast it:
Working Title: “How To Lose An Election While Trying To Fix A Win”
– Will Smith as would-be socialist presidential candidate Barry Hussein Obama
– Whoopie Goldberg as the clueless but snide and nasty anti-white, militant, female, Black Panther wanna be Michelle
– Leslie Nielson as the fumbling malapproprioat Joe Biden
– ? (A pity Redd Foxx died) as racist Reverend Wright
– Dustin Hoffman as William Ayers
– Dabney Coleman as Tony Rezko
– Nathan Lane (I liked Letterman’s Budd Melman better, but he’s dead too) as gay legislater Barney Frank
– Al Franken as idiot Left Wing-nut Al Franken
– Joan Rivers as hidden agenda proponant Nancy Pelosi
– Crispin Glover as Pelosi’s partner in crime Harry Reid
– William Shatner as Chris Dodd
– Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton
– Gary Bussy as skirt-chaser Bill Clinton
– James Earl Jones as Pseudo Republican turncoat Colin Powell
– The Chipmunks, Chip and Dale as fumbling Acorn “get out the (Obama) vote” employees
– McCain will cameo as wisecracking himself after retiring from politics and handing the baton over to President Palin (Who America discovers was more capable and successful Reagan conservative than Reagan himself)
– Tina Fey will recreate her SNL role as Sarah Palin since Sarah is much to busy running the country
16 years ago
The left has gone on and on about Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency as something to be feared. Maybe they should be looking at Biden a heartbeat away also. To me that is a much scarier scenario. Can anyone imagine this blowhard in the top spot? But the dems seem to think he is something wonderful and with great foreign policy skills which just shows how blind they can be about their own semi literate politicians.
colin powell
16 years ago
You’ve clearly taken this quote out of context and furthermore if A than B is a false argument. Biden was merely noting that these are difficult times in the world and we can expect some type of crisis ahead (Obama or McCain being in office has nothing to do with that). The point he was trying to make was that Obama will be tested (as McCain would be too) and if you read further (which I didn’t) I would assume he finished the point by noting that the Obama/Biden administration is up for the task and right for the job of averting any crisis.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
obama isn’t up to any challenge, he doesn’t know how to deal with anything. he only knows how to make people angry. he is inept and will make the most wrong of choices, then he will try and blame it all on bush, as alays.
16 years ago
The idiot spewed this on the public shortly after receiving a complete ‘top secret’ briefing by the state department and the military on world affairs and what we face from the enemy . Don’t forget his entire statement, ‘threats as faced by JFK’. JFK was faced with a Nuclear threat from the insane leader of the USSR and we now have another insane leader in Russia. My question is did he use this information (the briefing) and leak that one or more of the Islamic terrorists organizations have gained access to nuclear weapons and will threaten the U.S. with them? If Hussein O is elected you will have from Nov 4 until mid Jan to build a nuc shelter or restock the old ones remaining from the 60’s. Slow Joe voiced his opinion or in fact the opinion of the democrat VP selectee that Hussein is not ready to be CIC, since he is not ready to protect the American people. I was a B-47 bomber crew chief (deployed immediately with armed nuclear weapons on board) during the Cuban crisis and know for a fact we were one word away from millions of people dying.
16 years ago
Yes but, gee whiz, the Obamessiah would be the nations first more-or-less black president. Isn’t that worth a little nuclear terror attack in New York, or a couple of wars generated by Putin against the Ukraine and Iran against Israel? After all, think of the really neat stuff an adoring media could come up with each day. And those really cool speeches he would give. I mean, I hate to be the one to have to say it, but anybody who wouldn’t trade a couple million dead in Manhattan for the glory of the Messiah in the White House must be a …you know, a rac***!
Dear “Colin Powell” you claim I took the quote out of context yet failed to provide the actual context.
Now, why would you do that?
Is it because this is exactly what Joe Blowhard Biden said and meant?
And it really does show that Colin Powell made a huge mistake in endorsing Obama. More Americans will die if Obama is elected.
Hard Right
16 years ago
Does Biden know whose team he’s on?
Uncle Bill
16 years ago
When Reagan was inaugurated, the Iranians immediately released their hostages. Some Democrats have liked to claim they were released because Reagan struck a deal with the Iranians, but that is ridiculous. What I have long believed is that the Iranians knew that Reagan, unlike Carter, WOULD take action. McCain is like Reagan in that regard; Obama is like Carter, and would be tested.
I wait with bated breath for the overwhelming calls that this clearly unqualified and gaffe-prone hair-plug model to withdraw from the ticket and stop embarrassing his country and his party.
Oh yes, I keep forgetting he’s the Democrat and always gets a pass.
Could you imagine the trail of brown-stained media drawers if Sarah Palin had said anything close to this?
16 years ago
If it comes down to 4 more years of bush(McCain) or 4 more years of Carter(Obama) Well then Bush all the way.
16 years ago
Lee Cary, writing in today’s American Thinker blog about Biden’s “crisis”, puts forward this scenario in his post titled “Joe Biden’s DATED Notion of Crisis. Should make us all feel much better after realizing how out of touch Biden is even though he claims he has forgotton more foreign policy, blah, blah, blah or that he could conduct foreign policy in his sleep. Perhaps he forgot how this nation’s enemies are capable of and do network, or, he awoke too soon to get the rest of the story. Perhaps the steel Biden mentions that is supposedly in Obama’s back is really a block in Biden’s head.
From Cary’s piece:
“Here how that could play out: We wake up one month and FARC has taken over the American Embassy in Caracas. Putin has troops massed on the Russian border with the Ukraine, or perhaps one or more of the Baltic States, threatening invasion for some trumped-up reason. Hamas and Hezbollah have launched heavy missile attacks against Israel. Unidentified persons have blown up the American Embassy in Cairo. And, for good measure, North Korean commandos have ambushed and killed a small patrol of U.S. soldiers along the DMZ, on the South Korean side.
That’s five potential scenario initiations in quick succession, and doesn’t include the wild card of terrorist attacks in the U.S. (NYPost columnist and former Army Colonel Ralph Peters offers a longer list of potential flash points here.)
Now what, Joe?
Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, the bad actors of the globe have networked. But Joe still seems to await a unidirectional crisis. This is narrow gauge thinking on his part. (Of course, he can always take one crisis and divide it into several parts.)”
the European
16 years ago
Bull, the US will be attacked by Bin Laden and Al Quaida anytime, if they wither a chance, no matter who is elected. Europe is screaming for Obama, knowing that he is asymtotic to their socialistic aims, developed over decades and now revealed as taxation models that make the poor even poorer. There is only one world model for fair democracy, individual happiness and success, that´s these United States of America, proved in more than 200 years and still standing. So get over back to where you once were, America, correct the situation fast, vote McCain into office, and innovate to that one and only world leader that really counts anymore, because if you should fail, that will be the worlds worst WMD.
16 years ago
Call me crazy, but I truly believe Biden is warning us against voting for Obama. Where I live, the McCain=McBush stickers are already appearing, but I really would rather have another president like Bush, you know, one who will protect our country.
16 years ago
It was definitely a Freudian slip that has Obama-Biden backers cringing at and putting on their tap shoes and top hats over trying to respin and saying, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Instead look opon the great and powerful Obama!”
Perhaps Biden himself is very worried about what an Obama-Biden presidency would be like. Is he throwing in the towel? Only time will tell. In the meantime Mary, Michael Savage would advise you, “Let not your heart be troubled.” I can’t see how any of even the most blind of Obama worshipers can’t be starting to think, “Now wait a minute… Maybe the other side is right.” and that this is leading to an upset in November.
16 years ago
I’d like for mccain to win because all the dems are going to do is give to the sorry people who don’t want to work and just have babies and collect checks that you and i pay for.i don’t understand wht anyone would vote for a muslim to head our country. he’s getting a lot of votes for the wrong reasons b/c of his race if you know what i mean. if their stupid enough to give their money (the ones that actually work)for that cause then they are doomed like the rest of us. we need another president like REAGAN!!!!!!!!!
I hope Biden is wrong… as the ship of state was sinking, Obama would still be stuttering, “Uh.. uh… we need to look at this.”
“Pres Obama! American ships are under attack from small boats in the Persian Gulf! What are your orders?” OBAMA: “PRESENT!”
I used to like Joe the six term senator Biden. Now he’s proving to be so inept, ignorant, and gaffe-ridden that the press barely even covers him anymore.
For me, the important part of this story is that after he made the comments about the crisis, he said that he and Obama will handle it in a way that their supporters (primarily Democrats) will not like, will not agree with, and they will suffer in the polls. Shouldn’t that be a red flag reminder to all those who believed the foreign policy lies and voted for Democrats in 2006? It is for me. CLEARLY, Obama/Biden do not plan to fulfill their foreign policy expectations. That is exactly what Biden is saying.
…but…Obama sure can read a teleprompter, and he looks so SO cool in Rolling Stone!
BTW, there’s going to be challenges in the next 4 years, but let’s face it…only a moron would dare to try and test John McCain’s mettle. The man is a deterrent to tests, not an encouragement.
I read this AM that Hamas has a letter of congratulations ready for Hussein O when he wins on the 4th. They also have a list of things he can do to put the USA in a better lite in the ME.
BTW I don’t think that was a gaffe by Joe B. He was right on in his comments about what is in store for us if BHO wins.
Is Biden wearing a mouth gaurd in that picture or did Barry shove a bar of Ivory soap in there to try to shut him up while he went to visit his white grammy. The same grandma who he couldn’t take the time out from his campaign to visit while she in serious condition at the hospital?
As Obama is fond of saying, “Number 2”; Wrong reason for Biden to be bringing this up is the polls have been overwhelmingly in McCain’s favor with America’s belief that McCain would be stronger against her enemies. The Dems tried and failed to equate Palin with Quayle, but that’s because they were critically examining the wrong ticket all along.
Maybe there will be an “O” movie, say five years from now, but doesn’t look like it will be a serious docu-drama of an Obama presidency but as an “also ran” spoof of this general election. I can see it now… Here’s how I would cast it:
Working Title: “How To Lose An Election While Trying To Fix A Win”
– Will Smith as would-be socialist presidential candidate Barry Hussein Obama
– Whoopie Goldberg as the clueless but snide and nasty anti-white, militant, female, Black Panther wanna be Michelle
– Leslie Nielson as the fumbling malapproprioat Joe Biden
– ? (A pity Redd Foxx died) as racist Reverend Wright
– Dustin Hoffman as William Ayers
– Dabney Coleman as Tony Rezko
– Nathan Lane (I liked Letterman’s Budd Melman better, but he’s dead too) as gay legislater Barney Frank
– Al Franken as idiot Left Wing-nut Al Franken
– Joan Rivers as hidden agenda proponant Nancy Pelosi
– Crispin Glover as Pelosi’s partner in crime Harry Reid
– William Shatner as Chris Dodd
– Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton
– Gary Bussy as skirt-chaser Bill Clinton
– James Earl Jones as Pseudo Republican turncoat Colin Powell
– The Chipmunks, Chip and Dale as fumbling Acorn “get out the (Obama) vote” employees
– McCain will cameo as wisecracking himself after retiring from politics and handing the baton over to President Palin (Who America discovers was more capable and successful Reagan conservative than Reagan himself)
– Tina Fey will recreate her SNL role as Sarah Palin since Sarah is much to busy running the country
The left has gone on and on about Palin being a heartbeat away from the presidency as something to be feared. Maybe they should be looking at Biden a heartbeat away also. To me that is a much scarier scenario. Can anyone imagine this blowhard in the top spot? But the dems seem to think he is something wonderful and with great foreign policy skills which just shows how blind they can be about their own semi literate politicians.
You’ve clearly taken this quote out of context and furthermore if A than B is a false argument. Biden was merely noting that these are difficult times in the world and we can expect some type of crisis ahead (Obama or McCain being in office has nothing to do with that). The point he was trying to make was that Obama will be tested (as McCain would be too) and if you read further (which I didn’t) I would assume he finished the point by noting that the Obama/Biden administration is up for the task and right for the job of averting any crisis.
obama isn’t up to any challenge, he doesn’t know how to deal with anything. he only knows how to make people angry. he is inept and will make the most wrong of choices, then he will try and blame it all on bush, as alays.
The idiot spewed this on the public shortly after receiving a complete ‘top secret’ briefing by the state department and the military on world affairs and what we face from the enemy . Don’t forget his entire statement, ‘threats as faced by JFK’. JFK was faced with a Nuclear threat from the insane leader of the USSR and we now have another insane leader in Russia. My question is did he use this information (the briefing) and leak that one or more of the Islamic terrorists organizations have gained access to nuclear weapons and will threaten the U.S. with them? If Hussein O is elected you will have from Nov 4 until mid Jan to build a nuc shelter or restock the old ones remaining from the 60’s. Slow Joe voiced his opinion or in fact the opinion of the democrat VP selectee that Hussein is not ready to be CIC, since he is not ready to protect the American people. I was a B-47 bomber crew chief (deployed immediately with armed nuclear weapons on board) during the Cuban crisis and know for a fact we were one word away from millions of people dying.
Yes but, gee whiz, the Obamessiah would be the nations first more-or-less black president. Isn’t that worth a little nuclear terror attack in New York, or a couple of wars generated by Putin against the Ukraine and Iran against Israel? After all, think of the really neat stuff an adoring media could come up with each day. And those really cool speeches he would give. I mean, I hate to be the one to have to say it, but anybody who wouldn’t trade a couple million dead in Manhattan for the glory of the Messiah in the White House must be a …you know, a rac***!
Dear “Colin Powell” you claim I took the quote out of context yet failed to provide the actual context.
Now, why would you do that?
Is it because this is exactly what Joe Blowhard Biden said and meant?
And it really does show that Colin Powell made a huge mistake in endorsing Obama. More Americans will die if Obama is elected.
Does Biden know whose team he’s on?
When Reagan was inaugurated, the Iranians immediately released their hostages. Some Democrats have liked to claim they were released because Reagan struck a deal with the Iranians, but that is ridiculous. What I have long believed is that the Iranians knew that Reagan, unlike Carter, WOULD take action. McCain is like Reagan in that regard; Obama is like Carter, and would be tested.
I wait with bated breath for the overwhelming calls that this clearly unqualified and gaffe-prone hair-plug model to withdraw from the ticket and stop embarrassing his country and his party.
Oh yes, I keep forgetting he’s the Democrat and always gets a pass.
Could you imagine the trail of brown-stained media drawers if Sarah Palin had said anything close to this?
If it comes down to 4 more years of bush(McCain) or 4 more years of Carter(Obama) Well then Bush all the way.
Lee Cary, writing in today’s American Thinker blog about Biden’s “crisis”, puts forward this scenario in his post titled “Joe Biden’s DATED Notion of Crisis. Should make us all feel much better after realizing how out of touch Biden is even though he claims he has forgotton more foreign policy, blah, blah, blah or that he could conduct foreign policy in his sleep. Perhaps he forgot how this nation’s enemies are capable of and do network, or, he awoke too soon to get the rest of the story. Perhaps the steel Biden mentions that is supposedly in Obama’s back is really a block in Biden’s head.
From Cary’s piece:
“Here how that could play out: We wake up one month and FARC has taken over the American Embassy in Caracas. Putin has troops massed on the Russian border with the Ukraine, or perhaps one or more of the Baltic States, threatening invasion for some trumped-up reason. Hamas and Hezbollah have launched heavy missile attacks against Israel. Unidentified persons have blown up the American Embassy in Cairo. And, for good measure, North Korean commandos have ambushed and killed a small patrol of U.S. soldiers along the DMZ, on the South Korean side.
That’s five potential scenario initiations in quick succession, and doesn’t include the wild card of terrorist attacks in the U.S. (NYPost columnist and former Army Colonel Ralph Peters offers a longer list of potential flash points here.)
Now what, Joe?
Since the Cuban Missile Crisis, the bad actors of the globe have networked. But Joe still seems to await a unidirectional crisis. This is narrow gauge thinking on his part. (Of course, he can always take one crisis and divide it into several parts.)”
Bull, the US will be attacked by Bin Laden and Al Quaida anytime, if they wither a chance, no matter who is elected. Europe is screaming for Obama, knowing that he is asymtotic to their socialistic aims, developed over decades and now revealed as taxation models that make the poor even poorer. There is only one world model for fair democracy, individual happiness and success, that´s these United States of America, proved in more than 200 years and still standing. So get over back to where you once were, America, correct the situation fast, vote McCain into office, and innovate to that one and only world leader that really counts anymore, because if you should fail, that will be the worlds worst WMD.
Call me crazy, but I truly believe Biden is warning us against voting for Obama. Where I live, the McCain=McBush stickers are already appearing, but I really would rather have another president like Bush, you know, one who will protect our country.
It was definitely a Freudian slip that has Obama-Biden backers cringing at and putting on their tap shoes and top hats over trying to respin and saying, “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. Instead look opon the great and powerful Obama!”
Perhaps Biden himself is very worried about what an Obama-Biden presidency would be like. Is he throwing in the towel? Only time will tell. In the meantime Mary, Michael Savage would advise you, “Let not your heart be troubled.” I can’t see how any of even the most blind of Obama worshipers can’t be starting to think, “Now wait a minute… Maybe the other side is right.” and that this is leading to an upset in November.
I’d like for mccain to win because all the dems are going to do is give to the sorry people who don’t want to work and just have babies and collect checks that you and i pay for.i don’t understand wht anyone would vote for a muslim to head our country. he’s getting a lot of votes for the wrong reasons b/c of his race if you know what i mean. if their stupid enough to give their money (the ones that actually work)for that cause then they are doomed like the rest of us. we need another president like REAGAN!!!!!!!!!