Pakistanis Preparing for Big Action Near Bin Laden’s Area

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Osama Bin Laden has been reportedly hiding in the disputed border area between Pakistan and Afghanistan since 2001. One of those areas is the Bajur area. It seems that since a new Pakistani govt has come to power, since they’ve removed several heads of their intelligence services, and since the Gen Petraeus took command and started taking more action in the area…well, the Pakistanis have come to a new realization that problems left to fester get more malignant with age. The time for action appears to be at hand-FINALLY.

By clamping curfew in Khar, headquarters of Bajaur Agency, security forces have started preparations for decisive action against Taliban, Online reported on Wednesday.

AFP quoted a security official as saying a curfew was imposed in Khar as part of the ongoing military operation.

All shops and offices were closed, the roads were empty, and all residents were ordered to remain indoors.

AP quoted government official Jamil Khan as saying fresh troops were flowing into Khar along with tanks and artillery. Khan said artillery attacks overnight killed four Taliban in the Charmang area.

Security forces pounded Taliban hideouts in Bajaur Agency on Wednesday, killing at least 16 Taliban, officials said.

“Troops fired artillery and mortars onto hideouts of Taliban in Loyesam, Rashakai, Chinar and Babra areas, killing 10 and wounding eight others,” a security official told AFP.

Six other Taliban were killed by helicopter gunships in the same area, he added.


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2nd lawsuit challenges Obama’s citizenship
Man demands state verify birth records or remove senator from ballots

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While I thank you for the links and articles, your multiple copy posts are coming close to spamming.


I was thinking the same thing Chris.

Glad they are actually doing something. Since our military had been pounding the area for some time, I hope we can trust that this is not a “rescue and relocate” action though.