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I believe it all amounts to the fact: Do we want to become a socialist country or not?, it is no secret that Bill Ayres has been recently advising Chavez in Venezuela regarding some aspects of the education programs or philosophy in that socialist country,I cannot but believe that Obama and Ayres were acting following their ideology while members of Annemberg Challenge board,, it is not imaginable that Ayres would have chosen Obama unless they shared the same ideology.
Obama had many sleazy friends, as detailed in the Washington Times in an article by Frank
Gaffney dated OCtober 7 th.
Gaffeny includes among Obam’s sleazy friends, Frank Marshall Davis, a well-know Stalinist communist, Profesor Rashid Khalidi, a ” so-called pro Palestinian “community organizer”
in Chicago who was another beneficiary of the largess fo the Obama-Ayres team at the Woods Fund “.
Gaffeny concludes that Khalidi” promotes an agenda that would horrify many of Mr. Obama’s
Jewish supporters”
Then of course we have Pastor Wright with his famous God D…America, etc etc,
the amazing thing is that Obama tells us with a straight face that he did not know….

I cannot myself personally account for the factuality of everything that follows as many hail from opinionated editorials. Many offer a lot of correlating data including official sources that may be pursued. I do not necessarily believe them all myself and only present them for your consideration. But the above report looked as good a place as any to tie these together, starting of course with Ayers. Without further ado, more food for thought in the Obama-Ayers connection and other surprises. On to the fun:


Who “sent” Obama?

Special Global Labor Repost. Originally Posted April 22, 2008. Updated October 13, 2008.

See June 19, 2008 post: That “guy who lives in my neighborhood” for more detail on Ayers-Obama relationship.

Bill Ayers speech at the World Education Forum, 7Nov06:

Barak H. Obama Sr. on Socialism in Kenya 1965:

George Soros a Bilderberger?

Going after our free speech on sites such as this.
Obama Supports Homegrown Terrorism Bill (National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism):

Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Patriotism

This House version has already passed the House and went to the Senate.

Conspiracy Theorists are going to love what’s next:
Some say the internment camps have already been constructed. Some of them by Cheney’s Hal Burton, some by FEMA under the guise of disaster relief settlements.

But before you jump on the Bush administration you should know the House bill passed the house 23 October 2007 by a vote of 404-2 with 22 not voting on a non-record vote (meaning we will never know who voted how). It has been sitting in the Senate ever since. Under the definition of “Domestic Terrorist” found in the Patriot Act (which yes was signed by Bush, but was passed with Bi-partisan and Civil Libertarian support). Martin Luther King would be considered a domestic terrorist.

Cheney & Obama are eighth cousins and Obama and Bush are 11th cousins, Kerry is also all in family. Most of our presidents and those running against them were have been of the same bloodline, the Bush’s are related to England’s Royal Family, 32nd degree Freemasons or higher, and most modern presidents have been in the CFR, as is Obama. Bush Sr, Bush Jr, & Kerry are all Skull and Crossbones.

Obama, is he:
A) A Communist?
B) An Illuminadi?
C) The Anti-christ?
D) One Worlder?

E) All of the above?

You decide.

P.S. Sorry if this blows your mind Craig, I know as a Canadian a lot of what happens here doesn’t make a lot of sense, perhaps above explains why.

ummm, i go with e for my answer. he is all of those things. it makes me sick to think he has risen this far in politics, makes you wonder how stupid our voters really are.

Yeah, I go for all of the above too.

And here’s the link to the article Gail mentioned:


Ditto on all of the above.

A little morning humor. It appears that an Obama surrogate has a side job on Chicago’s south side:

Parents on Chicago’s South Side are on edge after reports that a man dressed as a clown has tried to lure several children into his van.

The creepy clown, who has been spotted four times in the past week on the city’s West and South sides, wears a wig and full face paint and carries balloons when he approaches children, MyFOXChicago.com reported.


Udder: You sure he wasn’t just another ACORN employee trying to register the kiddies to vote?

@Mike’s America: I’m not sure what it all means. Bob Bell was the most popular Bozo the Clown. Bob Bell was from Chicago. Chicago’s South Side is filled with all sorts of leftist clowns. Obama is from Chicago’s South Side (and it can be argued he’s a clown). There is a clown going around creeping out little kids (and Obama supporters creep me out).

I onder if Bozo is registered to vote in Illinois (He died in 1997)


My head hurts