I come up with nutty ideas all the time. Here’s another one. Why not carry an acorn in your pocket when you go to vote. In the secret of the booth, take out the acorn and leave it as a nice decoration. It is fall, after all. It is symbolic of hope for renewal after the death of winter. The multiplying power of the seed in the acorn, the multiplying power of the vote: yes, it seems to be a perfect aesthetic and artistic statement! A lot of our “community organizer” friends should really ‘dig’ this as much as the squirrels do.
I think we should follow the Iraqis lead. PURPLE INK on fingers. It would prevent people from voting twice.
Song sung for all Obama followers
Every car with an Obama bumper sticker, leave an acorn on their hood. It would be fun to have them imprinted too – NOBAMA.