Time for Democrats to Put Up or Shut Up

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What a difference a term makes

On November 7th, 2006, a very good friend called with great pride and a new found sense of representation. Democrats had taken Congress, and as a fervent Bush-hating, anti-war Democrat, he was thrilled. When asked what he’ll do if the Democrats failed to provide their New Direction In Iraq, he said they would have to either Put up or Shut up. Perhaps it’s time to ask those elected Democrats to either Put up a real change in the direction in Iraq, or to shut up. Either the Democrats need to barter and get the votes they need to create a New Direction In Iraq, or they need to shut up. Either protesters need to protest the people who control the direction of the Iraq War, or they might as well shut up. Maybe that’s why there’s only a few thousand protesters 4 years into the war as opposed to the millions who protested before the war; millions of people who already realize the reality of the New Direction In Iraq lie.


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Democrats have admitted they lied about a new direction in Iraq to get elected but they kept the promise to change the direction of America. They took a booming economy (stock market 15,000, Gas $2.20 a gallon and unemployment 4.5%) and turned it into the greatest disaster to ever hit the world. The latest front page showing ‘bread lines’ will become true when Hussein O is elected. Destroy the country, give back 10% of what people already had, and claim you did us a favor is the New Party, democrat socalist party (Hussein O’ party) line. Democrats by the millions are lining up for the ‘favors’.

One would think that the 2006 Dem voters who demanded that Congress force an immediate withdrawal from Iraq would hold those they voted for accountable for NOT achieving that goal.

But instead we see the lemmings all flock (can lemmings flock? how about herd?) to the Obama bandwagon. The same Obama who STILL refuses to say he would remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by a date certain.

Can it be that because nearly ALL Americans now see that we are WINNING in Iraq that these issues are no longer important (thanks to George W. Bush) or is it that once again, this example proves that the “anti-war” crowd care less about their stated goals and principles than they do about acquiring political power?

@Mike’s America: its all about power and foisting their ideas and lax morals on the rest of us. they are full of crap and you can bet if confronted with the put up or shut up, they will claim that their hands were tied.

The October Surprise—Suit To Remove Barack Obama From The Ballot. Barack Obama And The Democratic National Committee Are Committing Fraud On The American People

Barack Hussein Obama is dangerous for America:

Scrapiron what administration was in charge for these failures you mention?? Oh right that would be BUSH… you have been Bushed.. hardly the democrats fault…

@Real American Patriot:

You know something Sky55110, every time it seems you have exposed the depths of your ignorance you swing through and give us all a deeper glimpse.

I’m actually glad Curt and the gang have kept you around as the official Barking Moonbat Representative.

The financial failures did not happen overnight. It started in the mid 90s (DNC’s fault), was piled on by sundry ill-thought lack of oversight on Fannie/Freddie (DNC’s fault with slight slap at GOP), and culminated with rock bottom rates after 911, driving up home prices even worse than they were doing from 1997 to 2000 (terrorists fault).

You seize onto a talking point that it’s Bush’s fault, Sky55110/RAP. No surprise there. Simple enough for lazy progressives to grasp, and doesn’t require independent thought or research.

But just because you’re a partisan gullible, doesn’t make your convenient talking point true.

But nice to know you are joining other Obama supporters that wish the US to turn into a socialist/Marxist country. Either you go there willingly, or you refuse to acknowledge the trend Obama wants to take.

If that’s your desire, see ya at the polls. Because I’ll leave our capitalist country of opportunity only kicking, screaming, biting and fighting.

If your side wins, I only pray you live long enough to see how you, who calls yourself a “real American patriot” took America and it’s greatness down.

Begs repeating…

One would think that the 2006 Dem voters who demanded that Congress force an immediate withdrawal from Iraq would hold those they voted for accountable for NOT achieving that goal.

But instead we see the lemmings all flock (can lemmings flock? how about herd?) to the Obama bandwagon. The same Obama who STILL refuses to say he would remove all U.S. troops from Iraq by a date certain.

Can it be that because nearly ALL Americans now see that we are WINNING in Iraq that these issues are no longer important (thanks to George W. Bush) or is it that once again, this example proves that the “anti-war” crowd care less about their stated goals and principles than they do about acquiring political power?


Well said Mata. But RAP won’t mind. He is probably one who doesn’t pay income taxes anyways. So he has nothing to lose. He has all the real facts and information on this site… so if he still decides to vote for Obama, it’s because he definitely has nothing to lose. Only Obama’s fans who are ignorant of the real facts and who pays income taxes, will be the ones who will be sorry and will feel guilty for the downfall of America. Not RAP.

Just a note about the anti-military (NOT anti-war) movement in this country…IT’S LOSING STEAM!!!!!

Ever since the Gathering of Eagles took on the ANSWER freaks at their DC freak show of 3/17/07, the anti-military movement’s head has been spinning ever since, and their numbers have dropped BIG TIME!!!!

It’s gotten so bad that this past weekend there was an anti-military freak show in Boston that only drew, according the the liberal, military-hating Boston Globe, just “hundreds of protestors” (that’s HUNDREDS, as in LESS THAN 1000!!)

Gee, you mean with ALL those anti-military colleges in the greater Boston area, the best the local anti-military extremists could come up with was HUNDREDS????????

@Paul Couturier – OIF Veteran:

First, let me thank you for your service sir. There is a family in Georgia that sleeps safely and soundly at night because of the brave and willing sacrifice of fine men and women like you.


Here’s more evidence that the anti-war movement is not as strong as some would like us to believe:


Your comments solidify my long standing suspicion, that many Democrats are deprived of basic cognitive abilities. What branch of the federal government writes the laws and provides for funding of bills sent to the president, which party has been in the majority for the past two years in both houses of congress and could have overridden a veto by the president? Now that you have researched those questions and have the answers, it was that party in those branches of government that for the past almost 30 years that has resisted and lessened any regulatory oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which are directly linked to the recent financial crisis. That party in those branches of government has consistently put the US in an energy dependent state by rejecting nuclear power, drilling for oil, refineries being built, and basically anything that would benefit the US in energy production. That party in those branches of government has consistently raised taxes on business and have driven jobs elsewhere due to the cost of doing business in the US and this fact coupled with all the others listed above backup everything Scrapiron mentioned and supports his statement that the Democrats after promising “Change/New Direction” only continued the same old democrat policy’s and have essentially ushered in financial turmoil worldwide.