“If everything rumored here is true, it looks like David Axelrod, Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Obama himself, and possibly even Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were all involved, together, in massive RICO violations, and thus federal fraud, if the DNC and party leadership knew what the Obama campaign and ACORN were up to and allowed it to proceed. Knowledge of federal crimes being committed makes all parties accessories to those crimes — and part of the conspiracy to defraud the public. “
16 years ago
Is it racist of me to suggest that if some 527 were to televise this a few hundred times in a few key states the election would be over and in January we’d still be talking about Senator Obama?
16 years ago
If you didn’t catch it, that Bertha was the same Bertha that went on Fox and said Acorn was not supporting Obama, but only trying, “To register new voters that had never voted before.” They have learned from Obama well. Deny eveything and if anyone tries to say anything different rudely interrupt them and don’t give them a chance to get the truth out.
16 years ago
Omg…the way she spoke, I thought she was mocking ACORN. Wow…in the words of Aye, “Un. Freakin. Believable.”
16 years ago
Hey everyone knows ACORN is nothing but a black vote fraud machine. Why doesn’t someone in law enforcement do something about, Bush, hello, you there?
Black Liberation Theology, religion, and a wrapper for communism with a black racism tinge. Get even with whitey and take his money. Reparations. Is that so hard to see.
Hard Right
16 years ago
They are being investigated in multiple states and may even be hit with the RICO act. Someone is doing something. It will just take time and patience.
16 years ago
I still think that taking the Fox piece, this, and Obama’s “you will have a place at the table”, with a little “These are Community Organizers…” you’d have a very nice ad. I’m sure it’d get the full Willie Horton from CNN et al, but it’d be very effective.
And here is Bertha Lewis, spokewoman defending ACORN.
How can they lie like this??
yeah and acorn and obama aren’t in bed together? right….. this is bullshit. they act like a bunch of animals.
Yep, that’s right, grandma…
But because he’s go some, uh, problems…
O’Bunko might just be cheering you on from here…
Charming, to the end.
I like the conclusion of your link (comment #3):
“If everything rumored here is true, it looks like David Axelrod, Howard Dean, Donna Brazile, Obama himself, and possibly even Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were all involved, together, in massive RICO violations, and thus federal fraud, if the DNC and party leadership knew what the Obama campaign and ACORN were up to and allowed it to proceed. Knowledge of federal crimes being committed makes all parties accessories to those crimes — and part of the conspiracy to defraud the public. “
Is it racist of me to suggest that if some 527 were to televise this a few hundred times in a few key states the election would be over and in January we’d still be talking about Senator Obama?
If you didn’t catch it, that Bertha was the same Bertha that went on Fox and said Acorn was not supporting Obama, but only trying, “To register new voters that had never voted before.” They have learned from Obama well. Deny eveything and if anyone tries to say anything different rudely interrupt them and don’t give them a chance to get the truth out.
Omg…the way she spoke, I thought she was mocking ACORN. Wow…in the words of Aye, “Un. Freakin. Believable.”
Hey everyone knows ACORN is nothing but a black vote fraud machine. Why doesn’t someone in law enforcement do something about, Bush, hello, you there?
Black Liberation Theology, religion, and a wrapper for communism with a black racism tinge. Get even with whitey and take his money. Reparations. Is that so hard to see.
They are being investigated in multiple states and may even be hit with the RICO act. Someone is doing something. It will just take time and patience.
I still think that taking the Fox piece, this, and Obama’s “you will have a place at the table”, with a little “These are Community Organizers…” you’d have a very nice ad. I’m sure it’d get the full Willie Horton from CNN et al, but it’d be very effective.
Pop your popcorn!
Select your favorite recliner!
Sit back and get comfortable Ladies and Gentlemen.
Tomorrow looks to be a big day for ACORN.
Not a good day mind you, but a BIG day.
Best. Election Season. Evah.
Beat down indeed.
Maybe with luck they’ll spend the Obama campaign’s money on one-way tickets to Venezuela to avoid prosecution.
What is racism if not this?