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Sarah is right….Call Obambi out on this!!!

I’m not a “burden”, I’m a HUMAN BEING.
I’m not a “choice”, I’m a soul created by GOD.
I’m not a “profit margin” for Planned Parenthood, I’m a gift.

I notice there are lots of young people in the crowd (or at least among those standing behind Sarah). I think young people born after 1973 have a different view on abortion than those born before that fateful year do.

I remember talking to a women who was recounting her abortion. The woman’s 10 year old daughter was present. As the woman spoke about her abortion, the daugher began to weep uncontrollably. After a while the daughter regained her composure and someone asked her what caused the outburst. She replied,

“It could have been me”.

Young people born after 1973 have to face the fact that their mothers could easily have aborted them. Many have to face the fact that their brothers or sisters were aborted. Abortion hits home very personally for many of them. I think Sarah’s strong support for life hits a nerve with the youth.

DeadWeight, aka mck… when did you get appointed God to “judge” who is a human? Not much of an ego, I see.

CBD, you are so right. My niece is very mad at her mother because she had 3 abortions before she was born. She is a unique child and would have liked to have brothers and sisters.

See this great video with Former Hillary Clinton Funraiser, Lynn Forester de Rotchild, now supporting John McCain.
She said that people should start to see that there is a direct correlation between Obama’s numbers going up and Dow Jones going down.


N.B.: Not really related to this thread, but at least it’s about Palin.

One can only wonder if Obama considers his own daughters as ‘punishment’ as well.

I have mixed issues about this. I was an only child for a major part of my childhood. At my birth, my mom was about to have another baby but they aborted it because giving another birth had threatened my mother’s life. A part of me does think, “Wow, that could have been me,” but another part of me fears the thought that she wouldn’t have been there had she gone ahead with giving the second birth.

I said I was an only child, until I had my little brother born later on in life. Back then, there was talk about aborting that child as well because my parents didn’t think they could have handled things financially, but they didn’t abort him. Despite the age difference, I have a wonderful brother who not only brings my parents happiness at the end of a long day, but someone whom I can take care of and protect.

There hasn’t been a single day that I hadn’t thought “What if he was aborted?”

there are way to many who view abortion as a form of birth control, they continue to have one after another. i know women who have had one and regretted it every day after, but they felt they had no choice and would never have another. then there is one of my dear friends who feels anyone who would have one should be shot. it really is a hot button issue and i really don’t think you are going to make everyone happy. i would rather not see roe v wade over turned, but i think there should be very, and i mean very strict guidlines on having an abortion. i would hope that women wouldn’t place themselves into the position of having to choose between havong one and not. the only time i think there should be no questionabout it is in the case of rape and incest and of course if the other life would end if the pregnancy is continued. i would never have one, i have 2 beautiful kids who are my world and i cannot imagine ever making that choice, but others certainly have.

That’s admirable, luva. Though I don’t have any kids and don’t know whether I will or not (I’m a little FOR adopting), I know that I would never be so foolish as to put myself into a situation where I have to choose between abortion or nothing.

I would rather not have Roe v. Wade overturned either, not because of the same banter that “it’s the woman’s right to choose.” No, I see Roe v. Wade as perfectly in the middle of two extremes, one of making abortions legal and one of making it illegal. With Roe v. Wade, you can’t get rid of the child after the first three months, and I guess it all depends on your personal definition of when life begins that forms your overall opinion on abortion.

You know, I just came across this video (not on YouTube, sorry) that showed just what’s going on in other countries regarding the issue of overpopulation. The video specifically goes into countries like Iran, Mexico, India, Africa, and Indonesia, where the women are speaking up (something that they’re not quite allowed to do, esp. in Muslim countries) and demanding that their husbands use condoms or demanding their right to use contraceptives. Those countries don’t have a problem with abortion because they are utilizing preventative methods. And in those countries, access to those medicines/contraceptives are very, VERY limited. But all in all, they don’t have an abortion problem like we do here – oh no, the women are doing this all on their own and taking extra precaution to not come to the point where they will have to stop a potential child from coming to life.

(Note: if I can locate the video anywhere, I’ll provide a link to it.)

@Leah: i have a liberal friend who is also and attorny and he is sure that if mccain is elected that he will overturn roev wade. even if that one justice does die and mccain has to appoint a new justice, well i don’t think it will happen. it pisses me off to have the lberal women telling me that the repubs want to take away all of my rights and make me a brood mare. i have my 2 kids, i don’t really want more, i am happy and i have enough for me. there are many couples out there who want to adopt a baby, if the women who are having the abortions had the baby and put them up for adoption it would complete so many peoples lives. and leah, if you choose to not have kids tha tis o.k., i have several clients who have chosen that and are happy with their choice. i also have clients who want kids and have adopted foster kids, there is always a way around it. if more women would take responsiblity for their bodies and their birth control it really wouldn’t be an issue, but birth control is also not always 100%. i guess roe v wade is the best we have to make all happy.

>>it pisses me off to have the lberal women telling me that the repubs want to take away all of my rights and make me a brood mare.>>

Tell your liberal women friends that rape is still a punishable crime – even if committed by a husband upon a wife. They will only be “brood mares” if they allow it.

I don’t understand why some women consider themselves such helpless victims…especially when they say they consider themselves “equal”…!

Isn’t it funny that most women who have abortions are overwhelmingly black? LOL! If I find the data for this, I’ll post it up as well…it was in a study I read a while back.

Someone who thinks a baby should be aborted, but a murderer’s life should be spared is well….TWISTED.

I don’t love the idea of the death penalty, but at least the people being put to death are GUILTY of heinous acts. What did that innocent baby do besides get stuck with lowlifes as parents?