The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America or a blue America – they have served the United States of America.
The challenges we face require tough choices, and Democrats as well as Republicans will need to cast off the worn-out ideas and politics of the past. For part of what has been lost these past eight years can’t just be measured by lost wages or bigger trade deficits. What has also been lost is our sense of common purpose — our sense of higher purpose. And that’s what we have to restore.
proof positive that Barack Obama cannot lead. He can only market. His appeal is sizzle, not the steak of national unity; ie a UNITED STATES of America
16 years ago
Because expressing disapproval is the same as screaming racist death threats.
WOW, that was mere “disapproval”? Someone wanna tell me that Huffpo, Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, etc don’t have rantings and calls for death every day, or that when someone like Tony Snow passes there isn’t outright glee from the left?
Methinks thou dost protest too much
16 years ago
It’s amazing to see how leftists have no education. That’s probably why they want a socialist/communist government to take care of them. Uneducated people can’t stand educated people like Republicans. They want everybody equal… lol
People are afraid; D’s and R’s, and they’re afraid of each other, but Obama’s greatest promise was a CHANGE, a HOPE, a unity…if he can’t bring that, then he’s just a Chicago politician with less experience than Governor Sarah Palin, and a lifetime of bad associations.
16 years ago
Looking through the links Curt provided leads me to believe the Obama media wanted to get out in front of the issue by charging the McCain camp with something that pales in comparison to what Obama’s supporters are doing. Redirecting negative attention, good at it aren’t they.
BTW, McCain is known for allowing stripes of all kinds into his events, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that some of the comments the media are so appalled at during McCain events could be shouted out by plants.
Wow, this is just like a Saturday in West Chester, Pa.
16 years ago
Excellent report & links.
In answer to the rhetorical question. “You think the Obamatrons will denounce the hatred?” We all know the answer is, “No.” Watch Oblaimo himself at his rallies when similar comments are shouted out by his supporters, he only looks away with a slight grin. That’s a big clue that he is still nothing more than a “Community Organizer” (i.e. Rabble Rouser). At least McCain has the courage to advise those whom may or may not be actual supporters when he thinks they are crossing the line.
Despite the misleading title of the “A Republican Mob Scene; John McCain’s supporters are madder (and scarier!) than he is.”, report by By John Dickerson, it was more fair and balanced than most other reports I’ve read at His reflection on the response to Black Radio Talk-show host James T. Harris’s comments and the reactions from those listening is a good illustation of Lib Dems that homogenizes well with the video. Cudos to Mr. Harris and other African-Americans who are not fooled by the Obama-Biden panderings. Those who are willing to actually critically examine the candidates and look beyond the rhetoric and talking points, instead of blindly following them and whom confuse charisma for common sense on their platforms.
The vandalism link illustrates the criminal elements who also support Obama. They have no moral compulsions against tagging and defacing the property of others.
Sarah’s professionalism and “unblinking” composure even in the face of booing Flyers fans is more proof of her metal and fitness to lead even in times of adversity.
I didn’t miss the rascist/sexist “Uncle Women” comment by confirmed lesbian Sandra Bernhard in the secord video on the next link. Please tell us again Lib Dems who exactly are the racists/sexists in this General Election? Would you accept such outrageous rhetoric from a Republican? Would you cheer if the target was Hillary? Why not defend THAT position with your fly-by talking points? Thank you for waking up and smelling the coffee Michelle Malkin. I wonder if the secret service is investigating the creators of the “Bushgun” and “Kill Bush” pictures. The arrest mug shots show what can happen to to you Lib Dems when you take this crap too far.
Where is the rest of mainstream media on this? Intentionally MIA. I remember a time when reporters were not cowards, but would even place themselves in harm’s way to report any story no matter who it might be adversely effected. Now they gather around coffee tables recanting socialist tripe and actively join in on the biased nonsense.
16 years ago
The few banded brothers. I would have joined that walk if I could.
…Nah. I’d probably end up bashing one of those people who are booing over the head with my sign. Never mind. =)
No more war? That’s what you’ll have with Obama. And we’ll be on the losing side.
What idiots!
Declan Fallon
16 years ago
Interesting to see no one on the conservative side acutally condemning the wingnut calls to Kill Obama, instead rattled off the offenses of the opposing wingnuts to Kill Palin. McCain should know better given the crap he had to put up with from the Bush side in 2000 – he could take the moral high ground here but has stayed quiet.
Where’s the sanity?
Disappointing and missing the point; if we live in a United States it should be a United Condemnation of the extremists and lines drawn on what is and isn’t acceptable, not one side calling out the other.
16 years ago
Declan Fallon;
It’s only because we have sincere doubts that it was actually a “Conservative wingnut” and not a Democratic protester trying to make the McCain-Palin supporters appear to have a “Lynch Mob” mentality while the media cameras are rolling. It’s been amply shown that the Lib Dems have been popping up at about every Republican rally they could find. Several of them even got into the RNC Convention in case you missed it, despite security measures. I think most of the “hard core” Conservatives who blog here would agree, it is a bit fishy. Especially considering how prior to that rally they have been putting out, “Kill Bush” both at Obama-Biden rallies and on numerous Democratic websites.
16 years ago
In his scold, Declan Fallon wrote:
“if we live in a United States it should be a United Condemnation of the extremists and lines drawn on what is and isn’t acceptable, not one side calling out the other. ”
Coulda, shoulda, woulda, I don’t see a condemnation by Declan Fallon of the atrocious behavior of the left mentioned in this thread, just a lecture.
DF must be sitting back and waiting for an Obama presidency, all will be well:
@Missy: Yeah educated people like George Bush?LOL!
Or uneducated people like Barack Obama, (Harvard Law), Gen. Colin Powell, and Oprah winfey! That comment made you look like a moron!
well the track record for republicans to democrats being assasinated is horrible in this country. For example, Martin Luther king Jr, Medgar Evers, Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and other unsung heroes. Anyone who has challenged the status quo regarding race and equality in this country has been shotto death, so excuse liiberals for taking serious a threat to “Kill Him” at a republican rally!
I have no idea why you are directing a response to me. Kind of makes you look like a moron.
BTW, after the secret service investigated the incident at the Palin rally, it was found that no such threat “Kill him,” was made by anyone.
him, small h, he really isn’t the Messiah.
16 years ago
So how is the air out in left field E?
I don’t get why you went after Missy either, yet you didn’t say anything that has any remote connection with any of her comments in your attempt to refute her.
Then in your next post you include Republicans along with Democrats and suggest that there was an imbalance in past assassinations committed upon political figures? Obviously you are as ignorant of history as you are in the art of debate. I suggest you take a little time to think and do a reality check before you post.
And by all means be wary of sharp objects. I imagine you could severely hurt yourself if they let you handle crayons.
proof positive that Barack Obama cannot lead. He can only market. His appeal is sizzle, not the steak of national unity; ie a UNITED STATES of America
Because expressing disapproval is the same as screaming racist death threats.
Calling Palin a cunt is expressing disapproval? Check the links in the story before you go off half-cocked.
WOW, that was mere “disapproval”? Someone wanna tell me that Huffpo, Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, etc don’t have rantings and calls for death every day, or that when someone like Tony Snow passes there isn’t outright glee from the left?
Methinks thou dost protest too much
It’s amazing to see how leftists have no education. That’s probably why they want a socialist/communist government to take care of them. Uneducated people can’t stand educated people like Republicans. They want everybody equal… lol
People are afraid; D’s and R’s, and they’re afraid of each other, but Obama’s greatest promise was a CHANGE, a HOPE, a unity…if he can’t bring that, then he’s just a Chicago politician with less experience than Governor Sarah Palin, and a lifetime of bad associations.
Looking through the links Curt provided leads me to believe the Obama media wanted to get out in front of the issue by charging the McCain camp with something that pales in comparison to what Obama’s supporters are doing. Redirecting negative attention, good at it aren’t they.
BTW, McCain is known for allowing stripes of all kinds into his events, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to find that some of the comments the media are so appalled at during McCain events could be shouted out by plants.
Wow, this is just like a Saturday in West Chester, Pa.
Excellent report & links.
In answer to the rhetorical question. “You think the Obamatrons will denounce the hatred?” We all know the answer is, “No.” Watch Oblaimo himself at his rallies when similar comments are shouted out by his supporters, he only looks away with a slight grin. That’s a big clue that he is still nothing more than a “Community Organizer” (i.e. Rabble Rouser). At least McCain has the courage to advise those whom may or may not be actual supporters when he thinks they are crossing the line.
Despite the misleading title of the “A Republican Mob Scene; John McCain’s supporters are madder (and scarier!) than he is.”, report by By John Dickerson, it was more fair and balanced than most other reports I’ve read at His reflection on the response to Black Radio Talk-show host James T. Harris’s comments and the reactions from those listening is a good illustation of Lib Dems that homogenizes well with the video. Cudos to Mr. Harris and other African-Americans who are not fooled by the Obama-Biden panderings. Those who are willing to actually critically examine the candidates and look beyond the rhetoric and talking points, instead of blindly following them and whom confuse charisma for common sense on their platforms.
The vandalism link illustrates the criminal elements who also support Obama. They have no moral compulsions against tagging and defacing the property of others.
Sarah’s professionalism and “unblinking” composure even in the face of booing Flyers fans is more proof of her metal and fitness to lead even in times of adversity.
I didn’t miss the rascist/sexist “Uncle Women” comment by confirmed lesbian Sandra Bernhard in the secord video on the next link. Please tell us again Lib Dems who exactly are the racists/sexists in this General Election? Would you accept such outrageous rhetoric from a Republican? Would you cheer if the target was Hillary? Why not defend THAT position with your fly-by talking points? Thank you for waking up and smelling the coffee Michelle Malkin. I wonder if the secret service is investigating the creators of the “Bushgun” and “Kill Bush” pictures. The arrest mug shots show what can happen to to you Lib Dems when you take this crap too far.
Where is the rest of mainstream media on this? Intentionally MIA. I remember a time when reporters were not cowards, but would even place themselves in harm’s way to report any story no matter who it might be adversely effected. Now they gather around coffee tables recanting socialist tripe and actively join in on the biased nonsense.
The few banded brothers. I would have joined that walk if I could.
…Nah. I’d probably end up bashing one of those people who are booing over the head with my sign. Never mind. =)
No more war? That’s what you’ll have with Obama. And we’ll be on the losing side.
What idiots!
Interesting to see no one on the conservative side acutally condemning the wingnut calls to Kill Obama, instead rattled off the offenses of the opposing wingnuts to Kill Palin. McCain should know better given the crap he had to put up with from the Bush side in 2000 – he could take the moral high ground here but has stayed quiet.
Where’s the sanity?
Disappointing and missing the point; if we live in a United States it should be a United Condemnation of the extremists and lines drawn on what is and isn’t acceptable, not one side calling out the other.
Declan Fallon;
It’s only because we have sincere doubts that it was actually a “Conservative wingnut” and not a Democratic protester trying to make the McCain-Palin supporters appear to have a “Lynch Mob” mentality while the media cameras are rolling. It’s been amply shown that the Lib Dems have been popping up at about every Republican rally they could find. Several of them even got into the RNC Convention in case you missed it, despite security measures. I think most of the “hard core” Conservatives who blog here would agree, it is a bit fishy. Especially considering how prior to that rally they have been putting out, “Kill Bush” both at Obama-Biden rallies and on numerous Democratic websites.
In his scold, Declan Fallon wrote:
“if we live in a United States it should be a United Condemnation of the extremists and lines drawn on what is and isn’t acceptable, not one side calling out the other. ”
Coulda, shoulda, woulda, I don’t see a condemnation by Declan Fallon of the atrocious behavior of the left mentioned in this thread, just a lecture.
DF must be sitting back and waiting for an Obama presidency, all will be well:
My comment is caught in the spam filter.
@Missy: Yeah educated people like George Bush?LOL!
Or uneducated people like Barack Obama, (Harvard Law), Gen. Colin Powell, and Oprah winfey! That comment made you look like a moron!
well the track record for republicans to democrats being assasinated is horrible in this country. For example, Martin Luther king Jr, Medgar Evers, Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and other unsung heroes. Anyone who has challenged the status quo regarding race and equality in this country has been shotto death, so excuse liiberals for taking serious a threat to “Kill Him” at a republican rally!
I have no idea why you are directing a response to me. Kind of makes you look like a moron.
BTW, after the secret service investigated the incident at the Palin rally, it was found that no such threat “Kill him,” was made by anyone.
him, small h, he really isn’t the Messiah.
So how is the air out in left field E?
I don’t get why you went after Missy either, yet you didn’t say anything that has any remote connection with any of her comments in your attempt to refute her.
Then in your next post you include Republicans along with Democrats and suggest that there was an imbalance in past assassinations committed upon political figures? Obviously you are as ignorant of history as you are in the art of debate. I suggest you take a little time to think and do a reality check before you post.
And by all means be wary of sharp objects. I imagine you could severely hurt yourself if they let you handle crayons.