What a day for a rally! Heck, any day is a good day for a Sheepdog rally in my book. This rally had added meaning to our group as we welcomed home one of our own – Gunny Jenkins – from his tour of duty in Iraq. You can view his comments regarding the work of the Sheepdogs in the video ‘Any Given Saturday’.
We had so many new faces – Rich Davis penned a great listing of our new friends:
We had a newcomer, a big biker guy with hardened looks but patriotic eyes and he was delighted to see so many of us, he said, “This is awesome! I love this!” and he had his wife and he couldn’t wait to get started
Amy, from New Jersey, who I met last week at the Campaign headquarters (she came to PA because she knows NJ is lost and she wants to help McCain in our state), and then Jessica, the Air Force girl – in town to visit a friend at West Chester University (WCU), broke into tears when she saw us saying, “this is unbelievable! To see so many people behind us, holding flags and supporting us – we just aren’t used to seeing this!” – she stayed till the end. And Jay, a Marine OCS graduate who will be a 2nd Lt when he graduates from WCU next May, it was his 2nd time with us and he said how meaningful our rally is to him.
So many great moments, Bev joined us – a woman with a rosary, who had been praying to stop abortions, she saw us and joined us and stayed to the end – she was like every one’s loving grandmother – and she was looked so happy and proud to be with us.
Linda brought a friend named Chetty, who fit right in and made us look sharp and Sean and Kathy were there and Maria Hyland, John and Nina, and Harry and just so many of you. Sean brought his friend Devon and they brought Matt and his wife and their FOUR kids and we filled both corners up!
I’ve had fun creating TWO new videos for your perusal and enjoyment. It is always a pleasure to work with the best!!!!
The first one was inspired by the song “Signs” covered by the Black Crows. I heard it on the radio, and thought this would be the perfect song to match with the Sheepdog photos:
The second video is entitled “Any Given Saturday”, it is vlog that captures the crucial differences of standing for victory and voting for defeat *cough*obama*cough*. It is clear to see which group celebrates our heroes and which one fastidiously count body bags for political gain:
In case you are wondering, the music selected for the this video is ‘Hymne Russe”, the Soviet national anthem.
The following is a pic spam for your perusal:
Maggie and I have come to an understanding – I feed her treats, she won’t bite my arm 🙂
Devon has a knack for holding the flag!
No rally is complete without a prayer for our nation and our troops. We are group of remarkable individuals of varying faiths, yet unite in a common prayer for our troops and our nation.
Grave robbing ghouls for Obama: The other side uses public sympathy regarding our deceased heroes to score political points for obama/biden:
Let us end this installment with words of wisdom:
Skye… your reporting has just become breathtaking. Both your videos are outstanding. And, BTW, Any Given Sunday just brough tears to my eyes. How wonderful to have these three in your midst for the rally. The “opposition” should have been shamed to the bone, since I doubt they had as amazing of people on their side of the street than there is today.
Each week, you must just get such a charge of energy from doing this. And I loved that Gunny spent his last day before deployment, and his first day home with you all. But best of all, that life has changed since before he left, there was less people, and more on the *opposite* side of the street.
My heart bursts with pride just cyber knowing you, and those that surround you, girl. You do this nation proud… as does all who stand with you week after week. If you’re ever at a loss for words one Saturday, let them know this FA author is humbled to share the planet with such extraordinary Americans.
Wow! I’m at a loss for words now, Mata!
Thanks and sending you a virtual hug!!!