Obama: ACORN will “Shape the Agenda” When I’m President [Reader Post]

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Barack Hussein Obama states at a December 2007 community organizer forum that he will invite ACORN to “shape the agenda” during transition period and he will allow them to be actively involved during the first 100 days of his administration.

Got that?

The people who helped facilitate the mortgage mess and the people who have been engaging in voter fraud for years will play a direct role in an Obama Administration.

Un. Freakin. Believable.

Roll the tape:

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It would have been better if he referred to ACORN by name,,, this will get blown off as vague,,,,
Don’t get me wrong, I know his intent, I just didn’t see him say anything about ACORN as the title implies……

I’m NOT defending the puke….

Oh my God! This guy is really dangerous. This country is finished if he ever wins this election. What a stupid idiot jerk. He is either mentally ill or is an irresponsible criminal who will destroy America.

Barack is not an idiot, mentally ill or irresponsible (correction, he is irresponsible for not hiding his tracks better, thanks to Curt or the web designer for allowing edits for so long)….. he is, however, a criminal and knows full well what he is doing… which is even more dangerous….

You’re right Buffoon. It’s much more dangerous. He is a compulsive liar, a manipulator, he’s very secretive, hangs around with communists, terrorists and crooks. God Helps America.

Buffoon. When most campaign ads are produced they frontload what they want the public to take from it. This ad begins with the ACORN leader of Community Reinvestment, Deepak Barghava. Then the public will fuzz over the middle and with Obama confirming that he will work with these groups in his first 100 days they will connect Obama with the beginning of the ad.

I’m glad to see this, gonna drop it in my e-mail and push send, thanks Aye! Got a link for us? Please and thank you!


Passing on to Gathering of Eagles, Eagles UP, MoveAmericaForward, Michelle Malkin, FoxNews, and our entire MASS EMAIL contacts!


How’s he gonna meet with thousands of registered voters who are dead, illegal, or non-existent?

Hear me now…listen to me later:

Nothing will make George W Bush look better in the history books, like a President Obama

Rezko, Wright, Raines, Ayers … and now Acorn!!! This is over the top. Obama’s a fraud and should not be allowed anywhere near the White House.

Hussein O has financed voter fraud to the tune of $800,000 this year alone. When (if there is an honest court left in the country) ACORN is convicted of voter fraud the Hussein O should be sitting in the front row on the bus to federal prison. You finance it, you’re responsible for what happens.

I can’t remember where I saw it, but I mentioned it one of my latest post. I think the real reason, the G-D’s honest reason, that no one will pursue and act on any of Obama’s treasonous acts is because he’s black…. seriously….. this is the largest example of political correctness gone wrong I’ve ever seen…….

His closed door deals with the Iraqi administration should have Logan Acted his butt in shackles alone…

Let’s see… I wonder if ACORN leaders will be offered prominent roles as HUD or Treasury Secretary in an Obominable Administration? William Ayers as Secretary of Homeland Security, Code Pinkos as Secretary of Defense and Rev. Wright as Secretary of State.

Mike, you bet they will.

I can’t believe this. Where are the MSM tools when you need them. Oh, they are too busy digging dirt in AK where they find non-issues.


Non issues? Didn’t you know Palin shot a cop and fired a moose…. or something like that….

Tony there are no MSM tools only MSM fools.
BTW we traveled to an open air veggie market yesterday which was about 15-18 miles away. Along the way we were surprised to see a dozen yard signs which read “Vote Pro-Life”. Also along the way we saw ten McCain/Palin signs to one BHO sign. I keep hoping there is still a silent majority out there.

Check this out. If true, the impact won’t be on just Obama…


“BIG” change may be coming, but it might just involve a detour from the “White” House, to another very different kind of “House” . . .

. . . if this is true [is there any doubt?], and proceeds apace [one can hope].

It’s not the view from Pennsylvania Ave., but for Obie and company, it’s the appropriate one.

BTW, it won’t only be Acorn shaping the agenda. If you listened to the debate closely Biden said;

“Barack Obama indicated to me he wanted me with him to help him govern. So every major decision he’ll be making, I’ll be sitting in the room to give my best advice. He’s president, not me, I’ll give my best advice.”

What I take from that is Obama is so inept at making decisions that he is incapable of doing it by himself. So Biden is going to nurse-maid Obama through-out his administration? That raises the golly gee big ol’ inexperienced red flag to me. I thought the mentor was supposed to be the authority running things, not the apprentice. Why did Obama even apply for the job if he thinks himself unqualified to call the shots by himself as this shows?

Well I got some news for Biden. That statement is a damned lie and Palin or McCain should call the both of you on it. It is highly likely, there will be times where for security reasons alone, Biden and Obama will have to be seperated. The VP and President NEVER travel on Air Force One at the same time. If important negotiation are being held overseas with foreign national leader, one of you will not be there. If there is a terrorist threat and the capital is alleged to be targeted, one of you will be escorted to a secure location by the secret service. Chances are one of you would be deep inside Norad. Those would be times when the most important decisions needing to be made for any administration are critical to our national security and Obama will not have the luxury of Biden being there to hold his hand and talk him through it.

I was just surprised Biden announced it to the whole country. Just goes to show that neither of them know crap about how the Executive Branch is supposed to operate.

And what would such a President do if, God forbid, their VP mentor was effectively taken out, either temporarily or perminately? We don’t need two namby-pamby’s in there, that’s like letting Barney & Gomer run Mayberry’s security by themselves. We need people with a back-bone.