Gaston’s documentary continues to gather testimonials from people across the country — and we have word now that the people behind these efforts to document what Obama did during the primaries are also cooperating with law enforcement in an investigation into the Obama campaign’s efforts to undermine the true will of the people in the general election
~~~What’s happening here is something we have never seen before: centrist Clinton Democrats and Republicans are working together to expose the DNC and Obama campaign’s illegal activities and orchestrated, coordinated fraud…
Check out this documentary from We Will Not Be Silenced that goes in-depth into the fraud perpetrated during the Democratic Primaries.
But I’m pessimistic about this doing any good. There is a ton of evidence already out there that should make most people pause over this man getting the White House. His judgment, his association with terrorists, criminals, racists and militant leftists.
But he is still in the race.
Quite sad.

See author page
Check out this blog for some PUMAs…
And here if you are interested in following the Berg-Obama case.
Berg has his own site – – but he doesn’t do explanation on what he’s doing – just publishes the legal papers he’s submitting. If you understand legalese, you might get all the information you need from that site, but personally, I _don’t_, so I find the updates and explanations on americasright much more informative.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Obama misunderestimated what he was dealing with when he tangled with the Clinton machine.
He insulted Bill and Hill and they took it personally.
Now, it’s gonna come home to roost.
The chickens may indeed come to roost, but I fear it won’t be in time for the election. That’s the way the American electorate is: we don’t to hear anything negative about a candidate once we’ve made up our minds to vote for him. We’ll deal with that stuff later on (and we will, whether the voters realize it or not). Right now, the media are ignoring anything negative about their man Obama and are instead fixated on that huge brewing scandal known as Troopergate and Sarah Palin’s “abuse of power”.
Too little, too late. These PUMA’s should started doing this as soon as O’Bama stole the nomination.
There you again with your chronical pessimism. Do you really think you’re helping in any way? Please stop that leftist attitude. I just don’t understand people like you. In Canada, we call them losers. They set their mind to lose… so they lose. Why are you trying to discourage the Republicans? So, they will stop trying winning this election? If this is your goal, go ahead and say it. But if it is not, than change that losing attitude, it’s not helping no one, except of course, Obama.
The Supreme Court should step in and stop the election, until the voter fraud issue is rectified. In addition to Acorn, I’m also worried about other forms of voter fraud, including efforts to indoctrinate people being bused to the polls for registration, false identification, bad voting machines, and Political influence, like that of Jennifer Brunner. I believe that Voter fraud is one of the biggest threats to our democracy. For Jennifer Brunner, a Secretary of State, a former judge, an attorney, and an officer of the court, to subvert our elections for her personal partisan politics is disgusting. How could a person like this be permitted to hold a position of public trust? With Brunner’s obvious bias, one can only wonder how many innocent people got a fair trial, when Brunner was sitting on the bench. Like most Americans, I believe that those who are caught for voter fraud should be punished severely … and, we should make sure that punishment includes jail time!!!
I wonder how many PUMAs and centrist Democrats have finally “awoken” to realize their party has been taken away from them. They’re “too right” for the DNC now.
If ObamArafat ever gets elected, my opinion of Americans will change for ever. I’ve always admired Americans, I thought of them as educated, intelligent and cool. But if Obama wins, that will mean that more than half of the population of the States are stupid Bozos, perfect idiots and dumb assholes. I would never get over it. Please don’t let this happen.
Start being active! Since I blog here, I have sent the link of FA site to many of my American’s friends. It works. I have more than 5 friends by now who will be voting for McCain. They are not stupid leftists, they where just misinformed… and thats the fault of your stupid leftists MSM.
So come on, lets get moving here, we can change this election around.
John McCain said:
“Keep that faith, Keep your courage, Stick together, Stay strong. Do not yield, Stand-up, “We’re Americans. And we’ll never Surrender”
I was searching on the Net to get the definition of the word “PUMA”… and I fell on this article.
The free speech crushing worshippers of the Obamessiah are at it again. Not content to simply stifle the ability of PUMA (Party Unity My Ass / Party United Means Action) members to express their thoughts and opinions on Blogspot blogs, Barack Hussein Obama’s seemingly fascistic supporters are now moving across the web, targeting the group’s Wikipedia entry with malicious edits and threatened deletion.
Read the rest:
Spare me, Craig. The only one that’s trying to lose this election is McCain. It’s not Leftist, it’s the truth. John McCain set his mind to lose, not me. When he loses this election, it isn’t going to be because of people like me. All he has to do is look in the mirror for the reason. Sorry if that offends your sensibilities.
When, and if, McCain decides he wants to fight to be President (and do what it takes to win), I’ll fight with him. Until then, not so much. My vote (and my campaign contribution) is all he’s going to get out of me.
Gee, the Bronze, it’s a good thing that the men and women in uniforms in Iraq didn’t think like you before the Surge.
For whatever it’s worth, let me step in here and add my two cents.
thebronze has a solid history here as a Conservative.
He doesn’t really need me to stand up for him in any way, shape, or form however I see the conversation between the two of you headed down a slope that is both slippery as well as rocky.
It’s not going to end well because, in short, you’re both on the same side.
thebronze, like many Conservatives, is frustrated. Not defeated, but frustrated.
We Conservatives are able to step back and see the bigger picture of what is going on and where this country is headed if Obama is elected.
It’s not a pretty picture.
thebronze, like many Conservatives thinks that McCain needs to fight harder.
I can understand that point of view.
However, I will point out that McCain’s strategy up to this point has been masterful.
He’s been inside Obama’s OODA loop every step of the way.
I happen to think that the masterful strategy is still working.
There are a lot of indicators out there that lead me to believe that reality is NOT as the MSM and the pollsters would like us to think that it is.
I was doing some reading over at Obama’s website today. Some of those folks are starting to wake up. This whole ACORN business has got them spooked. Obama’s mask has begun to slip. The support is beginning to fray. If just the ACORN thing keeps growing, it’s going to be a game-changer.
Combine that issue with a couple of other things that are brewing and we are looking at a very interesting October.
So, I said all that to say this:
Remember that this is the Internet.
We don’t have the benefit of facial expressions, body language, or tone of voice when we type our words in the little box.
You guys are both on the same side.
You’re both rowing in the same direction.
Try not to splash too much water into the boat.
That is some smart advice, Aye. I can understand that Bronze is frustrated, I am also frustrated. But nobody can put their emotion before their country, that was my point of view. No matter how one is frustrated, he’s got to get over it for the good of his country. In other words, put country before your frustrations. Otherwise, it’s not patriotism, it’s selfishness.
I don’t doubt for a second that Bronze is a Conservative, I would just like him to get over his frustration that is leading him nowhere. Just trying to give him a pep talk. That’s all.
Anyways, your election’s system is very frustrating. If it was based on the percentage of all voters, McCain would win it easily. But, that’s not how it works. The electoral College gets to win the election.
Thanks for the link Suek, I found the docket link on that webpage very informative. Hopefully Philip Berg can get the judge to stop sitting on that case so we can find out for sure BEFORE the election:
Folks if you haven’t looked over those court records they are a MUST SEE!
A counter-suit, also posted on that site from another lawsuit, agrees and suggests that McCain is just as inelligible & not a U.S. citizen, because he was born in a U.S. Navy military hospital, located on a U.S. Navy base in a foreign country. That had me ROTFLMAO. Both of McCain’s parents were U.S. citizens and one of them was active duty military. U.S. military bases are considered under U.S. dominion, all American laws apply to military members and their dependants. Children born to U.S. military members serving active duty ARE considered naturally born U.S. citizens when their families return to the states and file for citizenship for those children. McCain already cheerfully provided his documentation. Obama refuses to present his.
I also hope it it true that a certified and witnessed Kenya birth certificate for Obama sent to the U.S. by Kenya official has indeed been found and received stateside. If so and if it passes the forensic tests, it’s a game ender. But time is running out for both that and Philip Berg. If these do not happen and should Obama win. Once he took the oath of office it would be near impossible to persue impeachment or or recall, especially if the Dems get a 60% majority in Congress.
BTW Libs. Berg is NOT a conservative. He is a lifelong Democrat, a Hillary supporter, & was the Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, a govenitorial & senate candidate. Dem Bloggers are now saying Berg’s liscense to practice law should be revoked. See how they eat their own?
AC, thanks for the back-up.
Craig, Im not frustrated. I’m pissed off. Pissed off that the Republican Party has let us down once again. Pissed off that they gave us such a shit candidate as McCain. A guy that almost no one was the least bit enthused about until Sarah Palin came along. Sarah was a brilliant move, but like everything else in this campaign, he’s completely squandered it.
O’Bama is perhaps the most unqualified presidential candidate in American history and it shouldn’t even be close (even with the crappy candidate that we have). The DemocRats are completely vulnerable on so many things that McCain absolutely refuses to even discuss!
How about Rezko?
How about Ayers?
How about Wright?
How about ACORN?
How about Fannie and Freddie?
People are pissed off that this guy isn’t doing what he needs to do to win. After all, it’s not like O’Bama isn’t doing EVRYTHING he can to win. The DemocRats are winning because we’ve let them control the message and the facts, even when both are on our side. McCain (and Bush) has refused to tell the facts because he (McCain) is scared to death to be accused of being (God forbid) “partisan” or “racist”.
Sorry, but mention one of the above at a campaign rally or two and then moving on to something else doesn’t cut it. When I found out that O’Bama was destined to be the nominee, I knew it was in the bag for McCain. Look how far we’ve come. This election should totally be McCain’s, but he’s losing. Why? Most of us know the answer.
Next week is McCain’s absolute last chance to do anything. If he doesn’t pull his head out of ass and go on the offensive he will lose. Will he do it?
I doubt it, but I hope he does. He talks a mediocre game and produces very little. We’ll see…
Here’s another reason:
Rocky, not really. Like I said earlier, O’Bama could f*ck a live chicken on stage and it wouldn’t matter.
Unless something big happens next week, this thing is over.
This is an article that needs to be read. It’s impact – if true – will be far reaching. I can’t think of a word that is strong enough to express the possibilities. Of course, the hang up in that sentence is “if true”…that’s the critical issue. But if it is….holey moley. The ride is about to get rough.
It’s a travesty that people like jennifer Brunner are allowed to hold public office. Our entire democracy depends on fair elections. Voter fraud should be vigorously prosecuted by the authorities, with automatic jail time for offenders … and that includes voter fraud perpetrated by high ranking officials as well. Perhaps if stiff jail sentences were imposed, organizations like Acorn would think twice about defrauding the system, and defrauding the American people. This issue once again shows how important trust is … and, that’s why I would rather trust a man who would not sell out his fellow prisoners, even during 5 years of torture, than to trust a man who betrayed a 20 year friendship, for personal ambition.
I have been a lifelong democrat. However, this year I refuse to vote for Barack Hussein Obama. From the first ‘whiff’ of him I would become ill and would have to turn the channel or, else, leave the room. Being highly intuitive, even as a young girl, I could “read” peoples energy…like my Granny Rosa…of irish, welsh, french and germanic genes. Truly, my husband and sons are confounded over my continued reaction to Obama? I am a counselor and am knowledgeable of ‘body language, voice, posture’, as well. Also, in college I majored in journalism and learned to ask the questions of Who What Where When Why and How. Everything I sense about Obama seems to be filled with *puppetry poise*, as though he is a Pinocchio, being run by a “slight of hands” Geppeto Gang? It doesn’t matter, to me, what the liberal media says because I trust myself more than their hypnotic illusion of The One! PUMA is absolutely correct about his constant charades against Hillary, especially at the DNC. He and his handlers were-and still are- despicable!
Our founding fathers and mothers brought, with them, their ancestral blood of Old Europe. These ancestors, “once upon a time” believed in an energy far beyond Karma and held the Gothic God of Light to live and to breathe, in their blood, throughout the generations. Dr. Stephen Edred Flowers, a genuine germanic scholar and a professor, has written on this subject, extensively. He wrote a slim purple book called “Mysteries of the Goths” which filled me with wonder. He says this bountiful blood is awakening within ourselves…that it actually goes in under the ‘Radar’…person to person. In my girlhood, my Granny told me these same amazing things, sharing gems of wisdom that I will always treasure. After reading Dr. Flowers book I understood her much better.
What I am saying is that we are awakening from a Nightmare on Elm Street and going back to the core of our values, our voices, our beliefs, our principles, our faith, our dignity, our integrity! I applaud the warrior spirit of the PUMA’s…they are Bravehearts. Saint Augustin, in his *Homilies to Saint John*, told us that “there are Powers, Thrones and Dominions….that the Eye and Ear of man hath not seen nor heard”. He would be proud of the PUMA’s for they had “Eyes to see and Ears to hear” at the DNC. In addition, I will always cherish Harriet Christian and the electrifying effect her powerful voice had, that week, across these United States of America! I recently saw her, again, on Neil Cavuto’s show at Fox News where she ended her interview with these tenacious words, “I am not afraid of Barack Obama or his Bloggers!”
I have seen some of The One’s chosen bloggers mocking her…calling her, among other things(gasp!), a Grandma(!), with their inane ageism. They also label her a racist because of her strong stance against Obama’s Oligarchy. Indeed, she spoke truthfully when she said ‘a white man, of such limited and unproven experience, would never have been chosen as the DNC presidential candidate!’ Well, we all owe her a debt of gratitude, because she is a bright sharp willful attractive “Grand Granny” who put Country First. These nasty belittling nitwits should walk a mile in her shoes, but they could never do such a thing. This is an absolute fact, because, cowards cabal…but…bravehearts battle, no matter their race creed or color!