At a McCain-Palin rally in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Oct. 9th, 2008, one of the town hall participants was given a microphone. With microphone in hand, the man loudly proclaimed: “I am mad!”. He then went on to explain that it was not the economy that was provoking his anger, but rather the socialists such as Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, and the other “hooligans” who were taking over our country. He then challenged both Senator McCain and Governor Palin to fight on our behalf and to “go get them!”, essentially urging them to get mad too!
Sometimes it takes simple passionate language to communicate our deepest needs and our most profound desires. What this gentleman in Wisconsin voiced was the collective discontent of millions of Americans who deplore what they are seeing done to her once proud institutions by a ruthless group of socialist politicians, who are intent upon nationalizing our industries, such as banking, housing, health care, transportation, energy, education, ad infinitum and thereby ever expanding and concentrating the power of the federal government to govern our lives down to the minutest detail. And they want to be the ones with total control over all of our lives. Socialists only want socialism when they think they will be the ones in charge, otherwise they prefer democracy. In other words, socialists would prefer to have total control, but absent that, they will settle for partial control, until such time as they can seize and maintain total power.
Now for the first time in the nation’s history, there is a very real chance that the socialists, and by extension the communists too, will have total control over the country’s Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government. Wielding this level of power they will be able to pass whatever legislation they see fit. So they will nationalize our industries; remember Maxine Water’s statement on May 22, 2008 at the Congressional hearing on the energy crisis: “This liberal will be all about socializing… uh… uh… will be about basically taking over…and the government running all of your companies”. She was not kidding. That is exactly what they have in mind. Incidentally, Rep. Maxine Waters was also a big supporter and beneficiary of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac whose unregulated lending practices and unchecked avarice and greed led to the collapse of the Housing industry, which devastated the Banking industry, as well the largest insurance carrier in the world, AIG, and plunged our economy into a deep recession.
So welcome, comrades! For those who have been thus far asleep at the switch, the communist revolution in America has been stealthily progressing, not with a bang, but a whimper, behind the scenes, under cover of darkness, by legislative and judicial fiat. And now their seditious candidate has emerged from the under the shadow of ACORN and the Chicago Political Machine, and his name is Barack Obama, whose friends, associates, and influences form a impressive phalanx of racists, abortionists, communists, socialists, islamacists, radical environmentalists and just plain crooks. Just about every group trying to undermine the country and destroy her foundations have found a willing ally in Barack Obama. He is the savior of the left, their very own Obamassiah.
So it is easy to understand the anger and frustration of those of us who have spent our lives trying to build up and protect this great country from the dark forces and alien ideologies of those who would destroy it, only to find the values and institutions of the greatest nation on earth being systematically annihilated by those very people who have sworn to “support and defend the Constitution”, yet at the same time doing everything within their power to undermine it. Am I mad? You bet I am mad, and getting madder by the day!
I second that
For too long they have been working to advance their socialist causes and whithering away at the freedoms we enjoy and are our foundation.
I just hope McCain and Palin took note
Dr. Sanity explains what’s wrong with “liberals” and shows it is indeed a type of mental illness.
This is from the same rally, McCain names Dodd and Frank
I have the video from that rally (forgot to post it earlier):
Freedom Eden was there.
I have been convinced for a long time that while we may have beaten the communists “externally” (at least for a while) under Reagan, we have been steadily losing “internally” since BEFORE WWII.
I recommend the book “Blacklisted by History” (M. Stanton Evans). Though it is about Joe McCarthy; it is also a terrific account of how the communist party became so well ensconced in the United States. Party members, “Fellow Travelers” and “useful idiots” abound in this country and have cleverly used our own laws against us for 60+ years now. To some, this may sound like mania, but I am convinced if there ever was a conspiracy, it surely is not a “vast right-wing conspiracy” – more likely a vast left-wing conspiracy. You will note, like the Dems’/obama’s current tactics, they like to blame their opponents for so-called dastardly things that they are, in fact, doing.
This book really underscored for me the creeping and slowly strangling effects communism has had on our foundations of freedom.
I was watching this rally live when it aired, and I literally got tears in my eyes when this man bravely said what he did. He represents what so many in America feel, so I am SO GRATEFUL that he had the cojones to say it.
I am sick and tired of the socialists and commies too…
As an Air Force “Cold Warrior” and a huge fan of Reagan….
Todays government makes me want to puke…
Hey, bigpapa, great to see you! 🙂
Gotta love us Wisco’s. We know how to piss off the commies…er…socialist….er…liberals.
The more and more I read about politics, the election, the candidates…the more and more I get mad. Getting mad at my own generation because I think that eventually, we’ll be the ones to run America to the ground. They don’t take the time to research all of this themselves and to see things for what they really are – all they do is follow someone else’s opinions and make it their own. And the person they follow is some liberal who thinks he/she is right.
McCain is right – Democrats have done NOTHING. That is why we need the right type of “change” in the government, starting with this election. We cannot let our country turn the wrong way for the future. We need to get the message out about the truth.
McCain’s also right about another thing: we are Americans first. Not black, not Asian, not Mexican – but Americans.
(So it is easy to understand the anger and frustration of those of us who have spent our lives trying to build up and protect this great country from the dark forces and alien ideologies of those who would destroy it,..) This statement sums it up in a nutshell “dark force” and aliens. It is so funny that last week I was trying to explain to my daughter the fear some have of having a black president and I explained it this way. – You work in a company of predominantly humans and but you do have aliens in some areas of the company. One day you are slated to get a new boss and in comes the alien and his alien family and friends. That is scary because all of the benefits that humans had may be compromised by this alien supervisor and maybe his preference to aliens. It is so funny that my explanation was confirmed by that poster.
The statements of OUR country OUR freedoms. It sounds like 1862 during the Civil War.
I guess now black people have cornered the market on racism. Maybe John McCain needs to be investigated about he refusal to have MLK’s birthday a holiday. Maybe he pals around with segregationalist and the KKK? How many of his friends have been KKK members. How many Senators. I think we have all had unscrupulous associates. Because of the past behavior of some people and the continued behavior of some it may be scary that Barack Obama is looking at you dead in your face. I understand, I do not agree. But that is up to the individuals’ own conscience. God help you all!