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I can only guess they are trying to innoculate Barrack Hussein Obama from the issue.

Don’t tell me Obama is going to have throw someone else under the bus again???!! This time a whole organization!! It must be getting crowded under that bus!!

So, his camp is saying that he hasn’t worked with them on the general election? O.k., then what about the primary and the results thereof? And, all these phony registered voters just found weren’t going to vote for Barry in the general election?? Yeah right.

“We’re gonna need a bigger bus.”

Campbell Brown’s whole attitude is this is a tempest in a teapot and a total waste of time. I can’t stand that b*tch. I never watch CNN but caught her interview with Lady de Rothchild on the internet. I couldn’t believe the bias she showed. She was actually hostile to Lady de Rothchild. So much for objective reporting and interviewing.

Acorn is not biased…Mickey Mouse, Superman, and Tony Romo have all endorsed…Kooks…Drew, Great reporting. If ACORN was for McCain, Would you have been so “Tough.”

You must be kidding says:

Acorn is not biased…Mickey Mouse, Superman, and Tony Romo have all endorsed…Kooks…Drew, Great reporting. If ACORN was for McCain, Would you have been so “Tough.”

Really? Then you disprove your own point with the, “If ACORN was for McCain” remark. I guess you missed Greta Susskind last night. One of their interviewers was talking to an Acorn vote getter and she proudly announced that she encourages everyone she signs up to vote for Obama. Impartial my Aunt Fanny.

YOU MUST BE KIDDING is kidding himself… lol

I wonder Ms Campbell Brown still thinks the Lady de Rothchild is bitter?

Obama National Anthem

I pledge allegiance to the Obama Nation and the irreverence for which it commands.

Unforgiving and unreligious with a distain to the common values we once had.

A rainbow flag of all bright colors and a yellow strip in the middle of our backs.

Multicultural with many factions which no two people understand.

Sheepish Discussions with our enemies and intolerance to a Conservative point of view.

We surrender all to the Obama Nation with love and peace for a few.

Kiss a P.I.G. = Pride Integrity and Guts – Obviously Traits Obama Doesn’t Aspire To.