ACORN’s Crimes

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Shocking right?

A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.

“Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they’ll give me a dollar to sign up,” said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.

“The ACORN people are everywhere, looking to sign people up. I tell them I am already registered. The girl said, ‘You are?’ I say, ‘Yup,’ and then they say, ‘Can you just sign up again?’ ” he said.

Johnson used the same information on all of his registration cards, and officials say they usually catch and toss out duplicate registrations. But the practice sparks fear that some multiple registrants could provide different information and vote more than once by absentee ballot.

Now this guy used the same information on all of the cards which usually should get caught. But how many of these people who are conjoled into registering dozens of times change those names and don’t get caught?

As the multiple investigations across the country attest to, many….

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When will our Attorney General issue a cease and desist order for this organization that is clearly trying to sway this election?

They need to throw out every one of these registrations and announce that if anyone wants to vote in the election they need to go to the proper place and register. This man on the street registrations need to cease. All states need to require identification and the motor voter law abolished. That alone would solve this problem of voter fraud. Also the election officials in every state need to send out cards every five years to all registrants with return instructions. Any that come back deceased or addressee unknown should be eliminated from the rolls at once and any that don’t come back should be eliminiated also. I realize this would cost a lot but probably not as much as the effort of sifting through all these registrations and investigations and trials. When will the governments, both state and federal, use some common sense?

Then we have the 4,000 dead people on the voter rolls in Houston.

There are clueless posters here who will tell us that voter fraud is not a big deal but the evidence doesn’t support the conclusion.

Then we have the 4,000 dead people on the voter rolls in Houston.


Exactly. How much trouble would it take for a city like Houston for the registrars to look at the obituaries each day and eliminate dead people? About 15 minutes? Or doesn’t the county get a death list each week? No, all the registranrs all over the country expect the voters to take their names off the roll when they move, etc. Well guess what, dead people are unable to do this and this is the last thing the families are thinking about and voters don’t think about this until the election and then assume since they moved their names were eliminated. Really, we need to revamp this whole system. When I moved to another state I called the registration office in my former state and removed my name 7 years ago because I was afraid someone would use my name to vote.

Registering 72 times is an apparent violation of Ohio laws?!?

“All states need to require identification… Also the election officials in every state need to send out cards every five years to all registrants with return instructions” (BarbarasS)

We have that in Canada. Since we have a federal election on the 14th of October, I have my card in front of me. Here are the specifics, there is 3 options:


– Health Card
– Drivers license Card
– Canadian passport
– Canadian Forces identity Card
– Public transportation Card
– Student ID Card


– Birth certificate
– Hospital cards
– Social insurance card
– Certificate of Canadian citizenship Card
– And a few others, too long to mention.

OR: TWO ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS (Containing Name And address)

– Credit card statement
– Bank Statement
– Local Property Tax assessment
– Government check with elector name
– Insurance policy
– Letter from Public Curator
– And others, too long to mention


Please note this, a little further in the article:

ACORN’s political wing has endorsed Barack Obama for president, but Ben LaBolt, a spokesman for the Obama campaign in Ohio, said ACORN has no role in its get-out-the-vote drive.

During the primary season, however, the Obama camp paid another group, Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. That group and ACORN share the same board of directors.

Again more of Barry’s standard “plausible deniability excuse. He gets to say, “No I didn’t give ACORN any money to do this” Yeah right, how about pulling the other one Barry? “Golly gee we believe you Fearless Leader, don’t we Natasha?” Thanks for helping to rack up the list of racketteers that need to be dissolved and imprisoned under the RICO Act, NYPost.


This one is gonna leave a bruise:

Oh yeah good one. thanks for the vid Aye.

Washington State has a governor that was elected with 2000 ballots that miraculously appeared after 2 recounts had already taken place. In 2000 J. D. Hayward was almost beaten when one precinct had 1500 more votes than residence. Now here is my question? Why did judges allow these votes to be counted without proper investigations. I’ll tell you why! Democrapic judges. How many times have judges ordered certain precincts around the country to stay open past hours to allow for fraud. Fraud fraud fraud thy name is Democrap.


That’s how Carnahan’s widow was elected in Missouri.

there were a whole lot more than those 2000 votes. it was all from king county where seattle is. gregoir called the head of knig county elections and asked for them to find more votes. funny thing, after 2 recounts that had rossi as the winner, the last batch put queen gregoir over by 123 votes. so enough of the recounts and she won. it was taken to court and the republican leaning judge ruled in her favor because he felt every vote should be counted.

>>“No I didn’t give ACORN any money to do this” >>

I pasted this link in another thread, but it seems appropriate here…

ACORN one less letter makes it A Con.