It’s amazing how dumb people can be. This isn’t a simple matter of disagreements over policy – it’s about not even being aware of policy.
The up shot is, I now have gullible morons customers to sell my magic beans to. 😀
16 years ago
Oh I love it! Just shows how utterly clueless many voters are. I’ve pondered whether it would be better if people had to pass a basic political common sense test before voting, but discarded that idea under the consideration as to whom would actually end up developing the test, the likelyhood it would be biased, & changes that Acorn would just cheat the system and give out crib sheets to everyone they contacted with the answer key or used “designated voter” to pretend to be the actual voter anyway.
Yeah Rocky, I bet ACORN would end up running the test and before you now it WE wouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Heck, it’s already happening to a degree with all this vote fraud potentially wiping out our legitimage votes.
16 years ago
Mike, this is the funniest audio I’ve ever heard. What a bunch of Bozos! But, when you really think about it, it is not funny, as a matter of fact it is quite sad. Just to think that these idiots are allowed to vote, is very discouraging. God helps America!
They only thing I hope, is that they will be so busted on election day, that they won’t bother showing up to vote. It’s amazing that a majority of leftists are ignorant and has no education. But then again, I imagine that this is the reason why they want the government to take care of them. Because obviously they can’t take care of themselves.
Hard Right
16 years ago
Now I know where Leno got his contestants for Jay Walking.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
this is amazing, i can’t believe these people are allowed to breed, let alone vote. makes this all the more scary. just shows that obamas supporters aren’t smart enough to question him on anything.
It’s amazing how dumb people can be. This isn’t a simple matter of disagreements over policy – it’s about not even being aware of policy.
The up shot is, I now have
gullible moronscustomers to sell my magic beans to. 😀Oh I love it! Just shows how utterly clueless many voters are. I’ve pondered whether it would be better if people had to pass a basic political common sense test before voting, but discarded that idea under the consideration as to whom would actually end up developing the test, the likelyhood it would be biased, & changes that Acorn would just cheat the system and give out crib sheets to everyone they contacted with the answer key or used “designated voter” to pretend to be the actual voter anyway.
Yeah Rocky, I bet ACORN would end up running the test and before you now it WE wouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Heck, it’s already happening to a degree with all this vote fraud potentially wiping out our legitimage votes.
Mike, this is the funniest audio I’ve ever heard. What a bunch of Bozos! But, when you really think about it, it is not funny, as a matter of fact it is quite sad. Just to think that these idiots are allowed to vote, is very discouraging. God helps America!
They only thing I hope, is that they will be so busted on election day, that they won’t bother showing up to vote. It’s amazing that a majority of leftists are ignorant and has no education. But then again, I imagine that this is the reason why they want the government to take care of them. Because obviously they can’t take care of themselves.
Now I know where Leno got his contestants for Jay Walking.
this is amazing, i can’t believe these people are allowed to breed, let alone vote. makes this all the more scary. just shows that obamas supporters aren’t smart enough to question him on anything.