Not all of us have forgotten Bronze. And we won’t.
September 11th was a day of horror that I never want to see in this country again as long as I live and I will never forget and will always remember what it takes to keep us free and safe.
It’s funny, you are a pessimist Republican… never saw that before in my life. Please go and read my last post: Post #52 in: Barack Obama makes the same 3 foreign policy gaffes again.
Stop all that negative stuff… you are acting like a leftist.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
maybe obama feels the judge should have aborted his kids so they wouldn’t have had to suffer at the hands of his friends. obama believes the same way ayers and his wife do, it just isn’t politically correct to admit it. all of the people he has snowed would then be on to him. i would rather know a candidate smoked some weed in his youth, and inhaled, did a few lines. noone is perfect when they are young, they do do dumb stuff, but hell be honest about it. i was wild when i was young, very wild, and i am honest about it to people. obama needs to be honest.
Imagine: MSNBC has just reported that Sarah Palin once visited Ruby Ridge, in her native Idaho, and was encouraged by Randy and Vicki Weaver to run for office in Alaska. It’s a huge scandal, dwarfing even Troopergate and the tanning bed, and her political career, and the ’08 Republican ticket, is sunk. That actually pales in comparison to the Obama/Ayers affair, yet no one outside the conservative blogosphere seems to care. Why? Because voters consider it “negative” to even bring it up, or because it just hasn’t sunk in yet? I pray it’s the latter, and if it is, it’s up to McCain and Palin to drive the point home. They have nothing to lose.
16 years ago
I will never forget 9/11. I was working graveyard shift & got a call waking me up 3 hours after I got off to turn on my TV & to report back to base for 12 hour shifts. I worked 12-14 hour shifts for next 3 months logistical support of OPERATION: NOBLE EAGLE, our wing’s USAF fighters were continuously airborne to patrol America’s skies, prepared to intercept and fire upon if necessary any aircraft that might enter prohibited airspace over Washington.
During that time, my maternal grandfather, a WWII veteran was hospitalized & died following a heart attack. I was not afforded the opportunity to pay my respects & mourn his passing. In fact, he forbid my mother to even call and notify me, because he felt that what I was doing in the service of my country was more important. She did call me after his funeral, but I told her I agreed entirely with him. She also relayed to me how proud he was of me for choosing a military career and for being his only descendent to continue his legacy.
That next shift I noticed what looked like a demonic face in the smoke coming from one of the towers. I got a chill & 2 of Nostradamus’ quatrains flashed into my mind & I uttered out loud, Oh my god he was right.” The pilot sitting next to me filling in as Supervisor of Flying (SOF) asked, “Who was right?” I explained and told him of the following 2 quatrains:
Century I:Quatrain 87
Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth,
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great immovable powers will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa (Anagram=Er’ the USA) will redden a new river.
Center of the Earth=World Trade Center, which fell in flames and indeed shook not only the New City=New York, but cause the entire world to tremble. The great immovable powers are two “Rocks” or churches. One, Christianity, represented by America. The other Islamic fundamentalism/terrorism. In response to the outrage the USA declared war on terrorism.
Century X:Quatrain 72
In the year 1999, and seven months,
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring to life the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after war reigns happily.
Prior to 9-11, many interpreted this with messianic prophecy, refering to the Biblical interpretation of “terrible” as a representation of God’s power to strike fear and combining this with Jesus descending from the heavens in John’s Revelation passages. The problem with this is events did not fit with the rest of Revelation, including; the Rapture, the coming of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the death of 1/3 of all remaining life on Earth, and the requirement of the temple of New Jerusalem also descending from the heavens.
The King of Terror=Osama bin Ladin, the king of terrorists, attacked from the sky. The great king of the Mongols refers to Ghengis Kahn, a viciously barbaric warlord. Afganistan is part of the old Mongolian empire.
This was the only quatrain where Notradamus gave a specific year. When September, 1999 came and went with no such event, some have claimed it a failed prophecy. I think he made a forgivable error, due to the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This occured on 24 February 1582 several decades after the quatrains were published (1555-1558) and a few decades after Nostradamus’ death (2 July 1566). The “correction” created margins of error in calculating the years AD & he may have been confused by the change, as he used an astrological calendar for his calculations. “Seven months”, is also explainable. “Sept”-ember comes from the same root as the word “seven”. Before then the Julian calendar ended in October. The Roman emperors added 2 new months to the middle of the year (July for Julius Ceasar & August for Augustus Ceasar) and move the other months later in the year.
I recommend deeper study of religious prophecy & Nostradamus. In other quatrains he appears to describe a third and final World War (which I think fits our war on terrorism) before a golden age of peace, “Cheryn”; a black (noir) sickle (symbolic for Arab) king who is the third and final anti-christ. He also mentions “Mabus”, of which an anagram may be “Saddam”. It is very unclear as to whom may be “the beast” & whom may be the Anti-Christ. Revelations states that the Anti-Christ will represent himself as a messiah and his followers will worship him. I submit; Saddam did not fit this role, though either he or bin Laden could be “the Beast”. Osama also fits some aspects of the Anti-Christ. However, to what I’ve been able to find, nobody considers him a messiah. The only person to have been afforded this honor in our era has been Barrack Obama. I’m sure Athiests in the Democratic Party might have intended this as a dig against Christians & find it humorous, however considering what we’ve seen from him and his disciples this election, it is a very serious question. Of course, the Obama/Anti-Christ email featured on Snopes was discredited because it included alleged prophecy that is not in the Biblical text. But if you actually read what IS revealed in Revelations, it is very disturbing.
Rocky_B said his mother “relayed to me how proud [his grandfather] was of me for choosing a military career and for being his only descendent to continue his legacy.”
It’s sad that you weren’t able to be with your grandfather at his passing but it’s a tribute to him that you were doing what honored him most when he passed away.
Thank you for sharing that story.
Real Americans will never forget September 11th and we will never forget the sacrifice and service of those who keep us safe and free.
Real Americans will also know what to think of a candidate for President who numbers Marxists, communists, terrorists and America haters among his associates.
Our job is to make sure all Real Americans know the truth about Obama in the next three and a half weeks.
Remember what I said about the live chicken?
No one cares. 9/11 was a long time ago and the Weathermen were eons ago.
No one gives a sh*t anymore. They should. But they don’t.
Not all of us have forgotten Bronze. And we won’t.
September 11th was a day of horror that I never want to see in this country again as long as I live and I will never forget and will always remember what it takes to keep us free and safe.
I haven’t forgotten either.
I can still smell the smoke.
I can still see the falling bodies.
Not until my dying day will I ever forget.
Not ever.
It’s funny, you are a pessimist Republican… never saw that before in my life. Please go and read my last post: Post #52 in: Barack Obama makes the same 3 foreign policy gaffes again.
Stop all that negative stuff… you are acting like a leftist.
maybe obama feels the judge should have aborted his kids so they wouldn’t have had to suffer at the hands of his friends. obama believes the same way ayers and his wife do, it just isn’t politically correct to admit it. all of the people he has snowed would then be on to him. i would rather know a candidate smoked some weed in his youth, and inhaled, did a few lines. noone is perfect when they are young, they do do dumb stuff, but hell be honest about it. i was wild when i was young, very wild, and i am honest about it to people. obama needs to be honest.
“Is killing a legitimate political tool?”
Wonder what Barack Obama’s answer would be?
cough, cough
Imagine: MSNBC has just reported that Sarah Palin once visited Ruby Ridge, in her native Idaho, and was encouraged by Randy and Vicki Weaver to run for office in Alaska. It’s a huge scandal, dwarfing even Troopergate and the tanning bed, and her political career, and the ’08 Republican ticket, is sunk. That actually pales in comparison to the Obama/Ayers affair, yet no one outside the conservative blogosphere seems to care. Why? Because voters consider it “negative” to even bring it up, or because it just hasn’t sunk in yet? I pray it’s the latter, and if it is, it’s up to McCain and Palin to drive the point home. They have nothing to lose.
I will never forget 9/11. I was working graveyard shift & got a call waking me up 3 hours after I got off to turn on my TV & to report back to base for 12 hour shifts. I worked 12-14 hour shifts for next 3 months logistical support of OPERATION: NOBLE EAGLE, our wing’s USAF fighters were continuously airborne to patrol America’s skies, prepared to intercept and fire upon if necessary any aircraft that might enter prohibited airspace over Washington.
During that time, my maternal grandfather, a WWII veteran was hospitalized & died following a heart attack. I was not afforded the opportunity to pay my respects & mourn his passing. In fact, he forbid my mother to even call and notify me, because he felt that what I was doing in the service of my country was more important. She did call me after his funeral, but I told her I agreed entirely with him. She also relayed to me how proud he was of me for choosing a military career and for being his only descendent to continue his legacy.
That next shift I noticed what looked like a demonic face in the smoke coming from one of the towers. I got a chill & 2 of Nostradamus’ quatrains flashed into my mind & I uttered out loud, Oh my god he was right.” The pilot sitting next to me filling in as Supervisor of Flying (SOF) asked, “Who was right?” I explained and told him of the following 2 quatrains:
Century I:Quatrain 87
Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth,
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great immovable powers will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa (Anagram=Er’ the USA) will redden a new river.
Center of the Earth=World Trade Center, which fell in flames and indeed shook not only the New City=New York, but cause the entire world to tremble. The great immovable powers are two “Rocks” or churches. One, Christianity, represented by America. The other Islamic fundamentalism/terrorism. In response to the outrage the USA declared war on terrorism.
Century X:Quatrain 72
In the year 1999, and seven months,
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring to life the great king of the Mongols.
Before and after war reigns happily.
Prior to 9-11, many interpreted this with messianic prophecy, refering to the Biblical interpretation of “terrible” as a representation of God’s power to strike fear and combining this with Jesus descending from the heavens in John’s Revelation passages. The problem with this is events did not fit with the rest of Revelation, including; the Rapture, the coming of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, the death of 1/3 of all remaining life on Earth, and the requirement of the temple of New Jerusalem also descending from the heavens.
The King of Terror=Osama bin Ladin, the king of terrorists, attacked from the sky. The great king of the Mongols refers to Ghengis Kahn, a viciously barbaric warlord. Afganistan is part of the old Mongolian empire.
This was the only quatrain where Notradamus gave a specific year. When September, 1999 came and went with no such event, some have claimed it a failed prophecy. I think he made a forgivable error, due to the change from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. This occured on 24 February 1582 several decades after the quatrains were published (1555-1558) and a few decades after Nostradamus’ death (2 July 1566). The “correction” created margins of error in calculating the years AD & he may have been confused by the change, as he used an astrological calendar for his calculations. “Seven months”, is also explainable. “Sept”-ember comes from the same root as the word “seven”. Before then the Julian calendar ended in October. The Roman emperors added 2 new months to the middle of the year (July for Julius Ceasar & August for Augustus Ceasar) and move the other months later in the year.
I recommend deeper study of religious prophecy & Nostradamus. In other quatrains he appears to describe a third and final World War (which I think fits our war on terrorism) before a golden age of peace, “Cheryn”; a black (noir) sickle (symbolic for Arab) king who is the third and final anti-christ. He also mentions “Mabus”, of which an anagram may be “Saddam”. It is very unclear as to whom may be “the beast” & whom may be the Anti-Christ. Revelations states that the Anti-Christ will represent himself as a messiah and his followers will worship him. I submit; Saddam did not fit this role, though either he or bin Laden could be “the Beast”. Osama also fits some aspects of the Anti-Christ. However, to what I’ve been able to find, nobody considers him a messiah. The only person to have been afforded this honor in our era has been Barrack Obama. I’m sure Athiests in the Democratic Party might have intended this as a dig against Christians & find it humorous, however considering what we’ve seen from him and his disciples this election, it is a very serious question. Of course, the Obama/Anti-Christ email featured on Snopes was discredited because it included alleged prophecy that is not in the Biblical text. But if you actually read what IS revealed in Revelations, it is very disturbing.
I wish the 60s would croak and die, already.
Rocky_B said his mother “relayed to me how proud [his grandfather] was of me for choosing a military career and for being his only descendent to continue his legacy.”
It’s sad that you weren’t able to be with your grandfather at his passing but it’s a tribute to him that you were doing what honored him most when he passed away.
Thank you for sharing that story.
Real Americans will never forget September 11th and we will never forget the sacrifice and service of those who keep us safe and free.
Real Americans will also know what to think of a candidate for President who numbers Marxists, communists, terrorists and America haters among his associates.
Our job is to make sure all Real Americans know the truth about Obama in the next three and a half weeks.