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Cool pic.

Of course the color “pink” on the White House also reminds me of the “Pinko’s” trying to get in there. Hey check this out folks. Comedian Sarah Silverman, another ultra lib entertainer. She suggests young Democrat Jews contact their parents and blackmail them with refusing grandparent visitation with their children unless they promise to vote for Obama.

Sarah Silverman is just another stupid bitch who’s obsessed with Obamarafat and jealous of Sarah Palin.

Do we honestly care what Hollywood says about the election? Matt Damon claims that he knows nothing about her (therefore establishing for all of us that he doesn’t have the brains to actually find out before inserting his foot into his mouth), Pamela Anderson says that Palin can “suck it”, Diddy, Ludacris, Oprah, and the others are only choosing Obama because of the color of his skin. We all know the bashing the conservative member on The View gets by the other three every time she brings up a questionable point about Obama. So do we really care?

Focus everyone…

Thanks Mike for posting this picture for all of us dealing with the fight against Cancer. I have been a McCain fan for a decade as everyone on this site knows. But I would rather my wife win her fight with Cancer (and McCain too) than have my candidate win their race for the WH.

Does that make me selfish? I don’t care.


No, that absolutely doesn’t make you selfish.

That makes you human.

I, too, wish your wife and every other person suffering from cancer a successful battle against that dread disease.

In the end, all that matters is family.

I get worked up about politics because it affects my family and their future.

By the way, who is that guy in the pictures with your wife?

He sure is a lot better looking than you.

Does this mean that folks are beginning to catch on to the pinko nature of a president who extolls the virtue of a government takeover of the nations banks? Of giving a trillion pork-laden dollars to the Marxist left…the very people who caused the problem in the first place? Nah! Just RINO political correctness at work. Ain’t it wonderful to have voted for the lesser of two evils–twice!!

Ain’t it wonderful to have voted for the lesser of two evils–twice!!



Here’s hoping for both wins to happen.


I just hope they don’t leave those lights on for the Obamas.

Today’s Media Question: What’s Black & White and Red all over?


The American flag after Obama changes it?


I know the way you feel. I get worked up about it as well, especially among friends. Because they’re all voting for Obama for no reason at all but for just following a trend, every time I start speaking the truth about politics, they tell me later on that “there’s no off-button on me.” Just because I disagree with their views and just because I try to show them the right way, to show them an outside-the-liberal-chokehold perspective…


I hope your wife wins the fight against cancer as well. My heart goes out to her. And Aye’s right, family does come first. You’re not selfish – your devotion and love for her says it all.