Ayres: “‘c’ommunist” More Than Terrorist [Reader Post]

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The issue of Barack Obama’s ties to William Ayres has re-emerged in the closing days of the election, but I think even the McCain campaign is missing the salient fact. It is very true that having a friendship with a terrorist is troubling enough, but the evidence of a shared radical left agenda is far more troubling.

Bill Ayres, of course, was part of a radical offshoot of the notorious Weather Underground which bombed the Capital and the Pentagon and killed policemen. He was a leader of all this activity. In 2001 he said he wished he had done more.

Obama at first tried to claim to claim he was merely a “neighbor on my street”, but it soon came to light they had worked together for eight years and Obama had launched his campaign at his house. Could Obama had been the only person in Chicago who didn’t know about his tainted past?

As I said, having any association with anyone having this man’s past would be troubling enough. What if John McCain had known Timothy McVeigh? It is what they were doing together and how often that troubles me.

The Obama campaign and their helpmates the media have tried to portray him as a reformed person making contributions to society. This ignores the words he has spoken and the nature of his activities. He has described himself as “a small ‘c’ Communist”, saying he has preferred the writings of Marx to Lenin. He is a major force in education promoting far left thought, such as portraying our country as a militaristic bully whose capitalist system must be destroyed.

Ayres hired Obama as his Chairman of an Annenberg project on education in Chicago (and, by the way, how could you ‘forget’ someone who gave you $50 million dollars to spend?!). They worked together to pay outside radical groups to indoctrinate students in far left politics, specifically mentioning they should NOT push basics such as math and science. [The results were a total failure, in terms of any educational measures.] Ayres and Obama also worked together in the similarly minded Woods Foundation. Obama has pointed with pride to his work here. Further, the launch of Obama’s political career at Ayres’ house was set up by them; it was NOT set up by the previous State Rep. as Obama has tried to claim.

The main conclusion coming out of this is that Obama must share the radical views of Ayres, especially in light of all his other work and associations, such as his “community organizer” work with the far left group ACORN and his contributions to Wright and Fleger. Fill in this tableau with the voter fraud and mortgage bullying of ACORN which Obama, Frank and Dodd tried to sneak down our throats (to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars) in the initial version of the bailout bill, and we have a threat much more ominous than a mere association with a terrorist. Without stretching credulity much at all, we could be about to elect someone who wants to destroy capitalism and promote far left socialism. Can we really take that chance?

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Some of you are as bad as Johnny’s campaign people.
WE are in a financial crisis. People’s accounts are dwindling.
They do not care about the side stuff.
This is the exact reason why Johnny and Sarah are fading. While I may not agree with him, Obama is sticking to the issues that the public cares about.
Poor Johnny. Here he finally gets his chance. And he gets the worst campaign people ever.
I mean, Sarah on Fox tonight was IMO lame enough. He joined her! Why??
I think they have the Fox audience vote. Just horrendous decision making.
Baldwin ’08!

That is right. If JM had met with Tim McVeigh, all hell would have broken loose. Most people believe that Ayers and his other half Dohrn are rehabilitated.
Little do they realize that these two who have managed to stay under the radar are anything but rehabilitated.
Three videos have surfaced of these two from 2007. They are still spewing propaganda under the guise of “activism.”
People must listen to these two and see for themselves. They have NOT changed. The “reformed educator” is still angry as of 2007. America is also very forgiving.
He recently traveled to Venezuela – only the most recent of several such trips – and delivered a speech in front of Hugo Chavez in which he spoke of education as the “motor force of revolution” and his interest in “overcom[ing] the failings of capitalist education” and said he thought Chavez was creating “something truly new and deeply humane.” He closed his speech by mouthing typical slogans of the authoritarian left: “Viva Mission Sucre! Viva Presidente Chavez! Viva La Revolucion Bolivariana! Hasta La Victoria Siempre!”


The whole POINT of this piece is the ECONOMIC hell that is being threatened if a true socialist takes over the strongest position in the world. How much more current and cogent can we get than that?

associations are as important as your beliefs, in my opinion. i know that obama knew, how could he not know? we all knew that a previous governor had a thing for little boys, well, teenage boys and the state troopers went along with it. when you are public it is very hard to keep this kind of crap quiet. he knew and didn’t care because he agreed, he cannot say so, but he areed.

There are a lot of people out there trying to cover for Barry-rak on this. The Weather Underground was not just some past “anti-war” movement that used violence at the time for the sole purpose of trying to stop the war in Vietnam. They were anti-establishment, anti-capitalist, socialist movement who were seeking an armed overthrow of our gov via violence and subversion.

If one even listens to Ayers…even today…he’ll tell you straight up. The organizations and ideas that they have continued to persue …even today…represent socialist driven subversive efforts to fundementally change America and the functions of our gov.

I watched a CNN reporter actually report that Obama was not being truthful about how extensive his relationship was with Ayers. But, they continually referred to Ayers efforts as strictly relating to stopping the vietnam war ….where Obama was 8 at the time..etc. ie…the typcial….nothing to see..move along, moving along.

The truth is, their ideas went far beyond just the war in Vietnam. And they still do “today”. And nobody even bothered to follow up with questions and pictures of Ayers after 9/11 dancing on the flag. Was that a statement against the Vietnam war? I don’t think so.

Yes, and Johnny’s $300 billion proposal is not socialism either.
Please dear Lord. Send us a TRUE conservative. In the meantime, I’ll go with the Constitution Party.

I’ll just stick with the constitution—hold the party.

That’s it Richard, go with the Constitution Party and get Obama elected. Real smart move! Hope their is not too many like you in the States. Your country is about to become communist and you stick with the Constitution Party. Your useless to your country, I feel sorry for you.

Richard… have to agree with you on that.

The place for the mortgage management of the “bail out” was in the original “bail out” as an HOLC… NOT as an add on.

I was appalled when I heard that. But then, most people think this $700 bil (at any one time…) which is more like trillions in reality .. is the end of it all. Instead, it’s just the beginning.

Unless a sitting POTUS can get a friendly Congress to undo what this WH and Congress have done, a “true conservative” hasn’t got a prayer.

We works with the socialist country we got… not the capitalist country we wish we had…. (with apologies to Rummie…)

But, “to be perfectly clear”, as Obama says… compounding the problems with an flat out, unabashed socialist POTUS in Obama, combined with those dodoheads Pelosi and Reid, is not an option I care to take. It’s McCain/Palin in 08. But I’m not dancin’….

And least we forget, part of Obama’s job with Ayers was training Acorn operatives.

Acorn people who were going into banks, loudly protesting and following bank employees home to try to force them into giving up and authorizing Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac subprime loans to deadbeat would-be homeowners who had no intention to do anything except not pay, squating rent free until they got thrown out, and becoming the serious drag on the ecomony that created this financial mess.

Acorn people who have been involved in voter fraud for years and in this general election are doing the same trying to cheat the system to put Obama in the White House. Just yesterday, the feds entered Acorn offices in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada offices. Home of Harry Reid whose voting constituents have been trying, but failing to oust from office since the late 1980’s. (Of course the no paper-trail computerized voting machines are no help either. They were installed on Reid’s watch & have modules that are removed and transported to the voting offices, but they can theoretically be reprogramed enroute.)

Some people may not care who politicians associate with, but there are many of us that do care. Associations, political history, and actions speak much louder than rhetoric. It’s all relavent. Obama has been pulling a Clinton trying to win on style and telling people what his think tank tells him voters want to hear.

And yes Richard we are in a financial crisis. One that was orchestrated by the lib Dems. The Democrats in Congress are the ones that created Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac. And they did everything possible to block the regulators. Why don’t you do some checks on all the videos online where Barney Frank perpetually took a stance of; nothing wrong here, nothing to see here, move along”. Meanwhile the regulator was constantly trying to assert their were very real and serious problems with the sub-prime market.

Look at how he won the Illinois senate race. Buy sending in teams of lawyers to do everything they could to eliminate every other candidate so that he could run unopposed. They got entire voter petitions supporting opposing candidates eliminated by challenging single names, not just those voters. I would not be surprised if Acorn wasn’t involved in that as well, having fictitious people sign and then passing those names to Obama’s campaign.

Look at the videos of dirty politics pointed out by the Hillary campaign. The DNC changed their own primary rules which led to her votes in Michigan and Florida being thrown out. Then the DNC awarded Obama with the Michigan “Undecided Delegates”. The voter fraud with the primary delegations. Obama supporters forcing stickers on everyone that came through the door and then assumptions being made that delegate votes were for Obama based on those stickers. Obama supporting thugs turning away & blocking delegates that weren’t wearing Obama stickers. Sheets of fictitious delegate voter names like John & Jane Doe. A voter merely had to sign in providing his/her “name,” “address” and “phone number,” none of which were checked, allowing anyone to caucus under a fictitious name and address. This is information that can all be found on Democratic sites. Such as:


The Obama Campaign has absolutely no integrity. If he can’t trusted to run a clean campaign even within his own party (and no I’m not refering to the mudslinging and rhetoric on all sides that fact check as incorrect or misleading), how can you expect him to follow through on anything he promises? Especially when he refuses to provide any real and specific information?

WOW! Democrats will be campaigning for McCain, October 16 in Ohio.

(Real) Democrats Are taking to the Road for McCain & Open Thread

Craig, the NoQuarters group has been “NObama” for quite some time now. Don’t get too excited. They are the Hillary 2012 crowd. McCain’s a means to an end… prevent Obama from the win, and he won’t get the nod for 2012. Dem’s don’t rerun losers.

Many feel so ostracized by the DNC primary and convention rules – and I don’t blame them one bit.

There goes ACORN again:

“The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) have faced charges of fraud in their efforts to drive voter turnout during the election.

Twenty-seven thousand registrations handled by the group from January to July 2008 “went into limbo because they were incomplete, inaccurate, or fraudulent,” Terry said, claiming the group recently came under investigation for allegedly registering deceased individuals in certain states.”


ROTFLMAO is “rolling on the floor laughing my a$$ off”.

Re Acorn:

They are openly and ardently Obama supporters. So do they think he can’t win fairly?
Why else would they continue with the fraudulent registrations? A couple times they could blame it on the workers, but it is getting absurd.

Maybe doug1 knows the answer to this one.


Theresa C,

Thank you for the information, I could have never figured it out, since I am French. That’s kind of funny.

At least I figured out the expression POTUS… President of the United States, but it took me a while.

And I imagine that BTW, stands for By The Way. I’m making some progress here… lol

Don’t forget the $800,000 the Obama camp paid ACORN for advance work. That hit the news a couple of weeks ago, forgot what excuse he used for that one.

It is hypocritical for McCain to make an issue over Ayers, considering McCain’s own terrorist friends. Unlike Obama, where the close connection is a speculation, McCain’s association is open and documented.

Consider someone who McCain is openly friends with, and who has actively supported McCain’s political career. That Person is G. Gordon Liddy.

G.Gordon Liddy went to jail for his major participation in Watergate, a crime that attempted to undermine the Democratic process and harmed America far more than the Weatherman ever did. Liddy even admitted to proposing bombings, kidnappings and other criminal acts to accomplish his goals. Just last year McCain expressed to Liddy on his radio show how proud he was of Liddy. Proud of a man who praised Hitler and advised those who were under fire from ATF officers to shoot the officers in the head, because the officers would be wearing flak jackets (and this was said after he was released from jail in 1994).

Check it out for yourself.

Terrorism comes in many forms. Liddy is a terrorist againts our fundamental rights as Americans.

Check it out for yourself.

So show us the links. When most of us here make comments, we back those up with evidence, not check it out for yourself.

G. Gordon Liddy is the same as William Ayers? White collar crime, which was prosecuted and Liddy was sentenced, equates to blowing up govt buildings and seeking to force the US from capitalism to socialism via revolution???

You are unbelievably clueless in your perspective, Judy. People like you are dangerous voters by your ignorance.

Well at least the Weather Underground (Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn et al) didn’t kill any policemen or Brinks armored truck employees.

Oh, wait….