Emmanuel: It just started…. Come on it to the chat.
Emmanuel Goldberg
16 years ago
Let us have a debate about the genesis of the problem. That is a loser for the Ds.
16 years ago
Who is winning?
16 years ago
Get ready to watch a HUGE CHANGE of events in the next few years! COUNTDOWN…3..2…1…..USA DOWN THE DRAIN B/C OF TOOOOOO MUCH CRAP EDUCATION WARPING OUR KIDS MINDS GENERATION AFTER GENERATION!!! 25yrs and younger are already shaped for action, tic, toc, tic….
Scott Malensek
16 years ago
Ok, first…Obama took part of McCain’s National Service debate answer early in the debate and plaigerized it. Second, Obama is STILL making the same 3 foreign policy gaffes (lies):
1) The US didn’t take its eye off the ball in Afghanistan and let UBL escape because Bush was preoccupied w Iraq. UBL escaped in Nov2001, Iraq buildup began 10 months later, and Iraq was invaded in 2003. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GET OBAMA A CALENDER
2) The cost of the war in Iraq literally changes every week according to Obama. Tonight he claimed it was $700+bn. No. That’s the cost of the war on terror as a whole. Iraq (per the Congressional Research Service) cost $444.6bn as of July. For reference, the cost of all the Clinton Wars was about $450bn most of which was spent “containing” Saddam, and that “containment”….caused UBL to decide to start killing Americans; caused the war on terror
3) Obama promised to encourage democracy, reforms, peace, love, and happiness in Pakistan via foreign aid, but Biden said in the VP debate that the first thing they’d cut due to the financial crisis….is foreign aid.
Sue Koecher
16 years ago
Looking for someone who is willing to chat about this last debate. Getting pretty disgusted with the whole mess. Consider myself conservative but don’t much like what I see on either side.
16 years ago
Sue, I agree with you. Am disgusted, but have decided to vote for Obama. I love my country and McCain may be a hero, but, and this has been a very hard decision for me, he is not right for the country right now. His time was in 2000, but thanks to Karl Rove etc. he wasn’t our president. Instead, we had Bush. I voted for him – twice. Because I thought he was the better choice at the time. Obama is the better choice this time. I’m sick of the lies and the hatred that is being spewed by the Republican party right now. Country first, not party first.
16 years ago
Patriot you are completely out of order. If you vote for Obama, you are heading for a communist country. You don’t believe me? Just watch that video:
Hard Right
16 years ago
Patriot, you are a phony and no patriot. Just a moby. My only consolation is that if he wins, you’ll suffer like those of us smart enough not to vote for him.
So far I am disappointed by McCain’s response. He should have tied BO to the problem.
Emmanuel: It just started…. Come on it to the chat.
Let us have a debate about the genesis of the problem. That is a loser for the Ds.
Who is winning?
Get ready to watch a HUGE CHANGE of events in the next few years! COUNTDOWN…3..2…1…..USA DOWN THE DRAIN B/C OF TOOOOOO MUCH CRAP EDUCATION WARPING OUR KIDS MINDS GENERATION AFTER GENERATION!!! 25yrs and younger are already shaped for action, tic, toc, tic….
Ok, first…Obama took part of McCain’s National Service debate answer early in the debate and plaigerized it. Second, Obama is STILL making the same 3 foreign policy gaffes (lies):
1) The US didn’t take its eye off the ball in Afghanistan and let UBL escape because Bush was preoccupied w Iraq. UBL escaped in Nov2001, Iraq buildup began 10 months later, and Iraq was invaded in 2003. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE GET OBAMA A CALENDER
2) The cost of the war in Iraq literally changes every week according to Obama. Tonight he claimed it was $700+bn. No. That’s the cost of the war on terror as a whole. Iraq (per the Congressional Research Service) cost $444.6bn as of July. For reference, the cost of all the Clinton Wars was about $450bn most of which was spent “containing” Saddam, and that “containment”….caused UBL to decide to start killing Americans; caused the war on terror
3) Obama promised to encourage democracy, reforms, peace, love, and happiness in Pakistan via foreign aid, but Biden said in the VP debate that the first thing they’d cut due to the financial crisis….is foreign aid.
Looking for someone who is willing to chat about this last debate. Getting pretty disgusted with the whole mess. Consider myself conservative but don’t much like what I see on either side.
Sue, I agree with you. Am disgusted, but have decided to vote for Obama. I love my country and McCain may be a hero, but, and this has been a very hard decision for me, he is not right for the country right now. His time was in 2000, but thanks to Karl Rove etc. he wasn’t our president. Instead, we had Bush. I voted for him – twice. Because I thought he was the better choice at the time. Obama is the better choice this time. I’m sick of the lies and the hatred that is being spewed by the Republican party right now. Country first, not party first.
Patriot you are completely out of order. If you vote for Obama, you are heading for a communist country. You don’t believe me? Just watch that video:
Patriot, you are a phony and no patriot. Just a moby. My only consolation is that if he wins, you’ll suffer like those of us smart enough not to vote for him.
patriot comment #8=
Does anyone know if the tax plan obama is proposing is 250,000 profit income or gross income for families and businesses?
Per Obama mouthpiece, Maria Cardona, it’s gross, Mark… not only meaning pre-net, but as an adjective to Obama’s plans… LOL