Yes…what about the Keating 5? You should read the actual history of that case. The attorney who tried that case (a Democrat b/t/w – Bob Bennett) after reviewing the facts of the record, recommended McCain be exhonorated – should have never been a part of the claim in the first place. This recommended was squashed becuase the others involved were…uh…DEMs and you know, we can’t have a case naming only DEMs…Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), and Donald W. Riegle (D-MI) – so they denied the recommendation to clear Senator McCain. THIS is your big skeleton. Scawy.
AND…his skeletons AREn’t in his closet – they’re paraded about every day where if anyone on the “other side” asks a pointed question about Obama, we are called racists and the question is blown off. What a bunch of crap.
16 years ago
First off , my apologies to you for me being a little cynical towards you on the caps thing. It’s just people who worry about small things irritate the hell out of me. As for experience , I’ve got twenty years on you. The reason why I responded to you and Rocky because some of the things you write make sense. There are a lot of people out there who don’t know what is going on. They read the paper and watch the news and belive what they are told to believe. They probably think that Oswald shot JFK by himself. We will discuss a lot of topics in the future for sure. For now , take care of yourself and your family. A P.
16 years ago
My hat is off to you!
16 years ago
First, for KLH: This is my first time responding to anything on this link. I think that your interest is very commendable. You need to become involved and interested in the world around you and knowing what the political situation is is a very good start.
As far as politics is concerned, you only have two options at the moment. I appologize to everyone else, but, this is reality speaking now. If you want to vote for anyone other than Republican or Democrat for the president, you are actually wasting your vote today. There is not enough support today for a third party candidate. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be and you will have a real choice, but, until then, you only have two choices.
After that, you have to decide what you want out of life to determine who you should vote for.
If you think that the government should provide everything you need and want, if you think that the government should provide everything to you withought your having to contribute to it, and if you think that everyone should have the same amount of money as everyone else wheather they work or not, then you should vote for the Democratic candidate since that is what they espouse.
If you think that you should decide how and where to spend the money that you earn, and that the government needs to stay out of your pocket. If you feel that the money you earn should be yours to spend and that the government needs to stay out of your pocket, then, like me, you should vote for the republican candidate.
And if you want to know what the backround of your candidate is, and not have the past covered up by secrecy, then of course, you need to vote for the republican candidate.
Of course, if you don’t care what your candidate has done in the past, and are happy with the re-writing of personal and official records, if you are happy with unanswered questions about how education was paid for (as in Barry (I mean Barrack) Obama) and why your candidate never registered for the Selective Service (as is required for all males age 18 in the USA) Then, of course, you should vote for the DEMOCRATIC nominee.
It is your choice after all.
You can either make an informed decision, or you can vote DEMOCRAT.
16 years ago
I would love to have a bumper sticker that reads “You can either make an informed decision, or you can vote DEMOCRAT”. That statement perfectly sums up my feelings toward democrat politics.
it so much better to be a goose steppin’ ultra right fundamentalist ignoramous for Sarah Palin.
Hellllllllo….time to realize the republican party doesn’t give a damn about its voter base. They only want you to keep them in power so they can continue to rape and pillage the US treasury — at the expense of you, your children, your grand children and your grand children’s children.
Think the bailout will help you, joe sixpack? Think again. It only delays the crash by 6 more months.
What the hell is a “growlroo?” Some sort of attack Kangaroo?
Another left wing fascist at any rate.
16 years ago
The Democrats (your chosen party) are only interested in keeping people like you addicted to government programs. If they weren’t, they would have changed all the social programs (that I pay for with my tax dollars) so that homeless, jobless people like you would get off your lazy backsides and find a job, find a place to live, and contribute to the economy instead of mooching off of my hard-earned pay. But, since their voter base is made up of lazy, good-for-nothing losers like yourself, they keep you addicted to the government checks and programs. That way, the more they give you, of my money, the more you will like them and vote them back into power.
As for being “joe-sixpack”. I am very proud of the fact that I actually get up in the morning and go to work at a job that I enjoy that pays me enough to live a very comfortable life. I ride my Harley, drive my BMW, and my wife drives her new jeep. We go where we want when we want because I have a real job that pays me sufficient income to enjoy life.
Now, if you want to vote for a man that has yet to tell the truth about his past life, that is your choice. But, when intelligent, logical thinking people like myself examine his record (or lack thereof) look into his backround and find the glaring lies and deceptions, and point them out to you; you “goose-step” your way right behind him and, with no facts and no explanations, believe what he says and back him up.
So you go ahead and keep Nancy in charge, vote for Obama, and since I have a job, I will sit back and watch the nation fall on its face with your people in charge. Your man voted for the bailout as well. Me, I think it was a mistake and would have voted against it had I had a vote on the matter. I think that the bailout needed to include clauses that hold the corporations liable and responsible for their actions and punished those in charge financially as well as punitively. No, the bailout will not help me since I am already financially sound and have no difficulty paying my mortgage on my own. It will not help you out either since you don’t have a job and cannot afford to purchase a home of your own. So, you just enjoy your HUD home that I am helping pay for, and keep sitting on your backside waiting for the checks that are being paid for out of my salary.
16 years ago
Hey Macsdragon3,
Well said. That is exactly what I say to people. Forget about the actual candidates currently running. There will always be new ones running in future elections. The faces change, but the platform of the parties remain.
So as you said, people need to understand the basics of what each party stands for and vote based on that. More government involvement or less government involvement.
16 years ago
Thanks Emjay,
It is nice to find out that there are other “intelligent” people out there that are involved in the process.
I noticed that you didn’t take a stand either way. Nothing wrong with that and I actually respect that you said your piece without stating which party you favor. It makes it much more difficult for the nut cases out there to attack if they don’t know which beliefs you hold.
Understanding Other Cultures While Loving America
16 years ago
I am appalled by the remarks here. I am part of a black greek letter organization. These kids are not part of no black nazi movement. These young people are emulating the black masonic, black fraternities and sororities pledge process that dates way prior to the Nazi movement. Read your history. W.E.B DuBois, the founder of the NAACP, was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity as was Jesse Owens and even Martin Luther King. Thurgood Marshall was also part of Alpha Phi Alpha and had to follow a similar process. Jesse Jackson is a member of Omega Psi Phi as well as Bishop Charles E. Blake, presiding elder of the Church of God in Christ. The Church of God in Christ was an all nations church which included all and which the Assemblies of God came from. Sarah Palin attended an Assemblies of God denomination church up until a few years ago. We might all have disagreements about Obama but don’t kill his influence.
Young black boys and girls mostly only see successful black people in the media either being movie stars, rappers, or shaking their behind at MTV awards. They can not imagine someone of their color and race going for an education but they can relate to drug dealing and guns and fighting to make ends meet. For once a black man with a single parent was persistent enough to acquire an education, take care of his kids and stay with his wife. Call him a socialist or distributor of mass wealth or a far-right liberal but do not illustrate him as a thug and his wife as a baby-momma.
In the media, you have met OJ Simpson, Michael Vick, and a host of other black men caught doing crime shown on your local 6 or 7 o’clock news. If we give you a decent and good steward of our urban black community in such bitter and non-respectful terms, why inspire others in the black community to try and obtain the American dream….Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
16 years ago
Understanding other cultures while loving America,
The first problem you have here is the biggest problem facing America and you have made it completely evident with your choice of words. What is it? Simple! You are not a member of the American society.
Why do I say this? You are a member of the exclusive “Black society”. You are either an American, or an African, you can not be both! If more people understood that there is only one society in America, and that all of the individuals in America belong to it, our problems with race, religion, ethnicity, gender, and every other difference would not exist. The laws in America are not written to apply to just balck people, just asian people, just white people, or any other groups. The problem is that there are too many individuals, like yourself, that stress that they are a member of the “Black” or “Hispanic” or “Asian” or “Gay” or whatever other “society” they claim to be a part of. You state that you are a member of a “black” Greek letter organization, not just a member of a Greek letter organization. That, in itself, shows that your are racist and have racist views. You are stating that a white man, or hispanic man, or asian man (yes, you can read women instead of man since it makes no difference in this context) is not welcome in your “Black” Greek letter organization. This exclusion is racist and is the root problem in America!
I am an American! Period! My ancestors were from other countries, but, I am American. That makes me part of the greatest nation ever to grace the earth. If all of the individuals in America would just stop harping on their differences and start concentrating on their similarities, the racism, sexism, nationalism, and other biggotries would cease to be a factor. But, having groups of people who are more interested in their differences and insisting on pointing them out, just exacerbates the problems. I am tired of every ethnic group thinking they need to be singled out for special treatment and recognition because of their differences! I want America to celebrate America because of its similarities instead of focusing on the differences. Until we all stop harping on individuals as being “black” men, “Asian” men, “white” men, “gay” men and just calling them men (yes, you can insert women in place of men, I just used men as an example) we will be a country divided instead of a country that is united.
Macsdragon asks “Who said only ignorant people log onto these sites and make comments?”
Have you read some of the liberal moonbat comments Mac?
16 years ago
Hey Macsdragon3,
For the record I am for less government in my life. 🙂
Understanding Others
16 years ago
Macsdragon and Wordsmith,
Again….I was just trying to explain that the video is not a Young Black Nazist movement as suggested. That was my only motive. I love America and I appreciate we can share are thoughts and experiences on forums such as this. Even if you guys that disagree with me. 🙂
Understanding Others: This isn’t a criticism of step groups, it’s a criticism of a step group formed around a cult like adoration of a politician. I suppose I could go back through the archives here and dredge up the many posts we have done about the cult worship of Obama, but you have probably seen or heard about most of that already.
I do have one question for you: Is it common for step groups to wear paramilitary style uniforms?
I was remiss in not complimenting you on your earlier comment. It was excellent and much appreciated as well. I see validity in what you’re saying. I think somewhere buried in these 170 comments, a few others made similar points. I know those youths are channeling their energies in a positive way. But, I also believe that the point of criticism is exactly what Mike alludes to:
This isn’t a criticism of step groups, it’s a criticism of a step group formed around a cult like adoration of a politician.
I understand that Barack Obama is a very charismatic man who represents a lot of positives for a lot of people- not just blacks. A big part of his appeal to non-blacks is the appearance of being transracial. Of being able to transcend race and unite people.
I just think that there is nothing in his past history that supports this. It’s more like wishful thinking and the veneer of appearances. From the passages that I’ve seen and heard from Dreams of My Father, he sounds like someone who has yearned to find an identity, and embraced it in the form of race agitators and marxists/socialists/communists. He’s found influence in an aspect of black culture and afrocentrism that does the exact opposite of “bringing people together”. Macsdragon3 expressed it very well, what is needed to truly unite people.
I think Senator Obama is misrepresenting who he really is, inside.
For once a black man with a single parent was persistent enough to acquire an education, take care of his kids and stay with his wife. Call him a socialist or distributor of mass wealth or a far-right liberal but do not illustrate him as a thug and his wife as a baby-momma.
I certainly don’t think of Senator Obama as a thug. But I do believe he is not the man many think him to be.
16 years ago
The ONLY thing that I ever heard Whoopi Goldberg say, that made any sense to me, was, “I’m NOT an African American, I’m a black American.”
16 years ago
No, she’s not a black American either. She’s an American. Once you mention color, you’ve already created a dichotomy. African-American? No way! In that case I’d have to call myself a Scotch-Irish-American.
As for the slave thing I see mentioned in some posts. WE did nothing to create slavery. It was the Africans who rounded up their own people and sold them to the highest bidder. History 101.
16 years ago
How is this video scary? Yes, it maybe a little weird, but scary? If you want to see scary, watch “Jesus Camp.” Little kids being told to pray to a cardboard cutout of George Bush? Absolutely terrifying. I always find it funny that Conservatives always take things like this out of context. “Oh my God!” A step team doing a routine about Obama!” It’s the end of the world!” And then the picture underneath, with the Nazi youth. Come on. What is that? I think its time to settle down. And more importantly; grow up a little. Seeing some of these posts…”Oh please God, don’t let this man be the next President!” These are the same people that say things like: “Look! There goes Osama!” “Oops! I mean, “Obama.” Come on people. Really? I know I’m wasting my breath here. I know from experience that this isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. I just felt I needed to write something after seeing what I have seen. Mccain is going to win anyway, and I’ll be on my way to Canada. So call me what you will…Anti-American, Communist…Whatever. I’m going to go on with my life. I’m not going to waste it here going back and forth like a little kid.
16 years ago
I assume you have some proof besides something someone on Kos or DU said? Or is this just more projection on your (and the left’s) part. I have seen the “religious” and cult like events of people passing out or going nuts around Obama. I can point to even more people on the left spewing actual hate (and acting upon it) than you ever could in your insults towards Christian people. All I see above from you is more of the same DU/Kos insults and “holier than thou” elitism of the left.
Leave if you want, though I doubt you will. Despite the lies the left has told, the USA is not a police state. In my opinion though, with the left in charge (especially if they have a supermajority in congress), a police state could happen under the left. I do not agree with Obama’s positions and his policies (the ones he sticks to for more than 5 minutes) are scary, as are his overt attempts to silence dissent both in the Democratic Party and on broadcast media.
But you are free to live in your hateful fantasy world.
How is this video scary? Yes, it maybe a little weird, but scary?
If you would take the time to read all 172 comments previous to yours, you might find your answer.
If you want to see scary, watch “Jesus Camp.”
Propaganda film. But yeah, that stuff is disturbing, too. Kind of misses the point of the video in this post, though. Try again.
Little kids being told to pray to a cardboard cutout of George Bush? Absolutely terrifying.
Actually, they were more like praying for him. But whatever.
At least they’re not out there fainting at rallies, calling him “the messiah”, talking about “is he ‘The One’?”
I always find it funny that Conservatives always take things like this out of context.
Yes, liberals would never, ever do that.
I know I’m wasting my breath here.
And yet that didn’t prevent you from being a mouth-breather, anyway.
Breath mint?
16 years ago
It’s just not right for children, who probably don’t even know what they are doing, to be trained to “march” not “step”….in the name of a person they really don’t know about. Who put them up to this? Should that person not be held accountable?
Besides, Obama doesn’t even qualify to be President. There is an active lawsuit on this. Why does this not make it to the mainstream media either? Don’t believe me?
Watch this!
Subject: BERG vs. OBAMA ET AL, Case No: 2:08-cv-04083-RBS
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:50:06 +0000
A lawsuit about Obama’s citizenship has been filed in Pennsylvania by a longtime Democrat lawyer.
The Court has ordered Obama to provide, among other things,
1) a certified copy of his “vault” (original long version) birth certificate;
2) Certified copies of all reissued and sealed birth certificates of Obama in the names referred to in the suit; 3) a certified copy of Obama’s certification of citizenship;
4) certified copies of any Court orders or legal documents changing Obama’s name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.
…by October 15th.
Watch it and see what you think. Click on link below:
American Pie
16 years ago
Like it , or not , the election is over. The secret societies already know who our president is going to be. The problem with a lot of these people on this forum is that they believe what is jammed down their throats from the newspapers and tv. They don’t want you to know the truth about anything. You’re going to tell me that these two guys are the best either party can come up with? I believe everyone is so sick of seeing these two guys all over the place. It seems like this election has lasted a lifetime. Enough already! Vote salt or peeper which ever is you choosing and get on with life. All you are is a social security number and that’s it. Noboby cares about you. They don’t know who any of us are.
16 years ago
Read this and be educated! Obama is not an American Citizen!
The Jihadist Vote
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. – Oct 16, 2008
CSP Decision Brief
Last week, Barack Obama’s campaign was burned yet again for its
dalliance with Islamists – those who embrace Islam’s repressive
theo-political-legal code known as Shariah and who are working for its
triumph in the West in general and the United States in particular. The
episode is but the latest indication that the Democratic candidate
hopes to win the White House by relying, in part, on the Jihadist vote.
NBC reported on Thursday that the Obama campaign’s latest radical
“Muslim outreach coordinator,” Mouha Husaini, met last month in one of
Washington’s Northern Virginia suburbs – the heart of what has been
dubbed the “Wahhabi Corridor” – with her predecessor, Mazen Asbahi (who
had to resign this summer due to his own associations with Shariah).
Even more problematic was the presence at the Springfield event of two
prominent Muslim Brotherhood operatives: Mahdi Bray of the Muslim
American Society (MAS) and Nihad Awad of the Council of American
Islamic Relations (CAIR).
As I pointed out in a debate on Tuesday, with a man associated with
both organizations and arguably the Bush Administration’s senior Muslim
official, Suhail Khan, the Brotherhood is an instrument the Islamists
have been using to foster a Fifth Column in America. Its stated purpose
in this country is to “destroy Western civilization from within.”
According to NBC, even other attendees expressed concern that the Obama
campaign was reaching out to such “politically radioactive” individuals
as Bray and Awad.
Unfortunately, this is hardly the only association of this type.
Others include the following:
A Federal Election Commission (FEC) employee has reportedly been
warning for months about evidence that the Obama campaign has received
as much as $200 million almost half of his total donations, in amounts
less than $200. That is below the threshold for donor information that
Sen. Obama has chose to report to the FEC – unlike the Clinton and
McCain campaigns which have reported all donor information. Of the $200
million, between $30 and $100 million is from the Mideast, Africa and
other places Islamists are active. It is unclear whether – as seems
likely – these funds are coming not only from Wahhabis, Muslim
Brotherhood types and jihadists of other stripes but from non-U.S.
citizens. That would make such contributions not only worrying but
Although the FEC has studiously ignored the problem to date, the
matter finally appears to be the subject of a formal complaint by the
Republican National Committee. Unfortunately, even if the Commission
finally bestirs itself to investigate the facts, it seems unlikely to
render a finding before the jihadists’ and others’ votes are counted.
Another question yet to be resolved is whether Senator Obama is a
natural born citizen of the United States, a prerequisite pursuant to
the U.S. Constitution. There is evidence that Obama was born in Kenya
rather than, as he claims, Hawaii. There is also a registration
document for a school in Indonesia where the would-be president studied
for four years, on which he was identified not only as a Muslim but as
an Indonesian. If correct, the latter could give rise to another
potential problem with respect to his eligibility to be president.
Curiously, Sen. Obama has, to date, failed to provide an authentic
birth certificate which could clear up the matter.
Then there is the Democratic candidate’s get-out-the-vote effort. In
addition to the prospect that its “Arab-Americans for Obama” effort is
recruiting Muslim Brotherhood elements to enhance turn-out, the Obama
campaign is trolling for voters in problematic places. Some are felons
in prison systems long used by Islamists as centers for recruiting
converts to their causes.
Some – thanks to a radical group known as ACORN with which Barack
Obama has had ties for many years and that has a serial problem with
vote-registration fraud – are homeless. Their attitude towards the
Islamist agenda, or for that matter any other aspect of national
policy, can only be surmised.
Finally, there are the various well-known Islamists with whom Barack
Obama has long had ties and/or who are actively promoting his campaign.
These include: a former Black Panther convert to radical Islam who
calls himself Khalid al-Mansour; an aggressive promoter of Wahhabi
influence operations, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal; a virulently
anti-Israel and pro-suicide bomber Palestinian professor named Rashid
Khalidi; and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in a speech
last February called Sen. Obama “the messiah.”
Even Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi has gotten in the act, describing
Obama in a videotaped speech transcribed by MEMRI as “a black citizen
of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim” (Philip Berg’s contention) and
declares ominously that “people in the Arab and Islamic world and in
Africa…may even have been involved in legitimate contribution
campaigns” to Obama.”
The next three weeks afford the American people – and the media, the
courts and the Federal Election Commission – an opportunity to get to
the bottom of Barack Obama’s ties to and affinity for jihadists who
have their own reasons for relishing his promise of “change” for this
country. Unfortunately, the change his Islamists supporters have in
mind is for global theocratic rule under Shariah, and the end of our
constitutional, democratic government.
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is President of the Center for Security Policy
and a columnist for the Washington Times.
16 years ago
Buzz, the judge threw the case out.
16 years ago
Thanks, TrukinJarHead…. I found that out after I posted. But, the fact remains that no one has seen his birth record, have they? Why won’t he divulge them. Why haven’t they been ordered?
I have two questions…..
1. Where did this Robin Hood come from? I don’t think he is legally American, but even if he is… He’s definitely a Socialist. So, we have a lot of surprises coming. Where did all of his campaign money REALLY come from? Do you realize he’s spent more on his campaign than BOTH candidates in the last election? Who is he really?
2. Hussein hangs around with a lot of known terrorist types, … the likes of Louis Farrakhan, ect. In fact, there are 3 or 4 of them who are neighbors. Why does Obama (Hussein) have such pull with our government, that he can associate with known terrorists…. and still be given TOP SECRET CLEARANCE? That has never been done in the history of this country. WHY is he allowed special privileges?
I don’t get it…. I thought this was still America.
16 years ago
16 years ago
Guillermo, you will have to include the New Black Panther Party thugs to your list. If you havent seen the video clip of the voter intimidation in Philadelphia by these clowns, go to this link.
If you haven’t seen the clip on the New Black Panther Party, take about 9 minutes at this link.
The numbers you posted are understood, with a capital “U”.
Semper Fi
15 years ago
If this doesn’t scare you, well maybe this will open your eyes.
For the youth today it is hard to understand parents who don’t support Obama. This is common for many of the young people of this generation, just as the youth back during the civil rights era had parents who just didn’t understand the racism like they saw it. Many of you are struggling with the fact that your parents just don’t get it. They don’t feel the same about Obama the way that you do. They still cling to their old ways of guns and bibles and greedy capitalism. You know better. You know that Obama, and the Democratic marjority, can run things better than those greedy corporations. You know that the best way to run an industry is to nationalize that industry.
Though none of us are surprised that communists support Obama. They’re two peas in the same pod.
15 years ago
Mike, I scanned over 40 pages in the conservative website thread to make sure FA wasn’t on their list. What a cruddy experience, couldn’t make it through all 77 pages, sorry.
Also checked the license plate thread to see if they were really posting people’s plate number, they were and a couple of them claimed to have keyed the cars, one claimed he busted out the windshield, they are absolutely nuts.
One thing did catch my eye from a poster that was there to aggravate them:
@Missy: I couldn’t get past reading the first entry. I don’t know how you endured 40 pages of that filth.
15 years ago
I read about that site on a blog, the blogger discussed how the place was getting children to turn in parents that weren’t Obama supporters. I decided to find out how much of a threat those people are. That place should be checked into and I definately won’t be putting any stickers on my car.
It was 40 pages of watching for the highlighted web links, didn’t pay attention to what they were writing on that thread. In the tag thread, I only read a number of the posts that were posting plate numbers, discription and location of drivers, photos of a couple of people and photos of cars, it only took a few pages in that thread to get worried.
15 years ago
The difference between the Hitler Youth and the Obama Youth is average I.Q. gap of approximately 45 points.
That said, most of the world hated nazis. Today, most of the world loves obama.
Civil War is inevitable
15 years ago
I must be lost. Is this the “I Hate Obama” thread?
I certainly didn’t read every message here, but I see a lot of people trying to tie Obama to Communists, Socialism, and the issue of his birth certificate.
1. The birth certificate issue is dead. Obama is now your president! You really cannot do much about that now.
2. Someone show me his ties to Communism, please.
3.Socialism? Perhaps in one form or another…probably health care.
4. The Bailout: I cannot believe it when I read or hear people say, “Well, they should have just let AIG go belly up!” Do you realize what would happen? If AIG goes bankrupt, they take our entire economy with them. The bailout was NECESSARY to keep this from happening. The waste in doing it was the fault of George Bush. He spewed out tons of money with no tracking and no accountability. Why blame Obama for something he inherited?
5. Our currency: Several countries like China and Russia are trying to create a universal coin to “buy out” the American dollar. It would be like a Euro…and we all know how well that went over in Europe. So, today I hear the coin will be a common universal coin to be used in North America. It will be called the “Americus”. God, another Susan B. Anthony coin!!!
15 years ago
Hey Buzz,
Still drinking the Koolaid? Without going into every detail you listed,
1. Birth status may not be an issue because he is president already, but still an issue in that he has never produced a valid one.
2. Socialism – Yes, not just health care, it is everything he is trying to do. Government getting there hands into corporations is socialism. It doesn’t work, and history shows that.
3. No company or corporation is bigger than the entire economy. AIG and all others should be allowed to fail and go through chapter 11. That is what it was created for.
4. Get off the “inherited” line already. As of now, the stimulus package is 100% on his watch. He and the democrats (except for 3 republicans) pushed it through.
By the way, I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it was the Bush administration that brought up the problems about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wanted to have more regulations put in place. They were shot down.
Obama’s health care plan is essentially just an extension of Medicare. The George W Bush/GOP prescription drug plan was also just an extension of Medicare.
Wake up call:
Medicare is the best health insurance plan available in America today. No other major health plan gives as much free choice in doctors. No other major health plan requires less in the way of “pre-authorization.” No other major health plan shows as much flexibility in paying for new treatments and diagnostics. No other major health plan is as portable (across state borders). No other major health plan provides equivalent quality of care for less money (i.e. is as cost effective). No other major health plan has as much consumer satisfaction. No other major health plan produces fewer personal bankruptcies owing to medical illness or injury (the number one cause of personal bankruptcies in the USA today).
I’m a physician who has to buy his own health insurance. I will be happy to trade my private insurance for Medicare coverage. Even if I had to pay for Medicare out of pocket (the full yearly cost), I’d trade my private health insurance for Medicare coverage in a New York minute.
Medicare isn’t “socialized” medicine. Medicare doesn’t employ the doctors which treat the patients. Medicare doesn’t own the hospitals. Medicare doesn’t tell patients what doctors they can see or what hospitals they need to go to.
Americans pay nearly twice as much for medical care as other Western countries. Our medical outcomes are no better and often worse. We endure twice as much unnecessary surgery (though, under Medicare, we are free to get as much surgery as we want and by whatever surgeons are willing to cut us open).
US companies are at a huge competitive disadvantage, compared to the rest of the world. General Motors pays more for employee health than it pays for steel.
We are penny-wise and pound foolish in wanting not to pay federal taxes for health care and instead to pay much more for an inferior product in the profit-driven private health care system, where the emphasis is on providing procedures and services to make money as opposed to emphasis on improving and maintaining wellness.
By the way, I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it was the Bush administration that brought up the problems about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wanted to have more regulations put in place. They were shot down.
They were shot down by GOP lobbyists, not by Democrats.
I don’t want to get into trying to prove who was responsible or not. We could both spend all day finding articles about where the fault lies for Freddy Mac and Fanny May. Of course popular wisdom shows that it is mostly Barney Frank who caused it.
But again, you can probably find hundreds of articles blaming Bush (well with the media bias against him maybe thousands) and I can find articles showing it was Frank and the rest of the democratic wiz kids (Nancy Puke-losi among them) that were at fault.
Bottom line is, the direction Obama is currently taking us is dangerous and based on history heading towards big problems for this nation.
For every GOP lobbyist there were TEN Dem lobbyists.
And the top two Senators on the money train were….drum roll please….
And another thing Larry… how many GOP party hacks took home multi-million dollar bonuses from Fannie and Freddie?
We’ve been over this ground a hundred times and there is ample proof all the way around to show Dems in deep in preventing reforms at both Fannie and Freddie all the while they were on the gravy train.
You should be embarrassed to come here and try and LIE about the issue once again.
Shame on you!
15 years ago
Hey, Emjay,
Koolaid? I don’t drink it myself, but I did hear about people in Jonestown and others in Waco drinking it. 😉
1. The issue of no birth certificate has circulated since the beginning of O’s campaign. If it was that important, am I mistaken to think that thousands who complained about would have come up with something by now? Is it on record in Hawaii, where he was born? Yes, I believe it is.
2. Government getting their hands into the corporations was the only way to save this nation from total economic collapse. You can call it what you want. Does it work? I don’t know, … the DOW went back up … and o’s making them give back the money for their absurd bonuses.
3. Well, we disagree. AIG was big enough to have brought the nation down if they had declared chapter 11 or chapter 7. If you saw O on recent talk shows….he says it himself. They HAD to keep AIG out of the dumpster. He certainly didn’t WANT to throw that much money at them.
4. I can’t get off the “inherited” line. Are you trying to say that none of these economic catastrophes were caused by “W”? O fell in the hole that Bush was digging. The economic problems existed when he took the oath. He’s doing his best to straighten it out, but the unthinkable is the thought that Democrats & Republicans should be working together to save the economy. Zero votes from the Repubs doesn’t look good. It would also be nice if you didn’t kill the messenger in your posts. You can’t make this kind of stuff up!
5. I agree with you on this one… but it was way too little … way too late.
Also, make no mistake. I did not vote for O. Neither did I vote for McCain. I voted for a way lesser candidate just to pull my vote away from either of the above. A two party system only works if both parties work together for the betterment of the greater cause of the country. The Repubs aren’t working. …. Why does this sound so familiar?
15 years ago
Hi Buzz,
Well then we agree as voters which candidate was the least good for the country.
I still disagree about #3. Government involvement in the private sector equals socialism. Where does it stop. Now they want to put a cap on employee bonuses!
The birth certificate thing is neither here nor there as far as importance now. It wasn’t pushed during the campaign because the media wouldn’t bring it up and there were bigger issues like Ayres and such to focus on.
Zero votes (well 3) from the Repubs looks awesome, because when the backlash comes (which is a 100% certainty) they will have been proven correct in their votes.
Sorry about killing the messenger, I will try to stay on topics and not messenger.
Just like many areas in our world, there is a pattern in presidents and politics. Lately, (since 1976) it has been a democratic president messes up, and then a repub gets elected and cleans up for a while. Then he has issues and they try a democrat again and he screws up and another republican gets elected.
Like you, I think the two party dominance is terrible. We need someone other than a politician as a president. Perhaps a businessman? But who would want the job these days.
It does not matter if they say “helped” or “inspired”, the danger is when they say “In the name of Obama I am aspired to be xxxxxx”, this is the Hitler Youth speaking when they did all for the leader and not for themselves. If those kids want to be doctors it should be FOR THEMSELVES and not for a temporary leader… that is, if he is temporary…
We need to remember history in order not to repeat it, the US made sure no one forgot World War 2 and painted Hitler as a criminal even hiding some of his positive work regarding building an huge economy from a destroyed country. But it is ironic when those responsible for the world’s memory of that war, that leader and the Holocaust, are in line, blindly following a man with similar actions.
15 years ago
Hi emjay and Bruno….
“Zero votes (well 3) from the Repubs looks awesome, because when the backlash comes (which is a 100% certainty) they will have been proven correct in their votes.”
But don’t you think at a time when the entire nation is in dire straights, we should pull together as one unified body in order to survive? I’m not talking politics here… I’m talking survival. Obama is apologizing to other countries…. even France.. and I do not understand that. To the leaders of other countries, that could easily be taken as a sign of weakness.
Bruno… “But it is ironic when those responsible for the world’s memory of that war, that leader and the Holocaust, are in line, blindly following a man with similar actions.”
The person who is responsible for for the world’s memory of the Holocaust, is really none other than Dwight D. Eisenhower. At the time I believe he was a Major when he came across Hitler’s death camps. He made a statement that his men MUST get all of the photographs possible of these morbid and horrid places….because in time, someone will say that it never happened. He sure was right on that call. There are still Muslims who don’t believe the Holocaust ever happened, among others. Those pictures prove that it happened…
I believe you feel as i do that the American public has become like cattle… They are in line. But who are you say they are following? I don’t like Obama but I don’t think he’s going to take similar actions. I must have missed what you were getting at.
In the long run, what I expect from Obama is a continuation of inviting more immigrants to our country who have not contributed one thing…. but he has guaranteed them food, shelter and access to our Social Security. He promised that to everyone in Palestine. Good idea, bring even more immigrants in and give them what we’ve all worked for all of our lives. And, how ready are you for Socialized Medical Care? Are you ready to endure what is happening in Canada now? Let’s say you need a colonoscopy. You will wait for months to have that procedure done. Let’s say they find colon cancer. You will die waiting for that treatment. You have fallen to the bottom of the pile because you’re probably not going to be productive for the country….or you might die after your cancer treatments. Whether it’s meant to be or not, this will become the survival of the fittest. The story about the death while waiting for cancer treatment is true. A good friend of mine in Canada lost his brother that way.
But, unless you can pay for your own medical care out of your pocket, socialized medicine will not work here any better than it has in Canada or Australia. The same pertains to any moves to ban guns. Look at the crime rates in England, Australia and Canada. And ALL of it is because criminals are not afraid to rob, rape, or kill you because they have guns but they know you don’t. One of the main reasons the Japanese did not try to land in the USA was because they knew that nearly every American had a gun and would fight back. That’s a historical fact.
“I believe you feel as i do that the American public has become like cattle… They are in line. But who are you say they are following? I don’t like Obama but I don’t think he’s going to take similar actions. I must have missed what you were getting at.”
What I mean when I say “following” (my fault, since I am not an native English nor do I live in a English speaking country), is not a generalization of the American people has his blind followers, because I am happy to see Americans questioning his actions and intentions. What I mean is the power that his presence and speech has over a mass majority of the people, they behave similarly like Germans did towards Hitler, some kind of a numb adoration which I must say it is rather impressive. JFK was a great speaker and he did not have that, nor Martin Luther, and even Hitler, since Hitler had the German people behind him and Obama has not only a majority of Americans but he has also charmed a huge amount of Europeans, Africans and Asians.
His power is atm huge, but can he cope with it? History is clear than with great power in one man comes great madness. I am not certain madness will come, but I have questions that are not being answered, like the reason of his Youth Brigade, the Patriot act, REX 84 camps, his birth certificate, new possible north American union and now the French President backed by England wanting that American Union and the European Union as one in the next 4 years. One Federation, one Market, one currency and a central leadership. The reading about the possible end of the US dollar all this start to make a scary sense.
15 years ago
Bruno… I understand what you are saying and it was me who said the American public follows him around like cattle. I can’t disagree with you on his eloquent speeches…. except to say, if his teleprompters fail… he cannot go on with his speech. I don’t think he writes his own speeches, and if he can’t read them from the teleprompters…..he’s totally lost.
I am neither republican nor democrat. I vote as an independent so there is no pressure for me to vote a straight “party line”.
Personally, I believe that all nations fail in the end… Look at Rome, and other civilizations before us. It is my opinion that this country will, at some time, fail also. It’s just a natural sort of cycle….
But, I can’t even find any consistency about Al Gore’s “Global Warming”. According to that camp, since I live in Florida…. I’ll be 20 ft. under water in a few years. But the latest National Geographic study indicates that the earth itself will undergo another total ice age. I guess it’s “Take your pick.” LOL!
Looks to me like O is trying for a world government and monetary system also…. I wonder what they will call the new currency? Wooden nickels?
Yes…what about the Keating 5? You should read the actual history of that case. The attorney who tried that case (a Democrat b/t/w – Bob Bennett) after reviewing the facts of the record, recommended McCain be exhonorated – should have never been a part of the claim in the first place. This recommended was squashed becuase the others involved were…uh…DEMs and you know, we can’t have a case naming only DEMs…Alan Cranston (D-CA), Dennis DeConcini (D-AZ), John Glenn (D-OH), John McCain (R-AZ), and Donald W. Riegle (D-MI) – so they denied the recommendation to clear Senator McCain. THIS is your big skeleton. Scawy.
AND…his skeletons AREn’t in his closet – they’re paraded about every day where if anyone on the “other side” asks a pointed question about Obama, we are called racists and the question is blown off. What a bunch of crap.
First off , my apologies to you for me being a little cynical towards you on the caps thing. It’s just people who worry about small things irritate the hell out of me. As for experience , I’ve got twenty years on you. The reason why I responded to you and Rocky because some of the things you write make sense. There are a lot of people out there who don’t know what is going on. They read the paper and watch the news and belive what they are told to believe. They probably think that Oswald shot JFK by himself. We will discuss a lot of topics in the future for sure. For now , take care of yourself and your family. A P.
My hat is off to you!
First, for KLH: This is my first time responding to anything on this link. I think that your interest is very commendable. You need to become involved and interested in the world around you and knowing what the political situation is is a very good start.
As far as politics is concerned, you only have two options at the moment. I appologize to everyone else, but, this is reality speaking now. If you want to vote for anyone other than Republican or Democrat for the president, you are actually wasting your vote today. There is not enough support today for a third party candidate. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be and you will have a real choice, but, until then, you only have two choices.
After that, you have to decide what you want out of life to determine who you should vote for.
If you think that the government should provide everything you need and want, if you think that the government should provide everything to you withought your having to contribute to it, and if you think that everyone should have the same amount of money as everyone else wheather they work or not, then you should vote for the Democratic candidate since that is what they espouse.
If you think that you should decide how and where to spend the money that you earn, and that the government needs to stay out of your pocket. If you feel that the money you earn should be yours to spend and that the government needs to stay out of your pocket, then, like me, you should vote for the republican candidate.
And if you want to know what the backround of your candidate is, and not have the past covered up by secrecy, then of course, you need to vote for the republican candidate.
Of course, if you don’t care what your candidate has done in the past, and are happy with the re-writing of personal and official records, if you are happy with unanswered questions about how education was paid for (as in Barry (I mean Barrack) Obama) and why your candidate never registered for the Selective Service (as is required for all males age 18 in the USA) Then, of course, you should vote for the DEMOCRATIC nominee.
It is your choice after all.
You can either make an informed decision, or you can vote DEMOCRAT.
I would love to have a bumper sticker that reads “You can either make an informed decision, or you can vote DEMOCRAT”. That statement perfectly sums up my feelings toward democrat politics.
Oh yeh…
it so much better to be a goose steppin’ ultra right fundamentalist ignoramous for Sarah Palin.
Hellllllllo….time to realize the republican party doesn’t give a damn about its voter base. They only want you to keep them in power so they can continue to rape and pillage the US treasury — at the expense of you, your children, your grand children and your grand children’s children.
Think the bailout will help you, joe sixpack? Think again. It only delays the crash by 6 more months.
Moby Alert!
Moby Alert!
Aisle 156.
What the hell is a “growlroo?” Some sort of attack Kangaroo?
Another left wing fascist at any rate.
The Democrats (your chosen party) are only interested in keeping people like you addicted to government programs. If they weren’t, they would have changed all the social programs (that I pay for with my tax dollars) so that homeless, jobless people like you would get off your lazy backsides and find a job, find a place to live, and contribute to the economy instead of mooching off of my hard-earned pay. But, since their voter base is made up of lazy, good-for-nothing losers like yourself, they keep you addicted to the government checks and programs. That way, the more they give you, of my money, the more you will like them and vote them back into power.
As for being “joe-sixpack”. I am very proud of the fact that I actually get up in the morning and go to work at a job that I enjoy that pays me enough to live a very comfortable life. I ride my Harley, drive my BMW, and my wife drives her new jeep. We go where we want when we want because I have a real job that pays me sufficient income to enjoy life.
Now, if you want to vote for a man that has yet to tell the truth about his past life, that is your choice. But, when intelligent, logical thinking people like myself examine his record (or lack thereof) look into his backround and find the glaring lies and deceptions, and point them out to you; you “goose-step” your way right behind him and, with no facts and no explanations, believe what he says and back him up.
So you go ahead and keep Nancy in charge, vote for Obama, and since I have a job, I will sit back and watch the nation fall on its face with your people in charge. Your man voted for the bailout as well. Me, I think it was a mistake and would have voted against it had I had a vote on the matter. I think that the bailout needed to include clauses that hold the corporations liable and responsible for their actions and punished those in charge financially as well as punitively. No, the bailout will not help me since I am already financially sound and have no difficulty paying my mortgage on my own. It will not help you out either since you don’t have a job and cannot afford to purchase a home of your own. So, you just enjoy your HUD home that I am helping pay for, and keep sitting on your backside waiting for the checks that are being paid for out of my salary.
Hey Macsdragon3,
Well said. That is exactly what I say to people. Forget about the actual candidates currently running. There will always be new ones running in future elections. The faces change, but the platform of the parties remain.
So as you said, people need to understand the basics of what each party stands for and vote based on that. More government involvement or less government involvement.
Thanks Emjay,
It is nice to find out that there are other “intelligent” people out there that are involved in the process.
I noticed that you didn’t take a stand either way. Nothing wrong with that and I actually respect that you said your piece without stating which party you favor. It makes it much more difficult for the nut cases out there to attack if they don’t know which beliefs you hold.
I am appalled by the remarks here. I am part of a black greek letter organization. These kids are not part of no black nazi movement. These young people are emulating the black masonic, black fraternities and sororities pledge process that dates way prior to the Nazi movement. Read your history. W.E.B DuBois, the founder of the NAACP, was a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity as was Jesse Owens and even Martin Luther King. Thurgood Marshall was also part of Alpha Phi Alpha and had to follow a similar process. Jesse Jackson is a member of Omega Psi Phi as well as Bishop Charles E. Blake, presiding elder of the Church of God in Christ. The Church of God in Christ was an all nations church which included all and which the Assemblies of God came from. Sarah Palin attended an Assemblies of God denomination church up until a few years ago. We might all have disagreements about Obama but don’t kill his influence.
Young black boys and girls mostly only see successful black people in the media either being movie stars, rappers, or shaking their behind at MTV awards. They can not imagine someone of their color and race going for an education but they can relate to drug dealing and guns and fighting to make ends meet. For once a black man with a single parent was persistent enough to acquire an education, take care of his kids and stay with his wife. Call him a socialist or distributor of mass wealth or a far-right liberal but do not illustrate him as a thug and his wife as a baby-momma.
In the media, you have met OJ Simpson, Michael Vick, and a host of other black men caught doing crime shown on your local 6 or 7 o’clock news. If we give you a decent and good steward of our urban black community in such bitter and non-respectful terms, why inspire others in the black community to try and obtain the American dream….Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Understanding other cultures while loving America,
The first problem you have here is the biggest problem facing America and you have made it completely evident with your choice of words. What is it? Simple! You are not a member of the American society.
Why do I say this? You are a member of the exclusive “Black society”. You are either an American, or an African, you can not be both! If more people understood that there is only one society in America, and that all of the individuals in America belong to it, our problems with race, religion, ethnicity, gender, and every other difference would not exist. The laws in America are not written to apply to just balck people, just asian people, just white people, or any other groups. The problem is that there are too many individuals, like yourself, that stress that they are a member of the “Black” or “Hispanic” or “Asian” or “Gay” or whatever other “society” they claim to be a part of. You state that you are a member of a “black” Greek letter organization, not just a member of a Greek letter organization. That, in itself, shows that your are racist and have racist views. You are stating that a white man, or hispanic man, or asian man (yes, you can read women instead of man since it makes no difference in this context) is not welcome in your “Black” Greek letter organization. This exclusion is racist and is the root problem in America!
I am an American! Period! My ancestors were from other countries, but, I am American. That makes me part of the greatest nation ever to grace the earth. If all of the individuals in America would just stop harping on their differences and start concentrating on their similarities, the racism, sexism, nationalism, and other biggotries would cease to be a factor. But, having groups of people who are more interested in their differences and insisting on pointing them out, just exacerbates the problems. I am tired of every ethnic group thinking they need to be singled out for special treatment and recognition because of their differences! I want America to celebrate America because of its similarities instead of focusing on the differences. Until we all stop harping on individuals as being “black” men, “Asian” men, “white” men, “gay” men and just calling them men (yes, you can insert women in place of men, I just used men as an example) we will be a country divided instead of a country that is united.
Brilliantly said, Macsdragon3!
Thank you Wordsmith.
Who said only ignorant people log onto these sites and make comments?
Macsdragon asks “Who said only ignorant people log onto these sites and make comments?”
Have you read some of the liberal moonbat comments Mac?
Hey Macsdragon3,
For the record I am for less government in my life. 🙂
Macsdragon and Wordsmith,
Again….I was just trying to explain that the video is not a Young Black Nazist movement as suggested. That was my only motive. I love America and I appreciate we can share are thoughts and experiences on forums such as this. Even if you guys that disagree with me. 🙂
Understanding Others: This isn’t a criticism of step groups, it’s a criticism of a step group formed around a cult like adoration of a politician. I suppose I could go back through the archives here and dredge up the many posts we have done about the cult worship of Obama, but you have probably seen or heard about most of that already.
I do have one question for you: Is it common for step groups to wear paramilitary style uniforms?
Understanding Others,
I was remiss in not complimenting you on your earlier comment. It was excellent and much appreciated as well. I see validity in what you’re saying. I think somewhere buried in these 170 comments, a few others made similar points. I know those youths are channeling their energies in a positive way. But, I also believe that the point of criticism is exactly what Mike alludes to:
I understand that Barack Obama is a very charismatic man who represents a lot of positives for a lot of people- not just blacks. A big part of his appeal to non-blacks is the appearance of being transracial. Of being able to transcend race and unite people.
I just think that there is nothing in his past history that supports this. It’s more like wishful thinking and the veneer of appearances. From the passages that I’ve seen and heard from Dreams of My Father, he sounds like someone who has yearned to find an identity, and embraced it in the form of race agitators and marxists/socialists/communists. He’s found influence in an aspect of black culture and afrocentrism that does the exact opposite of “bringing people together”. Macsdragon3 expressed it very well, what is needed to truly unite people.
I think Senator Obama is misrepresenting who he really is, inside.
I certainly don’t think of Senator Obama as a thug. But I do believe he is not the man many think him to be.
The ONLY thing that I ever heard Whoopi Goldberg say, that made any sense to me, was, “I’m NOT an African American, I’m a black American.”
No, she’s not a black American either. She’s an American. Once you mention color, you’ve already created a dichotomy. African-American? No way! In that case I’d have to call myself a Scotch-Irish-American.
As for the slave thing I see mentioned in some posts. WE did nothing to create slavery. It was the Africans who rounded up their own people and sold them to the highest bidder. History 101.
How is this video scary? Yes, it maybe a little weird, but scary? If you want to see scary, watch “Jesus Camp.” Little kids being told to pray to a cardboard cutout of George Bush? Absolutely terrifying. I always find it funny that Conservatives always take things like this out of context. “Oh my God!” A step team doing a routine about Obama!” It’s the end of the world!” And then the picture underneath, with the Nazi youth. Come on. What is that? I think its time to settle down. And more importantly; grow up a little. Seeing some of these posts…”Oh please God, don’t let this man be the next President!” These are the same people that say things like: “Look! There goes Osama!” “Oops! I mean, “Obama.” Come on people. Really? I know I’m wasting my breath here. I know from experience that this isn’t going to change anyone’s mind. I just felt I needed to write something after seeing what I have seen. Mccain is going to win anyway, and I’ll be on my way to Canada. So call me what you will…Anti-American, Communist…Whatever. I’m going to go on with my life. I’m not going to waste it here going back and forth like a little kid.
I assume you have some proof besides something someone on Kos or DU said? Or is this just more projection on your (and the left’s) part. I have seen the “religious” and cult like events of people passing out or going nuts around Obama. I can point to even more people on the left spewing actual hate (and acting upon it) than you ever could in your insults towards Christian people. All I see above from you is more of the same DU/Kos insults and “holier than thou” elitism of the left.
Leave if you want, though I doubt you will. Despite the lies the left has told, the USA is not a police state. In my opinion though, with the left in charge (especially if they have a supermajority in congress), a police state could happen under the left. I do not agree with Obama’s positions and his policies (the ones he sticks to for more than 5 minutes) are scary, as are his overt attempts to silence dissent both in the Democratic Party and on broadcast media.
But you are free to live in your hateful fantasy world.
If you would take the time to read all 172 comments previous to yours, you might find your answer.
Propaganda film. But yeah, that stuff is disturbing, too. Kind of misses the point of the video in this post, though. Try again.
Actually, they were more like praying for him. But whatever.
At least they’re not out there fainting at rallies, calling him “the messiah”, talking about “is he ‘The One’?”
Yes, liberals would never, ever do that.
And yet that didn’t prevent you from being a mouth-breather, anyway.
Breath mint?
It’s just not right for children, who probably don’t even know what they are doing, to be trained to “march” not “step”….in the name of a person they really don’t know about. Who put them up to this? Should that person not be held accountable?
Besides, Obama doesn’t even qualify to be President. There is an active lawsuit on this. Why does this not make it to the mainstream media either? Don’t believe me?
Watch this!
Subject: BERG vs. OBAMA ET AL, Case No: 2:08-cv-04083-RBS
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 09:50:06 +0000
A lawsuit about Obama’s citizenship has been filed in Pennsylvania by a longtime Democrat lawyer.
The Court has ordered Obama to provide, among other things,
1) a certified copy of his “vault” (original long version) birth certificate;
2) Certified copies of all reissued and sealed birth certificates of Obama in the names referred to in the suit; 3) a certified copy of Obama’s certification of citizenship;
4) certified copies of any Court orders or legal documents changing Obama’s name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.
…by October 15th.
Watch it and see what you think. Click on link below:
Like it , or not , the election is over. The secret societies already know who our president is going to be. The problem with a lot of these people on this forum is that they believe what is jammed down their throats from the newspapers and tv. They don’t want you to know the truth about anything. You’re going to tell me that these two guys are the best either party can come up with? I believe everyone is so sick of seeing these two guys all over the place. It seems like this election has lasted a lifetime. Enough already! Vote salt or peeper which ever is you choosing and get on with life. All you are is a social security number and that’s it. Noboby cares about you. They don’t know who any of us are.
Read this and be educated! Obama is not an American Citizen!
The Jihadist Vote
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. – Oct 16, 2008
CSP Decision Brief
Last week, Barack Obama’s campaign was burned yet again for its
dalliance with Islamists – those who embrace Islam’s repressive
theo-political-legal code known as Shariah and who are working for its
triumph in the West in general and the United States in particular. The
episode is but the latest indication that the Democratic candidate
hopes to win the White House by relying, in part, on the Jihadist vote.
NBC reported on Thursday that the Obama campaign’s latest radical
“Muslim outreach coordinator,” Mouha Husaini, met last month in one of
Washington’s Northern Virginia suburbs – the heart of what has been
dubbed the “Wahhabi Corridor” – with her predecessor, Mazen Asbahi (who
had to resign this summer due to his own associations with Shariah).
Even more problematic was the presence at the Springfield event of two
prominent Muslim Brotherhood operatives: Mahdi Bray of the Muslim
American Society (MAS) and Nihad Awad of the Council of American
Islamic Relations (CAIR).
As I pointed out in a debate on Tuesday, with a man associated with
both organizations and arguably the Bush Administration’s senior Muslim
official, Suhail Khan, the Brotherhood is an instrument the Islamists
have been using to foster a Fifth Column in America. Its stated purpose
in this country is to “destroy Western civilization from within.”
According to NBC, even other attendees expressed concern that the Obama
campaign was reaching out to such “politically radioactive” individuals
as Bray and Awad.
Unfortunately, this is hardly the only association of this type.
Others include the following:
A Federal Election Commission (FEC) employee has reportedly been
warning for months about evidence that the Obama campaign has received
as much as $200 million almost half of his total donations, in amounts
less than $200. That is below the threshold for donor information that
Sen. Obama has chose to report to the FEC – unlike the Clinton and
McCain campaigns which have reported all donor information. Of the $200
million, between $30 and $100 million is from the Mideast, Africa and
other places Islamists are active. It is unclear whether – as seems
likely – these funds are coming not only from Wahhabis, Muslim
Brotherhood types and jihadists of other stripes but from non-U.S.
citizens. That would make such contributions not only worrying but
Although the FEC has studiously ignored the problem to date, the
matter finally appears to be the subject of a formal complaint by the
Republican National Committee. Unfortunately, even if the Commission
finally bestirs itself to investigate the facts, it seems unlikely to
render a finding before the jihadists’ and others’ votes are counted.
Another question yet to be resolved is whether Senator Obama is a
natural born citizen of the United States, a prerequisite pursuant to
the U.S. Constitution. There is evidence that Obama was born in Kenya
rather than, as he claims, Hawaii. There is also a registration
document for a school in Indonesia where the would-be president studied
for four years, on which he was identified not only as a Muslim but as
an Indonesian. If correct, the latter could give rise to another
potential problem with respect to his eligibility to be president.
Curiously, Sen. Obama has, to date, failed to provide an authentic
birth certificate which could clear up the matter.
Then there is the Democratic candidate’s get-out-the-vote effort. In
addition to the prospect that its “Arab-Americans for Obama” effort is
recruiting Muslim Brotherhood elements to enhance turn-out, the Obama
campaign is trolling for voters in problematic places. Some are felons
in prison systems long used by Islamists as centers for recruiting
converts to their causes.
Some – thanks to a radical group known as ACORN with which Barack
Obama has had ties for many years and that has a serial problem with
vote-registration fraud – are homeless. Their attitude towards the
Islamist agenda, or for that matter any other aspect of national
policy, can only be surmised.
Finally, there are the various well-known Islamists with whom Barack
Obama has long had ties and/or who are actively promoting his campaign.
These include: a former Black Panther convert to radical Islam who
calls himself Khalid al-Mansour; an aggressive promoter of Wahhabi
influence operations, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal; a virulently
anti-Israel and pro-suicide bomber Palestinian professor named Rashid
Khalidi; and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who in a speech
last February called Sen. Obama “the messiah.”
Even Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi has gotten in the act, describing
Obama in a videotaped speech transcribed by MEMRI as “a black citizen
of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim” (Philip Berg’s contention) and
declares ominously that “people in the Arab and Islamic world and in
Africa…may even have been involved in legitimate contribution
campaigns” to Obama.”
The next three weeks afford the American people – and the media, the
courts and the Federal Election Commission – an opportunity to get to
the bottom of Barack Obama’s ties to and affinity for jihadists who
have their own reasons for relishing his promise of “change” for this
country. Unfortunately, the change his Islamists supporters have in
mind is for global theocratic rule under Shariah, and the end of our
constitutional, democratic government.
Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. is President of the Center for Security Policy
and a columnist for the Washington Times.
Buzz, the judge threw the case out.
Thanks, TrukinJarHead…. I found that out after I posted. But, the fact remains that no one has seen his birth record, have they? Why won’t he divulge them. Why haven’t they been ordered?
I have two questions…..
1. Where did this Robin Hood come from? I don’t think he is legally American, but even if he is… He’s definitely a Socialist. So, we have a lot of surprises coming. Where did all of his campaign money REALLY come from? Do you realize he’s spent more on his campaign than BOTH candidates in the last election? Who is he really?
2. Hussein hangs around with a lot of known terrorist types, … the likes of Louis Farrakhan, ect. In fact, there are 3 or 4 of them who are neighbors. Why does Obama (Hussein) have such pull with our government, that he can associate with known terrorists…. and still be given TOP SECRET CLEARANCE? That has never been done in the history of this country. WHY is he allowed special privileges?
I don’t get it…. I thought this was still America.
Guillermo, you will have to include the New Black Panther Party thugs to your list. If you havent seen the video clip of the voter intimidation in Philadelphia by these clowns, go to this link.
If you haven’t seen the clip on the New Black Panther Party, take about 9 minutes at this link.
The numbers you posted are understood, with a capital “U”.
Semper Fi
If this doesn’t scare you, well maybe this will open your eyes.
@Heather: From your link:
Though none of us are surprised that communists support Obama. They’re two peas in the same pod.
Mike, I scanned over 40 pages in the conservative website thread to make sure FA wasn’t on their list. What a cruddy experience, couldn’t make it through all 77 pages, sorry.
Also checked the license plate thread to see if they were really posting people’s plate number, they were and a couple of them claimed to have keyed the cars, one claimed he busted out the windshield, they are absolutely nuts.
One thing did catch my eye from a poster that was there to aggravate them:
@Missy: I couldn’t get past reading the first entry. I don’t know how you endured 40 pages of that filth.
I read about that site on a blog, the blogger discussed how the place was getting children to turn in parents that weren’t Obama supporters. I decided to find out how much of a threat those people are. That place should be checked into and I definately won’t be putting any stickers on my car.
It was 40 pages of watching for the highlighted web links, didn’t pay attention to what they were writing on that thread. In the tag thread, I only read a number of the posts that were posting plate numbers, discription and location of drivers, photos of a couple of people and photos of cars, it only took a few pages in that thread to get worried.
The difference between the Hitler Youth and the Obama Youth is average I.Q. gap of approximately 45 points.
That said, most of the world hated nazis. Today, most of the world loves obama.
Civil War is inevitable
I must be lost. Is this the “I Hate Obama” thread?
I certainly didn’t read every message here, but I see a lot of people trying to tie Obama to Communists, Socialism, and the issue of his birth certificate.
1. The birth certificate issue is dead. Obama is now your president! You really cannot do much about that now.
2. Someone show me his ties to Communism, please.
3.Socialism? Perhaps in one form or another…probably health care.
4. The Bailout: I cannot believe it when I read or hear people say, “Well, they should have just let AIG go belly up!” Do you realize what would happen? If AIG goes bankrupt, they take our entire economy with them. The bailout was NECESSARY to keep this from happening. The waste in doing it was the fault of George Bush. He spewed out tons of money with no tracking and no accountability. Why blame Obama for something he inherited?
5. Our currency: Several countries like China and Russia are trying to create a universal coin to “buy out” the American dollar. It would be like a Euro…and we all know how well that went over in Europe. So, today I hear the coin will be a common universal coin to be used in North America. It will be called the “Americus”. God, another Susan B. Anthony coin!!!
Hey Buzz,
Still drinking the Koolaid? Without going into every detail you listed,
1. Birth status may not be an issue because he is president already, but still an issue in that he has never produced a valid one.
2. Socialism – Yes, not just health care, it is everything he is trying to do. Government getting there hands into corporations is socialism. It doesn’t work, and history shows that.
3. No company or corporation is bigger than the entire economy. AIG and all others should be allowed to fail and go through chapter 11. That is what it was created for.
4. Get off the “inherited” line already. As of now, the stimulus package is 100% on his watch. He and the democrats (except for 3 republicans) pushed it through.
By the way, I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but it was the Bush administration that brought up the problems about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and wanted to have more regulations put in place. They were shot down.
Obama’s health care plan is essentially just an extension of Medicare. The George W Bush/GOP prescription drug plan was also just an extension of Medicare.
Wake up call:
Medicare is the best health insurance plan available in America today. No other major health plan gives as much free choice in doctors. No other major health plan requires less in the way of “pre-authorization.” No other major health plan shows as much flexibility in paying for new treatments and diagnostics. No other major health plan is as portable (across state borders). No other major health plan provides equivalent quality of care for less money (i.e. is as cost effective). No other major health plan has as much consumer satisfaction. No other major health plan produces fewer personal bankruptcies owing to medical illness or injury (the number one cause of personal bankruptcies in the USA today).
I’m a physician who has to buy his own health insurance. I will be happy to trade my private insurance for Medicare coverage. Even if I had to pay for Medicare out of pocket (the full yearly cost), I’d trade my private health insurance for Medicare coverage in a New York minute.
Medicare isn’t “socialized” medicine. Medicare doesn’t employ the doctors which treat the patients. Medicare doesn’t own the hospitals. Medicare doesn’t tell patients what doctors they can see or what hospitals they need to go to.
Americans pay nearly twice as much for medical care as other Western countries. Our medical outcomes are no better and often worse. We endure twice as much unnecessary surgery (though, under Medicare, we are free to get as much surgery as we want and by whatever surgeons are willing to cut us open).
US companies are at a huge competitive disadvantage, compared to the rest of the world. General Motors pays more for employee health than it pays for steel.
We are penny-wise and pound foolish in wanting not to pay federal taxes for health care and instead to pay much more for an inferior product in the profit-driven private health care system, where the emphasis is on providing procedures and services to make money as opposed to emphasis on improving and maintaining wellness.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
They were shot down by GOP lobbyists, not by Democrats.
– Larry Weisenthal/Huntington Beach, CA
Hey Larry,
I don’t want to get into trying to prove who was responsible or not. We could both spend all day finding articles about where the fault lies for Freddy Mac and Fanny May. Of course popular wisdom shows that it is mostly Barney Frank who caused it.
But again, you can probably find hundreds of articles blaming Bush (well with the media bias against him maybe thousands) and I can find articles showing it was Frank and the rest of the democratic wiz kids (Nancy Puke-losi among them) that were at fault.
Bottom line is, the direction Obama is currently taking us is dangerous and based on history heading towards big problems for this nation. said: “hey were shot down by GOP lobbyists, not by Democrats.”
pure bullshit Larry and you know it!
For every GOP lobbyist there were TEN Dem lobbyists.
And the top two Senators on the money train were….drum roll please….
And another thing Larry… how many GOP party hacks took home multi-million dollar bonuses from Fannie and Freddie?
We’ve been over this ground a hundred times and there is ample proof all the way around to show Dems in deep in preventing reforms at both Fannie and Freddie all the while they were on the gravy train.
You should be embarrassed to come here and try and LIE about the issue once again.
Shame on you!
Hey, Emjay,
Koolaid? I don’t drink it myself, but I did hear about people in Jonestown and others in Waco drinking it. 😉
1. The issue of no birth certificate has circulated since the beginning of O’s campaign. If it was that important, am I mistaken to think that thousands who complained about would have come up with something by now? Is it on record in Hawaii, where he was born? Yes, I believe it is.
2. Government getting their hands into the corporations was the only way to save this nation from total economic collapse. You can call it what you want. Does it work? I don’t know, … the DOW went back up … and o’s making them give back the money for their absurd bonuses.
3. Well, we disagree. AIG was big enough to have brought the nation down if they had declared chapter 11 or chapter 7. If you saw O on recent talk shows….he says it himself. They HAD to keep AIG out of the dumpster. He certainly didn’t WANT to throw that much money at them.
4. I can’t get off the “inherited” line. Are you trying to say that none of these economic catastrophes were caused by “W”? O fell in the hole that Bush was digging. The economic problems existed when he took the oath. He’s doing his best to straighten it out, but the unthinkable is the thought that Democrats & Republicans should be working together to save the economy. Zero votes from the Repubs doesn’t look good. It would also be nice if you didn’t kill the messenger in your posts. You can’t make this kind of stuff up!
5. I agree with you on this one… but it was way too little … way too late.
Also, make no mistake. I did not vote for O. Neither did I vote for McCain. I voted for a way lesser candidate just to pull my vote away from either of the above. A two party system only works if both parties work together for the betterment of the greater cause of the country. The Repubs aren’t working. …. Why does this sound so familiar?
Hi Buzz,
Well then we agree as voters which candidate was the least good for the country.
I still disagree about #3. Government involvement in the private sector equals socialism. Where does it stop. Now they want to put a cap on employee bonuses!
The birth certificate thing is neither here nor there as far as importance now. It wasn’t pushed during the campaign because the media wouldn’t bring it up and there were bigger issues like Ayres and such to focus on.
Zero votes (well 3) from the Repubs looks awesome, because when the backlash comes (which is a 100% certainty) they will have been proven correct in their votes.
Sorry about killing the messenger, I will try to stay on topics and not messenger.
Just like many areas in our world, there is a pattern in presidents and politics. Lately, (since 1976) it has been a democratic president messes up, and then a repub gets elected and cleans up for a while. Then he has issues and they try a democrat again and he screws up and another republican gets elected.
Like you, I think the two party dominance is terrible. We need someone other than a politician as a president. Perhaps a businessman? But who would want the job these days.
It does not matter if they say “helped” or “inspired”, the danger is when they say “In the name of Obama I am aspired to be xxxxxx”, this is the Hitler Youth speaking when they did all for the leader and not for themselves. If those kids want to be doctors it should be FOR THEMSELVES and not for a temporary leader… that is, if he is temporary…
We need to remember history in order not to repeat it, the US made sure no one forgot World War 2 and painted Hitler as a criminal even hiding some of his positive work regarding building an huge economy from a destroyed country. But it is ironic when those responsible for the world’s memory of that war, that leader and the Holocaust, are in line, blindly following a man with similar actions.
Hi emjay and Bruno….
“Zero votes (well 3) from the Repubs looks awesome, because when the backlash comes (which is a 100% certainty) they will have been proven correct in their votes.”
But don’t you think at a time when the entire nation is in dire straights, we should pull together as one unified body in order to survive? I’m not talking politics here… I’m talking survival. Obama is apologizing to other countries…. even France.. and I do not understand that. To the leaders of other countries, that could easily be taken as a sign of weakness.
Bruno… “But it is ironic when those responsible for the world’s memory of that war, that leader and the Holocaust, are in line, blindly following a man with similar actions.”
The person who is responsible for for the world’s memory of the Holocaust, is really none other than Dwight D. Eisenhower. At the time I believe he was a Major when he came across Hitler’s death camps. He made a statement that his men MUST get all of the photographs possible of these morbid and horrid places….because in time, someone will say that it never happened. He sure was right on that call. There are still Muslims who don’t believe the Holocaust ever happened, among others. Those pictures prove that it happened…
I believe you feel as i do that the American public has become like cattle… They are in line. But who are you say they are following? I don’t like Obama but I don’t think he’s going to take similar actions. I must have missed what you were getting at.
In the long run, what I expect from Obama is a continuation of inviting more immigrants to our country who have not contributed one thing…. but he has guaranteed them food, shelter and access to our Social Security. He promised that to everyone in Palestine. Good idea, bring even more immigrants in and give them what we’ve all worked for all of our lives. And, how ready are you for Socialized Medical Care? Are you ready to endure what is happening in Canada now? Let’s say you need a colonoscopy. You will wait for months to have that procedure done. Let’s say they find colon cancer. You will die waiting for that treatment. You have fallen to the bottom of the pile because you’re probably not going to be productive for the country….or you might die after your cancer treatments. Whether it’s meant to be or not, this will become the survival of the fittest. The story about the death while waiting for cancer treatment is true. A good friend of mine in Canada lost his brother that way.
But, unless you can pay for your own medical care out of your pocket, socialized medicine will not work here any better than it has in Canada or Australia. The same pertains to any moves to ban guns. Look at the crime rates in England, Australia and Canada. And ALL of it is because criminals are not afraid to rob, rape, or kill you because they have guns but they know you don’t. One of the main reasons the Japanese did not try to land in the USA was because they knew that nearly every American had a gun and would fight back. That’s a historical fact.
“I believe you feel as i do that the American public has become like cattle… They are in line. But who are you say they are following? I don’t like Obama but I don’t think he’s going to take similar actions. I must have missed what you were getting at.”
What I mean when I say “following” (my fault, since I am not an native English nor do I live in a English speaking country), is not a generalization of the American people has his blind followers, because I am happy to see Americans questioning his actions and intentions. What I mean is the power that his presence and speech has over a mass majority of the people, they behave similarly like Germans did towards Hitler, some kind of a numb adoration which I must say it is rather impressive. JFK was a great speaker and he did not have that, nor Martin Luther, and even Hitler, since Hitler had the German people behind him and Obama has not only a majority of Americans but he has also charmed a huge amount of Europeans, Africans and Asians.
His power is atm huge, but can he cope with it? History is clear than with great power in one man comes great madness. I am not certain madness will come, but I have questions that are not being answered, like the reason of his Youth Brigade, the Patriot act, REX 84 camps, his birth certificate, new possible north American union and now the French President backed by England wanting that American Union and the European Union as one in the next 4 years. One Federation, one Market, one currency and a central leadership. The reading about the possible end of the US dollar all this start to make a scary sense.
Bruno… I understand what you are saying and it was me who said the American public follows him around like cattle. I can’t disagree with you on his eloquent speeches…. except to say, if his teleprompters fail… he cannot go on with his speech. I don’t think he writes his own speeches, and if he can’t read them from the teleprompters…..he’s totally lost.
I am neither republican nor democrat. I vote as an independent so there is no pressure for me to vote a straight “party line”.
Personally, I believe that all nations fail in the end… Look at Rome, and other civilizations before us. It is my opinion that this country will, at some time, fail also. It’s just a natural sort of cycle….
But, I can’t even find any consistency about Al Gore’s “Global Warming”. According to that camp, since I live in Florida…. I’ll be 20 ft. under water in a few years. But the latest National Geographic study indicates that the earth itself will undergo another total ice age. I guess it’s “Take your pick.” LOL!
Looks to me like O is trying for a world government and monetary system also…. I wonder what they will call the new currency? Wooden nickels?