This video won’t matter in the least. This thing is over. Just breaking news coming out that Barney Frank’s ex-gay-lover was an executive at Fannie Mae.
McCain refuses to even talk about who’s responsible for the Economic Meltdown.
He’s toast. O’Bama will win.
16 years ago
Great video ad… it is about time that the Dems gets blame for the mess the’ve created.
Gee… guess what? UK newspapers have more integrity than US MSM.
Read this:
The independant UK has a story bout the American financial crisis. And they note that Democrats bear a large share of the blame.
“…Yet when I see such senior Democrats as Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Christopher Dodd, Chairman of the Senate’s Banking Committee, play the part of avenging angels – well, I can only stand in silent awe at the sheer tight-bottomed nerve of it. These are men with sphincters of steel.”
…”Now, who do you think were among the leading figures blocking all the earlier attempts by President Bush – and other Republicans – to bring these lending behemoths under greater regulatory control? Step forward, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. ”
P.S.: Whoe… The Bronze, don’t get pessimist too fast. If your leftists MSM won’t tell the thruth to your citizens, other countries will… like the UK for instance.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
i love the ad, we should have more like this so that the american people who are addicted to msnbc and their propoganda can get a btter idea as to what really happened. i had a client tell me today that she hates all of the choices, she hates this bail out and she is pissed. i asked who she was voting for and she has no idea, she assumes its bush’s fault because he is the big guy, but she also realizes that congress has a hand in this. she is lost, and i told her that it started many years ago with carter. she decided it was reagan’s fault. so i kept my mouth shut. people are n’t getting the info they need, i guess they need it spoon fed to them by the msm, i don’t know, but i am really tired of mccain not manning up and calling them on their bullshit.
This is sort of beside the point now isn’t it? Our pockets have already been picked.
Agreed with all though on the point that McCain won’t point it out. Makes me suspicious of him…
I said from the start that this race is McCain’s to lose and he seems intent on doing so.
I’m completely fed up with him, regardless of how great Sarah is.
I refuse to fight for a man that won’t fight for himself. I contributed to his campaign (just before the cutoff) and I’ll pull the lever for him, but that’s it. No more.
16 years ago
“… people are n’t getting the info they need…” (Luva the Scissor)
That’s only because people are lazy intellectually. There is fantastic information on the Net… but, One should make an effort to find it. If Obama wins, then you will know who are really the average American voters.
Gerard Jackson
Economic Editor
Founder of The new Australian
“… With respect to the current crisis one should note that he (Kaletsky) refused to report the fact that President Bush had called on Democrats a number of times during his administration to reform Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The response of the Democrats was to frustrate every attempt at reform. And it was Bill Clinton himself who admitted that the Democrats were guilty of “resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”. (ABC News, 25 September 2008)”
“…Needless to say, Kaletsky did not confine himself to ignorant economic commentary, he had to declare that Bush has not “tangible achievement”. Bush destroys a sadistic tyrant’s regime and liberates scores of millions from fear and torment; he destroyed the Taliban and drove it into the mountains. Under his watch there has not been another successful attack on the US mainland. And all this was done in the face of a ferocious and thoroughly dishonest assault from the Democratic Party and a world-wide putrescent media.”
“…At the end of the day, we find that Kaletsky is just another odious example of the ideological corruption that permeates the media and makes it subversive of democracy.”
That’s only because people are lazy intellectually. There is fantastic information on the Net… but, One should make an effort to find it. If Obama wins, then you will know who are really the average American voters.
That’s only true to a certain extent Craig. Most American’s are too busy with their daily lives (earning a living and keeping their families fed, etc.) to have time to follow politics. Most American’s don’t have hours to devote to the internets to find the information that’s out there (like I do).
When McCain loses this thing, it’s going to be his failure to get out his solutions, not America’s fault for not seeking them. When McCain loses, it isn’t going to be our fault. It’s going to be his. And he’s going to have no one to blame but himself.
He is an absolute failure (at this point in time) at pointing out the number one issue foremost in every American’s mind: The Economy. Why we got to where we are, who’s to blame and how to fix it. The DemocRats are completely vulnerable (like losing an election vulnerable) on this issue and he’s shown almost zero leadership. That’s why he’s going to lose.
The problem is that the ad is for internet distribution only. It’s too long for television anyway.
McCain has done some ads on this subject but appears reluctant to nail the Dems with their responsibility here because of his strategy of not playing the blame game and trying to turn it on Dems when they try and hang the Bush Administration around his neck.
I think he is just WRONG not to hit Dems with this every single day again and again.
Mike, he IS wrong. Which is why he’s going to lose.
16 years ago
I also think he’s wrong. Since de MSM are not doing their jobs, McCain has no other choice but to let people know the thruth. Maybe he will wake up and do it in the next debate. Let’s cross our fingers. Maybe this is THE October surprise everybody is talking about… lol
P.S.: I think The Bronze is right about people not having time to search information on the Net. It should be given by the MSM. Unfortunately, your MSM are corrupted leftists.
Gregory Dittman
16 years ago
I have a feeling McCain doesn’t want to win the presidency and that he is using his time to sell the Republican platform. It’s Obi Wan Kenobi rebuilding the Jedi Knights with the help of his young apprentice Sarah Palin (in the movies that would be plan B, Princess Leia). He knows that if he did become president, it would just be futile since he would have to fight the majority Democrats and the media. His message is to say that the Republicans can be a good party and the platform is solid (although some of the members need to be thrown out), while the Democrats and liberals are just a bunch of whining crooks with no leadership. Hillary is $50 million in debt and will be 4 years older so I don’t think she is coming back. I think Obama will just become crushed under the weight of responsibility. The domestic front will be taken over by Pelosi and Reid while the foreign countries are already starting to attack the Democrats for the world’s financial mess. Not only that, financial problems in some countries will hurt Obama’s chances of getting them to send more troops to Afghanistan and already Iran, Cuba, Russia, China and Venezuela see America on the verge of collapse. In 2012, the Republicans maybe able to come back like they came back from Carter.
I’m afraid I have to agree with Bronze. I am becoming very pessimistic about this election. How does the right get around the filters and bias of the media? Here in NE Ohio the only thing we hear about McCain/Palin is from a negative point of view.
BTW for those of us in our 60s and 70s who have always lived in a Democracy there will have to be some kind of orientation into socialism/Marxism. I would imagine these programs have already set up though.
16 years ago
I would like to add this quote from Thomas Sowell:
“The country does not deserve to be put in the hands of a glib and cocky know it all, who has accomplished absolutely nothing beyond the advancement of his own career.” T.Sowell
My sentiments exactly.
Greg: The Carter anaology is one that should scare us all. People say that it taught the Republican party a lesson and enabled us to get Reagan in. But at what cost. Our economy was nearly destroyed, the Soviets were running rampant around the globe and we turned on our ally in Iran when he needed us and have been the target of Islamic terrorism ever since.
With Obama in the White House and Dems in control of both houses of congress there is no telling what damage they could do.
We can’t afford to take that risk.
16 years ago
Maybe it is because of my career in the Army, but not only would an Obama power-hungry socialist presidency destroy the US economically and socially, I am left to wonder how many US cities we would lose to renewed terror attacks. With Obama, we get an appeasement, poll-driven, blame America First/Last/Always administration with ties to domestic terrorists, crooked Chicago powermongers, lover of using the Federal Government and “anarchists” to silence opponents, and a loathing of (counter socialist) US stabilizing power. More telling is Obama’s CNSF, his thinking the President controls what the troops watch on TV, and his many other Freudian Slips.
Of course, the left’s response to 9-11 was calling for more bans on civilian gun ownership (boxcutters are guns?) and that we should show the Arabs we support them by…. giving money to Persians. All the while Bin Laden and Co were laughing and planning their next attack….. until the bombs started dropping on them directed not at empty camps, but from US Special Forces on the ground.
This video won’t matter in the least. This thing is over. Just breaking news coming out that Barney Frank’s ex-gay-lover was an executive at Fannie Mae.
McCain refuses to even talk about who’s responsible for the Economic Meltdown.
He’s toast. O’Bama will win.
Great video ad… it is about time that the Dems gets blame for the mess the’ve created.
Gee… guess what? UK newspapers have more integrity than US MSM.
Read this:
The independant UK has a story bout the American financial crisis. And they note that Democrats bear a large share of the blame.
“…Yet when I see such senior Democrats as Barney Frank, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Christopher Dodd, Chairman of the Senate’s Banking Committee, play the part of avenging angels – well, I can only stand in silent awe at the sheer tight-bottomed nerve of it. These are men with sphincters of steel.”
…”Now, who do you think were among the leading figures blocking all the earlier attempts by President Bush – and other Republicans – to bring these lending behemoths under greater regulatory control? Step forward, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. ”
P.S.: Whoe… The Bronze, don’t get pessimist too fast. If your leftists MSM won’t tell the thruth to your citizens, other countries will… like the UK for instance.
i love the ad, we should have more like this so that the american people who are addicted to msnbc and their propoganda can get a btter idea as to what really happened. i had a client tell me today that she hates all of the choices, she hates this bail out and she is pissed. i asked who she was voting for and she has no idea, she assumes its bush’s fault because he is the big guy, but she also realizes that congress has a hand in this. she is lost, and i told her that it started many years ago with carter. she decided it was reagan’s fault. so i kept my mouth shut. people are n’t getting the info they need, i guess they need it spoon fed to them by the msm, i don’t know, but i am really tired of mccain not manning up and calling them on their bullshit.
This is sort of beside the point now isn’t it? Our pockets have already been picked.
Agreed with all though on the point that McCain won’t point it out. Makes me suspicious of him…
I said from the start that this race is McCain’s to lose and he seems intent on doing so.
I’m completely fed up with him, regardless of how great Sarah is.
I refuse to fight for a man that won’t fight for himself. I contributed to his campaign (just before the cutoff) and I’ll pull the lever for him, but that’s it. No more.
“… people are n’t getting the info they need…” (Luva the Scissor)
That’s only because people are lazy intellectually. There is fantastic information on the Net… but, One should make an effort to find it. If Obama wins, then you will know who are really the average American voters.
Here is a great one:
Mainstream Media’s Failure to Understand the Credit Crunch
Gerard Jackson
Economic Editor
Founder of The new Australian
“… With respect to the current crisis one should note that he (Kaletsky) refused to report the fact that President Bush had called on Democrats a number of times during his administration to reform Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac. The response of the Democrats was to frustrate every attempt at reform. And it was Bill Clinton himself who admitted that the Democrats were guilty of “resisting any efforts by Republicans in the Congress or by me when I was President to put some standards and tighten up a little on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac”. (ABC News, 25 September 2008)”
“…Needless to say, Kaletsky did not confine himself to ignorant economic commentary, he had to declare that Bush has not “tangible achievement”. Bush destroys a sadistic tyrant’s regime and liberates scores of millions from fear and torment; he destroyed the Taliban and drove it into the mountains. Under his watch there has not been another successful attack on the US mainland. And all this was done in the face of a ferocious and thoroughly dishonest assault from the Democratic Party and a world-wide putrescent media.”
“…At the end of the day, we find that Kaletsky is just another odious example of the ideological corruption that permeates the media and makes it subversive of democracy.”
That’s only true to a certain extent Craig. Most American’s are too busy with their daily lives (earning a living and keeping their families fed, etc.) to have time to follow politics. Most American’s don’t have hours to devote to the internets to find the information that’s out there (like I do).
When McCain loses this thing, it’s going to be his failure to get out his solutions, not America’s fault for not seeking them. When McCain loses, it isn’t going to be our fault. It’s going to be his. And he’s going to have no one to blame but himself.
He is an absolute failure (at this point in time) at pointing out the number one issue foremost in every American’s mind: The Economy. Why we got to where we are, who’s to blame and how to fix it. The DemocRats are completely vulnerable (like losing an election vulnerable) on this issue and he’s shown almost zero leadership. That’s why he’s going to lose.
I think its relevant, I hope I don’t draw the ire of Curt
The problem is that the ad is for internet distribution only. It’s too long for television anyway.
McCain has done some ads on this subject but appears reluctant to nail the Dems with their responsibility here because of his strategy of not playing the blame game and trying to turn it on Dems when they try and hang the Bush Administration around his neck.
I think he is just WRONG not to hit Dems with this every single day again and again.
But that’s the McCain we all know and love…
Mike, he IS wrong. Which is why he’s going to lose.
I also think he’s wrong. Since de MSM are not doing their jobs, McCain has no other choice but to let people know the thruth. Maybe he will wake up and do it in the next debate. Let’s cross our fingers. Maybe this is THE October surprise everybody is talking about… lol
P.S.: I think The Bronze is right about people not having time to search information on the Net. It should be given by the MSM. Unfortunately, your MSM are corrupted leftists.
I have a feeling McCain doesn’t want to win the presidency and that he is using his time to sell the Republican platform. It’s Obi Wan Kenobi rebuilding the Jedi Knights with the help of his young apprentice Sarah Palin (in the movies that would be plan B, Princess Leia). He knows that if he did become president, it would just be futile since he would have to fight the majority Democrats and the media. His message is to say that the Republicans can be a good party and the platform is solid (although some of the members need to be thrown out), while the Democrats and liberals are just a bunch of whining crooks with no leadership. Hillary is $50 million in debt and will be 4 years older so I don’t think she is coming back. I think Obama will just become crushed under the weight of responsibility. The domestic front will be taken over by Pelosi and Reid while the foreign countries are already starting to attack the Democrats for the world’s financial mess. Not only that, financial problems in some countries will hurt Obama’s chances of getting them to send more troops to Afghanistan and already Iran, Cuba, Russia, China and Venezuela see America on the verge of collapse. In 2012, the Republicans maybe able to come back like they came back from Carter.
That reporter spoke of Barney’s sphincter.
Liberal outrage in 3, 2, 1 …..
I’m afraid I have to agree with Bronze. I am becoming very pessimistic about this election. How does the right get around the filters and bias of the media? Here in NE Ohio the only thing we hear about McCain/Palin is from a negative point of view.
BTW for those of us in our 60s and 70s who have always lived in a Democracy there will have to be some kind of orientation into socialism/Marxism. I would imagine these programs have already set up though.
I would like to add this quote from Thomas Sowell:
“The country does not deserve to be put in the hands of a glib and cocky know it all, who has accomplished absolutely nothing beyond the advancement of his own career.” T.Sowell
My sentiments exactly.
Greg: The Carter anaology is one that should scare us all. People say that it taught the Republican party a lesson and enabled us to get Reagan in. But at what cost. Our economy was nearly destroyed, the Soviets were running rampant around the globe and we turned on our ally in Iran when he needed us and have been the target of Islamic terrorism ever since.
With Obama in the White House and Dems in control of both houses of congress there is no telling what damage they could do.
We can’t afford to take that risk.
Maybe it is because of my career in the Army, but not only would an Obama power-hungry socialist presidency destroy the US economically and socially, I am left to wonder how many US cities we would lose to renewed terror attacks. With Obama, we get an appeasement, poll-driven, blame America First/Last/Always administration with ties to domestic terrorists, crooked Chicago powermongers, lover of using the Federal Government and “anarchists” to silence opponents, and a loathing of (counter socialist) US stabilizing power. More telling is Obama’s CNSF, his thinking the President controls what the troops watch on TV, and his many other Freudian Slips.
Of course, the left’s response to 9-11 was calling for more bans on civilian gun ownership (boxcutters are guns?) and that we should show the Arabs we support them by…. giving money to Persians. All the while Bin Laden and Co were laughing and planning their next attack….. until the bombs started dropping on them directed not at empty camps, but from US Special Forces on the ground.