Slapsticking it to the Left

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Well, after a quick post on the movie earlier today, I decided to go out and see An American Carol this weekend to show support and send a message to Hollywood producers for more movies with a conservative bent.

Funny thing is, Michael Moore is the hero of Zucker’s new movie. 😉

The movie itself is uneven, crude, unapologetically- nay, proudly- pro-American, over-the-top, simplistic, funny, stupid, less-than-funny, hilarious, offensive, mercilessly lampooning the American Left. I loved it.

Rather than give a movie review, I’d rather talk about my theater experience. I caught an early evening showing. The theater was not packed, but far from empty. After a National Guard commercial played, there was a round of applause. I had never experienced that before. Only two sneak previews aired. The first was a Ron Howard film called Frost/Nixon. It seemed to catch all of us off-guard. I had never heard of it before, and I think it had us confused. There were some groan/moans right after it. The second preview advertised Oliver Stone’s “W”. I heard hisses after that one aired. God bless my soul, but I do believe I was sitting in a theater filled with conservatives! In Los Angeles!

The movie itself is an “imperfect servant”. It definitely could have been polished up better. But the fact that it was so deeply pro-American and anti-zany leftists, had me feeling a bit emotional as the movie was winding down. As silly as the movie is, we clapped at the end of it. Its message of pro-U.S. military, pro-America flag-waving was foreign in a Hollywood film. It was refreshing; it connected and resonated in a way that nothing in recent memory has.

We should all go and support this movie THIS weekend, to send a box office message. It’ll be lucky if it makes $14 million. It certainly isn’t like Airplane, whose humor is apolitical. But Hollywood, even the Hollywood Left, will respond to box office receipts; and they need to realize that there is a conservative audience out here, aching for more pro-American exceptionalism, pro-war-on-terror movies.

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If you don’t see this this weekend, go see “Fireproof”.

It really IS great.

I was going to see it yesterday and my sitter fell through at the last minute!! We’re going to see it later this week now since they kids are out of school and I can get a sitter.

You and about three other conservative bloggers in CA aren’t the only conservatives there, Wordsmith? Who knew? LOL!

I’m really looking forward to watching this film!

Mr and Mrs Z just got in the car, drove down to the theater I’m sure you saw it in (Broadway and..?) and could NOT find ONE parking spot in all of the area………plus, our car’s acting up…so we drove home. DARN DARN DARN. WIll try again.
I’m considering buying more than just two tickets….make it look like people are supporting this!

Thanks for the review. A friend had seen it and said “It’s not good” I don’t care…we have to support it and, from what you’ve said here, I am pretty sure I will like it..thankx!!

As much as I wanted to like it, and as much as I had looked forward to it, I have to say it was awful.

Painfully awful.

My wife and I didn’t laugh at all.

The humor was forced.

Very juvenile.

Sorry to be the wet blanket, but I have to be honest.

I saw it, some of it was funny. It was suppose to be ham fisted and as far as the main character goes there was a lot of ham in that fist, literally.

I too had trouble seeing the movie. There are two theaters in my city which are close and show new movies. The first one is hard to get to because there is no open parking slots in the area and then I drove to the other one and they weren’t play that movie so I had to wait till the 7:40 p.m. show so I could get close to it.