Obama’s Fishy $200 Million

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An auditor for the Federal Election Commission is attempting to have his bosses seek a formal investigation into the collection by the Obama for President campaign of more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations, including millions of dollars of illegal, foreign donations, and has sought a request for assistance from the Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation. But the analyst’s requests have largely been ignored. “I can’t get anyone to move. I believe we are looking at a hijacking of our political system that makes the Clinton and Gore fundraising scandals pale in comparison. And no one here wants to touch it.”

One reasons cited by his superiors, says the analyst, is that involvement by the Justice Department or FBI would be indicative of a criminal investigation, something the FEC would prefer not take place a month before the presidential election. Such actions, though, have been used to scuttle Republican campaigns in the past, the most famous being the Weinberger case in the days leading up to the 1992 re-election bid of President George H.W. Bush.

$200 MILLION dollars?! wow. That’s not really a big CHANGE, but we can HOPE.


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the FEC: “Gee, we’d really rather not possibly affect the outcome of the Presidential election by opening a criminal case over a mere $200 million – we’d rather wait until the guy might actually BE President and then we will come down hard! In the meantime, we are willing to put the fate of the Nation at risk.” Oh yeah, and then obama MIGHT get fined (if proven guilty) for perhaps $50,000!

How can it not be suspicious when obama and his people keep saying their donations are small – was it a $50 average – heck, make it $100. That woudl mean that he received money from roughly 2 MILLION ex-Pats overseas? I don’t believe that for a second.

But, but we don’t investigate those with a D behind their names. What better reason do you need?

Not in the past 10yrs at least

Half the money The One raises is illegal? Not a good start.

Looks like say anything do anything to me. This fellow wants to win, way too bad. A sure sign that Obama intends ill to the country.

One reasons cited by his superiors, says the analyst, is that involvement by the Justice Department or FBI would be indicative of a criminal investigation, something the FEC would prefer not take place a month before the presidential election.


the FEC: “Gee, we’d really rather not possibly affect the outcome of the Presidential election by opening a criminal case over a mere $200 million –

which does affect teh outcome of an election. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t before an election….partisanly speaking, I’d rather they be damned if they do. If it were possible to conduct the investigation in secrecy, that would be fair.

Whats new! The Democraps have painstakenly put zealots in places that serve them well, for example State Dept. CIA, FBI. This is the whispered shadow government that proved so able against Bush, all those slams and leaks that came from their agents are obvious to those who care to look.

From the mouth of babes… “We are going to change it, re-arrange it”

The BHO crew is just waiting to get in and change all the rules and regulations which currently govern the USA. Scary stuff… What good are rules, regulations, laws if they are not enforced? It sets a precedent and allows for recurring infractions to go unquestioned and thus leads to corruption. I can’t believe this stuff has been going on under the surface while the Americans float atop the water and sunbathe! The Tsunami is coming!

Just my .02 cents worth!

this is making me sick, literally, i am getting sick. how can all this be going on and nobody doing anything about it? if there was a man raping a women in fron tof 20 people and nobody stepped up there would be outrage. theres the outrage? are we going to sit back and watch out election system be raped? unfucking believable.

What’s wrong with the USA today? This country had a reputation of integrity and severe justice rules. Where did they go? Now corruption is getting a free-pass. Nobody wants to investigate on Obama or the Dems, nobody has the guts. USA is roting from the inside. Enemies are insiders.

See these videos on Obama:

Welcome to BarackBook-web ad

The Judicial Confirmation Network tool kit


Here is a list of Obama’s friends:

“no one here wants to TOUCH it”? Who’s threatening them?

Soros? Khalid Al Mansour? What’s going ON HERE? And are WE doing anything? ANYBODY demanding that people take a better look at Obama before he is, MOST CERTAINLY, elected in November…30 days from now?

We’re sleeping. We have a media which is so complicit.. I thought it was because they share the same one world order/socialist dream. Maybe it’s just threats….just plain THREATS “You play ball, or..”

Why else would articles suddenly get UNlinked at Google that had negative stuff about Obama in them? The Franklin Raines articles are a great example. The Obama/Raines link disappeared.

This is getting frightening. This country is SHOT.