There Is No War On Terror: Somalia

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I’m not a fan of Wikipedia at all, but in searching around for information last night on places where the Global War on Terror is being fought under the noses of the world’s media, I noticed that the war in Somalia (ie, Anarchyland) is immensely more involved with Al Queda and Al Queda groups than I previously realized. As such, I thought I’d bring these two links to people’s attention as a means of reiterating that:

1) YES, the is a Global War on Terror despite the Democratic Party’s/Congress’ ban on using the term in official documents

2) YES, the US is fighting the Global War on Terror in many places, and not every conflict requires a full scale invasion as Iraq did, or a limited invasion as Afghanistan did. Sometimes the US can use allies to fight the war for us (as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Israel do to name a few). Sometimes, the war requires a US covert operations and air support…as in Somalia

3) NO, Senator Obama has not commented on how he will deal with the growing strength of Al Queda groups in Africa and his ancestral Kenya.

War in Somalia (2006–present)

2007 timeline of the War in Somalia