Head of the Senate Oversight Committee on Afghanistan, but he never held a hearing? Maybe that’s why he doesn’t even know the timeline of the war that he’s supposed to be overseeing and wants to run?
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Amazon.com: Books
Obama want the US to surrender to Al-Qeada. He stutters because he is afraid of telling a lie.
On those hearings:
On those missed votes:
Here’s McCain:
Percentage of Missed votes
2006-Q4 16 8 50%
2007-Q1 126 42 33.3%
2007-Q2 112 81 72.3%
2007-Q3 119 59 49.6%
2007-Q4 85 65 76.5%
2008-Q1 85 50 58.8%
2008-Q2 77 76 98.7%
2008-Q3 39 39 100%
Since you brought up Afghanistan: here is a sweet little ditty that helps one understand the meaning of what happens when you take your (Bush) ‘eye off the ball’:
One element that many conservative voices are simply mute on was the downside of putting so many eggs in the Iraq basket. Claims regarding a “victory” in Iraq have come at a significant cost, and appear to be leading us, yet again, into an ill-regarded war and failed war.
It’s impossible to argue now that fighting on two fronts was a wise endeavor.
Selective editing by Doug. Go to a bit bigger period, and it’s only 15% for Sen McCain.
As to Afghanistan, check the links in the other posts that show the US never let up in the war in Afghanistan, but you do a great job of proving the point I’ve made repeatedly: that the war in Afghanistan was never a popular one with the world (Canada being one in nation in particular). Still, a story about a story about a story about a story from 3 biased sources doesn’t hold a lotta weight w me. Sorry Doug. Maybe if you could find a date when the US took its “eye off the ball”? Or maybe you can list out the units that were needed in Afghanistan to fight AQ in Pakistan, then that would help?
Correct Mr. Scott about Doug’s selective record era. From his same GovTrack (I love that site, BTW….) below is a graph of McCain’s voting record. And remember, he has much more of a record to assess.
The graph legend is:
John McCain’s record, but only back to 1993. He’s been a Senator since 1987, and was a House Rep from 1983 to 86. Since 1993, it’s 18% of missed votes.
The second graph below is Obama’s scant career in visuals, and 24% of missed votes in his much shorter career. Perhaps a more interesting way of looking at it: Obama’s been a US Senator for 45 months. He’s spent 19 months – or 46% of his term – as a candidate for POTUS, and increasingly MIA for the job he is paid for doing now.
Needless to say, McCain has a much better record for showing up to work…
Doug lied? What? A leftist caught lying? Shocked I am…..not. It would be nice if the leftist trolls understood those that read this site are too well informed to fall for their BS.
McCain missed 18%, while Obama missed 24%, overall. That’s no big deal.
But when you contrast the missed votes for every quarter beginning in 2006, 4th quarter–where the race starts– McCain’s missed votes are higher:
2006-Q4 16 0 0%
2007-Q1 126 3 2.4%
2007-Q2 112 20 17.9%
2007-Q3 119 67 56.3%
2007-Q4 85 76 89.4%
2008-Q1 85 31 36.5%
2008-Q2 77 65 84.4%
2008-Q3 39 33 84.6%
2006-Q4 16 8 50%
2007-Q1 126 42 33.3%
2007-Q2 112 81 72.3%
2007-Q3 119 59 49.6%
2007-Q4 85 65 76.5%
2008-Q1 85 50 58.8%
2008-Q2 77 76 98.7%
2008-Q3 39 39 100%
Of course when you include Mccain’s long record in the Senate, he’s going to avg. out to a bit lower percentage than Obama. But that should not blind anyone to the fact Mccain’s recent past record is worse than Obama’s.
Scott said:
I say:
I plan to post more on this when I have some time.
Doug1 admits that McCain’s got more voting experience!? Well, that’s good enough for me! 🙂
re the Afghanistan thing-GREAT article. Really shows how NATO and the reliance on “allies” has hurt the mission in Afghanistan (and it did in Kosovo, Bosnia before that, and would have in Iraq if larger forces were included as it had during Desert Storm). However, the article does not say when the US “took its eye off the ball”, and how. Again, I reference the links I gave in the other pieces today about Pakistan, Afghanistan, and even Somalia as proof that there is a Global War on Terror and that the US never “took its eye off the ball” as many claim.
Here’s an interesting one along the lines of progress in Afghanistan (ignores the fact that AQ and UBL are largely in Pakistan which would require a nuclear war to get).
“The coded cable reproduced Wednesday in Le Canard Enchaîné….” (DOUG)
LE CANARD ENCHAINÉ…. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! The worst leftist anti-American newspapers of all times. Aren’t you smart enough to know that France is America No. 1 enemy! They hate your guts, they really do. I know it, I’m French.
Frenchies are pissed off because USA eclipsed France that was once THE greatest country of the World. France is now a declining country and lost all of it’s glory. Frenchies are pro-terrorists, antisemites, US/bashers, and extreme leftists. So please DOUG, stop making a fool of yourself by citing LE CANARD ENCHAINÉ…
LE CANARD ENCHAINÉ… Hahahahaha… what a joke! You really made my day, Doug!
A leftist quoting leftist sources (aka dishonest). Too funny.
Sooo, we get a coalition together (NATO), and the left blames America for any setbacks even though it isn’t our fault. Yet they want to blame us for “unilaterally” invading Iraq. Well, they claim the invasion of Iraq was unilateral, but that would come as a surprise to our coalition partners who assisted us. Basically the left wants to bash America no matter what the situation or action. Typical.
Doug, it’s clear you are here to antagonize and discourage, but you are failing miserably.
Gee… I wonder if McCain missed some of those votes because of his eight trips to Iraq/Afghanistan, etal? LOL
Doug said
And why should the nation ignore McCain’s *entire* Congressional record, and just match Obama’s pathetic 19 months in Congress? Rather disingenuous, don’t you think? Like nothing exists “pre Obama”??? Humm…. is that sorta like BC and AD in calendar dates? Shall we now do BO and AO… before Obama, after Obama?
This is not only seriously pathetic Doug, it borderlines on the messiah complex. Get real here, guy. There was life before Obama. There will be life after him as well. The sun does not rise, the seas do not part, and the earth doesn’t heal itself because a young boy named Barry was born somewhere 40 some odd years ago.
And what is obvious is that McCain has considerably more experience to draw on than the professional/career candidate/fundraiser, who spends more time running for office than doing his job.
But that’s okay… “call me, if you need me”… ROTFLMAO! That says it all.
hehehe, yeah, I did like that “If Washington needs me, they can call me.” A great line that came AFTER
Sen Majority Leader Reid (D)…called McCain.
Paulson…called McCain
President Bush…called McCain
and only after The One said he’d come if called….did somebody (anybody) call him.
Who called The One?
nope…President George W Bush.
So is that like being hauled onto the Oval Office carpet, Scott? :0)
Pompous arse, that BHO is… Then again, I can honestly say *I* don’t need him.