Kids for Obama Sing to “Dear Leader Messiah”

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This really makes me ill: Obama carols.

Don’t we have laws in place against such cruel and inhumane child abuse? Even lefties agree. A mind, after all, is a terrible thing to indoctrinate with waste.

Previously posted:
Nothin’ like the smell of indoctrination

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American children to not sing the praises of their leaders. Who sings to their leaders, the Nazi’s, the Russians, the North Koreans, only tyrants would think of such a thing. AMERICA, WAKE UP, THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR.

That indoctrination of kids is getting almost as bad as this:

Palestinian Incitement: Children on a Mission to Kill Jews

Anyone notice the look of fear on a lotta those kids faces while they were singing?

Gotta hand it to the NBC guy though. That’s first class propaganda.

Ah how darling, parental-public school brain-washed future socialists.

But why are they wearing baby blue shirts? For their future as UN army regulars?

Shouldn’t they be in Socialist Acorn red?

Or perhaps brown shirts would be more appropriate?

I guess their parents don’t realize they might be joining us in the socialist re-education internment camps some day once their children decide to turn them in the government as dissidents in exchange for higher positions in the politbeaureau.


Obama (Hitler) youth movement……….

Their parents ought to be identified and protestors should line the streets in front of their houses.

What do children know about politic? Nothing, except for what their parents told them. Those parents are criminals. How can you brainwash your children like that and get away with it? This World is sick, very sick.


I don’t know if you’re aware or not… But Hitler killed people….. Lot’s of people. Kids singing a bad song does not quite add up to murder. Ask someone whose parents or grand parents were living during the holocaust. Ask them if they think that Obama and this song even compare. I think if anyone needs to have someone protesting in the front of the house ( trailer ) it should be yours.

I heard songs made for McCain and I was not offened. Infact there was one recently on this site. I did not think that anyone was being brainwashed. People have a choice to make in this election. Obama, McCain, or Barr. If you want McCain vote for him,if you want Obama vote for him. But the issues of this country will not be solved by a song. Good or Bad


You’ve got cleanups to do here and here and here and here and here and here.

There’s really no since in you dropping more crumbs on the carpet until you clean up the ones you already left.


At 50 years old and having served in the military for over 20 years, as well as working for the military privately for 10 years – you might be amazed at what I am “aware” of.

I never said Obama was Hitler – I was drawing a comparison to what I saw in those videos. If parents supporting McCain or anyone else is doing the same – I would draw the same comparison.

You still owe some of us a reply on this thread:

Obama – You Disrepect The Service & The Sacrifice Of Everyone Who Has Died Promoting Freedom

And as a point of history – Hitlers youth movement started before he became so popular as a killer etc… Just in case you are not “aware” of the history – enjoy the two links below.

So Johnny, what do you think will solve the issues of this country – please tell us ?

every time i see these videos i cringe. its very creepy, very, very, creepy. what the hell is wrong with these parents? yeah, my sone hears what i say about politics, but what has stuck with him is that obama “threw his grandmother under the bus”. he is very upset by this, i explained it to him and he thinks its wrong what obama did. he still is pretty sure that if he does indeed find that bus thats where grandma will be.

Flashbacks: this took me back to kindergarden. Expressing our love for “Uncle Saddam,” and painting tanks rolling over, and squashing, Evil Khomeini’s head.

My first reaction was that this must be a spoof. No, it isn’t: Jeff Zucker, CEO of NBC, is one of the producers. It is frightening. Just frightening.

Ja, ve weeley luv dis Fritz. Strike up herr bandmiester and play a good, disciplined toon for the masses. Ve shall return to the streets of Berlin in VICTORY!!!!

Ralley da youth. Tis time to march!!!


I seem to remember that Obama wants a massive “youth auxillary corps”. A walking, talking, organizing, PR machine. And just WHO will they owe their allegiance to? If not this leader, what about the next genrations when such groups become more common and accepted????

Can you say “potential 5th column”???

At least with the Boy/Girl Scouts, I know where they stand.

About Us

Sing for Change was a confluence of hard work, good will, and shared vision. Inspired by ideas raised at a grassroots Obama fundraiser, a music teacher, Kathy Sawada, and the children composed and rehearsed the songs in less than two weeks. Several musicians heard of the effort and volunteered to accompany the children. Parents and older siblings designed and provided the T-Shirts and the banner. There’s a first for everything, but rarely do so many firsts come together at once: for the children and their parents, this is their first performance, first video, first banner, and first involvement with grassroots work on a presidential campaign.

As Sunday approached, a neighbor volunteered a home. Production wizards got wind of the project and offered their help in recordingit. The likes of Jeff Zucker, Holly Schiffer, Peter Rosenfeld, Darin Moran, Jean Martin, Andy Blumenthal, and Nick Phoenix rearranged schedules to participate. Holly Schiffer was able to get three High Definition cameras (Panasonic HVX250’s), and an AVID editing facility. When Jeff Zucker went to pick up the camera package, Ted Schilowitz happened to be there and offered a RED camera set up on a SteadiCam.

What we accomplished in a few hours on a Sunday afternoon embodies the nature of the Obama campaign: its grassroots inspiration, its inclusiveness, its community building. People pitched in quickly for a cause that resonated with them. There were not many conditions: “Think this is a good idea? Want to help? Great. Sunday at 12:00.” At the heart of the project were 22 children and their music. The willingness of all involved to come together for them was a testament to our hope, unity, courage, joy and belief in the future represented by these children.

If Johnny’s talking about “Raising McCain”, a song written by an adult C&R songwriter is a far cry from having your children sing the praises of a politican who’s policies they know nothing about. Other than that, Johnny still demonstrates he’s still “out to lunch” on the point and the issue.

This “for the children” crap has come full circle. Socialism and the dumbing down of America has been prevalent in our public schools for decades. Now it is being propagated by parents who shamefully use their children to express their political views.

I am not surprised, mind you. I am only saddened that it is so widely accepted, and appreciated.



Just as a perspective check, Word…

I don’t think the comparisons are meant to compare Obama and Hitler, as much as it is to compare our socialistic indoctrination of children to love a political ideology as personified by a single man.

For example, one might try to say the same when you ask kids to sing the national anthem, or recite the pledge of allegiance… that you’re indoctrinating them to politics of which they know nothing.

But the difference would be, one is to encourage to love country (regardless of leadership), and the other is homage to a single man/leader/dictator.

See what I mean?

In this case, I just really find it despicable to interject kids into politics. Don’t like it when I see them touted at rallies as “supporters” either… like they really know who’d theyd’ vote for. Talk about chad challenged! LOL

No offense – but their are a lot of comparisons between Hitler and Obama if you look at Hitler prior to taking over Germany

BukerStreet is correct. Including the fact that the German people were displeased with the Weimar Republic for being, essentially, “whipped” by the Western powers. They were angry that they were losing their money, and that their government was not working for them. Then, Hitler comes along.

I think another apt comparison could be with Mao Zedong as well. Cults of personality, the lot of them.

The contrast with conservatives really doesn’t work as well in the context of the time period I mentioned.

I don’t “indoctrinate” my children – and I have been a father to seven. I have imparted ethics and moral principles on them, while giving them a freedom of choice. 2 of my children are independents, 3 democrats, and 2 are still under 18. I love them just the same. I am a “landmark” Baptist at heart – but my children have all found their own niches/beliefs as adults – and I still love them the same.

How many of us sometimes complain about how much we wish young people took a more active (not activist) role in being informed on American history, government, geography, and yes, politics?

Add world history, religion and change politics to political history/theory – that’s about where I am with my wishes. My BIG DEAL is teaching my children to THINK for themselves, be responsible, and be accountable for their actions. Other things as well – but those are the big ones.

In my book – it’s fair to expose children to politics only if you allow them to see all the sides in a fair manner and allow them to form their own opinions.


I would quote it – but the sites terms of use do not allow it 🙂

Oh, my God, BuckerStreet, that article you just linked (#25), simply gives goose pimples. The story of the German Great Depression is identical to the USA crisis today… and then: “Hitler knew his time had come”.

I suggest everyone reads this article… it is so identical, it’s really scary. And then Obama knew his time had come…

Yes thanks for the link. That is what we are talking about. The blind support, empty promises, vague on the issues, the hero status, etceteras. The next page in the article is particularly poignant:

youtube killed off the videolink: This one works though:

Oh and for a humorous parody see this one:

I wonder if these parents have thought ahead to if Obama isn’t the one chosen to as Wordsmith said:

“What I found particularly nauseating, is liberal indoctrination in those videos. The idea that Barack will end war, famine, and dis-ease; that he will unite the country and the planet under a banner of peace and prosperity in our times, and we’ll be able to prance through gumdrop forests and giant daffodils; and dance with fuzzy bunnies and frolic through perpetual sunshine.”

The event and the promises in the song was over the top, the influence it obviously had on these children could be problematic come January 20. I hope these children will have a smooth adjustment.

Shoot, my post is in the filter.

I just can’t believe the libs…. they make me sick… and this is clearly exploitation of children.

The Daily AntiKos


The link you have given us in your comment #27 is really worth reading. Incredible! Obama’s campaign seems to be a copy/paste of Hitler’s campaign. The same tactics, the same words, the same hope of change, the same gesture… and the same financial situation in Germany than the one in the States now.
Obama’s campaign is so alike, that I wonder how come he wasn’t accused of plagia?

Here is another indoctrination video. Notice the kids saying because of Obama they will be able to do this and that. Scroll down to the Youtube video.

More indoctrination. Scroll down to the youtube video. Notice they say Obama let them get where they want to be:

Oh he has been accused of plagiarism. There are several videos on youtube of him stealing speech rhetoric from Deval Patrick and others. Just type in the words Obama & plagiarism and see how many hits there are.