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Of course this will be considered as just another mindless attack ad as well, but it’s true, but it presents not even the half of it. I’ve read the reports on Obama’s tax plan. It doesn’t even mention all the “Hidden taxes” he intends to create. Higher gas taxes, increases in utility taxes, the list goes on and on. If you look at it under a microscope, yes he will be giving low income more income by redistribution of wealth, but he will also remove every dime of it and more by crafty additional taxes in other areas. Taxes we don’t get credited for when filing our tax returns.

O’Reilly was correct in his interview with Obama in saying, “You want to take 50% of everything I earn.”

The reality folks is just with our current taxation, the government already takes over 50% of everything we earn. We don’t get to deduct FICA do we? Those are all taxes. And our wages are lower than they should be because employers have to match what we pay in areas such as Social Security, so we get paid less. Now add to that all those hidden charges in our utility, telephone, etceteras bills, sales taxes, DMV stuff (- license plates, drivers liscense renewals, & vehicle registration & sales taxes, vehicle inspections), city taxes, state taxes, food taxes, gasoline taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, cigarette taxes, inheretance taxes, taxes paid by businesses that are passed on to the consumer through higher prices, etceteras, ad nausia.

This is one of the reasons Libertarians are so steamed & want us to get back to a Constitutional government. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, & original powers acts established guidlines and limitations on what Americans could legally be taxed. It was limited to excise taxes & import/export taxes. Politicians over the years have perverted the guidelines and have been backed by the judicial & executive branches. The biggest assault on our pocketbook was FDR’s New Deal. Well Obama has his own “New Deal” he wants to shove down our throats. Put him in office and we will actually only see 25 cents out of every dollar we earn.

my childcare lady wants to vote for obama because she will get 3% more back fromt he government than under mccains plan. this is according to her figuring, which could be flawed, but she made no mentin of the hidden taxes. she doesn’t believe it, she thinks obama will save us all from the harm bush has done to us…wrong. i wish mccain would start playin dirty pool or at least fighting fire with fire. i know he wants to run a gentlemanly campaign, but they are doing some really nasty shit on the other side of the aisle.

It’s flawed, she is only looking at income tax, not the big picture. suggest she actually search for both candidates full plans.

Now Rocky_B, those are not taxes, they are user fees. You should see what happened in Illinois since the dems are in control, user fees all over the place. We’ve had increases in everything from licensing to carry out containers. They just prefer calling a tax a user fee because they think the public won’t associate it with a tax increase, ya sure.