Nothin’ Like the Smell of Indoctrination [Reader Post]

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I think it’s safe to call them a cult now.

Indoctrination, it’s not just for grownups anymore.

This video posted earlier on Gateway Pundit is too much to believe.

Brought to you by Jeff Zucker, President & CEO of NBC Universal:

Music and lyrics by Lily Campbell, age 9

We’re gonna spread happiness
We’re gonna spread freedom
Obama’s gonna change it
Obama’s gonna lead ‘em

We’re gonna change it
And rearrange it
We’re gonna change the world.

Music and lyrics by Kathy Sawada

Now’s the moment, lift each voice to sing
Sing with all your heart!
For our children, for our families,
Nations all joined as one.
Sing for joy and sing abundant peace,
Courage, justice, hope!
Sing together, hold each precious hand,
Lifting each other up;
Sing for vision, sing for unity,
Lifting our hearts to Sing!

Music and lyrics by Kathy Sawada

Yes we can
Lift each other up
In peace, in love, in hope
Change! Change!

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“Tomorrow belongs to me…”

Oh my God! These kids are just as brainwashed as the Palestinians suicide-bomb kids. How stupid can their parents be? Prophet Obama has really done a good job! Let’s all pray for America. Is this World serious?

i swear to god, i am really frightened. this is like stepford wierd shit. holy crap. where are the deprogrammers?

Aye: Here’s where the Obamatons got the inspriation for their videos:

Hah…that woman saying that she wants the war to end…It’s not going to end with that moron in office. I still can’t believe how naive these guys are, how brainwashed they are. I wonder just how much of his policies they agree with and just how informed they are about all of Obama’s connections, his past…basically about this man. Sad thing is, this is MY generation, and I’m truly ashamed to call myself a part of this generation.

When I saw these clips the thought that immediately came to mind was ‘Hitler youth’.
If Hussein is elected we are in deep doo doo. The end of Democracy is clearly in sight.

“He’s gonna be our President because we put them there.” 1st video about 1:50 in.
We put all the Presidents there that’s why we have elections you morons, and that video with the kids is just creepy. Maybe there parents will visit the midwest or the South sometime so they can see kids who haven’t been brainwashed. Seriously shouldn’t those kids have been playing tag instead of worshiping Obama.


You should be ashamed of yourself. If you honestly believe that Obama is moron. What the hell do you think of Palin? Obama my not be able to solve all of our problems. But he has not been in office for over 26 years causing them. I believe that you, new conservative, patriot, etc are all being brainwashed but it’s not Barack doing it. McCain chose the most unqualified running mate he could come up with. And you folks are backing that decision. I know that she is not running for president but if something happens to McCain then we will definitely be in deeeeep doodoo.

And why are you all referring to Obama as the Messiah, the Prophet, God, etc? McCain ran adds calling Obama a celebrity and compared him to Paris Hilton, and Brittney Spears. When Palin was first announced she went from being a complete unknown to the most popular woman in America. No one was calling her a Prophet or a celebrity. Now their just calling her an idiot.


I do believe he is a moron. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t be a member of the far left. You see, I respectfully disagree with Lieberman. Obama? No respect at all for him. Not only is he stupid, he’s a slimebag that hates America and has been trying to destroy it from the inside.
As for calling him the messiah etc., are you actually trying to say there is little evidence that his fervant supporters aren’t treating him like one? If so, how’s that cave of yours in outer Siberia?

As for Palin, your kind only attacks her out of brainwashed hate and hysterical emotion. She is what your kind says cannot exist without them–an intelligent and successful woman. She proves you wrong and you can’t stand it.

BTW, obama is eybrow deep in the FM/FM scandal. So he’s done in fewer years in congress what you accuse and decry McCain of doing. You also deliberately ignore Joe-dumber-than-a- doorstop-Biden’s gaffes and how unqualified he is. That’s ok. I expect hypocriscy from liberals. Now go back to obama’s site and tell the other pod people how you trounced us Conservatives.

BTW, Jim Jones was a community organizer too.

This isn’t a campaign, it is a religion. You can tell by the gospel like tone in the musical tributes. The far left does not support him. They worship him. Yes Johnny cannot comprehend it in this way, but standard cultists never can. They don’t actually realize it until it’s all over and they ask themselves, “What was I thinking?” Patriot was correct. The Nazi party started the same way.

Maybe Kathy Sawada can do a video with children singing along with a Mickey Mouse lookalike, and talk about fighting the Jews – I mean the evil Wall Street bankers – and bring “change” to this country. Maybe this time she can do it without ripping off parts of “The Internationale” and “Deutschland Ueber Alles” in the process…