Mmmmm, yeeeeeeeeeeah. Somehow I don’t see that happening under GWB or McCain or even under Obama. GWB’d likely pay or do anything to get him to the US. McCain as well. Obama’d be forced to do anything/pay anything to get them to the US for a fair trial. Besides, I don’t think Pakistan’s govt wants to deal with the blowback from executing people commonly seen as heroes in their own country.
Osama, Zawahiri to be tried in Pakistan if captured: Zardari
LAHORE: President Asif Ali Zardari has said Pakistan will initiate a trial against Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden or his second-in-command Aiman Al-Zawahiri, if it captures them, Geo News reported on Sunday. The channel quoted the president as telling CNN that the two Al Qaeda leaders could also be handed over to the US to face trail if ‘friends advise’ Pakistan to do so. Zardari said those who killed his wife former premier Benazir Bhutto could also target him. “Those who killed my wife are also after me,” he said. Zardari said US incursions into the Federally Administered Tribal Areas would be counterproductive. The president ruled out the possibility of a war between the two countries. “Friendly fire is a normal thing even among US soldiers,” he said. daily times monitor
Author of “Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War
Reparations and America’s 2nd Civil War: Malensek, Scott: 9798864028674: Books
Mmmmm, yeeeeeeeeeeah, maybe not so much. Remember? GWB–and the rest of the Right–proclaimed bin Laden a nonissue a long time ago, back when the Left was saying, “Hey, what about ‘dead or alive’?”
When was that?
Yeah, I missed that. I remember GWB saying that UBL wasn’t really the big threat that he once was, but I’m kind of inclined to believe that when he orders airstrikes and commando raids into nuclear-armed Pakistan that it’s probably for a reason-likely UBL.
If anyone’s claimed that UBL wasn’t a threat, it’s the left-people like Michael Moore and his fans who think there is no global war on terror, or the Democrats who took Congress and ordered that such language cease from being used.
How about 4:00 Eastern time on March 13, 2002?
How about these choice quotes from the press conference?
“And the idea of focusing on one person is — really indicates to me people don’t understand the scope of the mission.”
“You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you. ”
“‘ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.”
Oh, wait–is the White House part of the Evil MSM? Is the White House in the tank for bin Laden?
Well, you gave it the old Leftist try didn’t you?
I knew precisely where you were headed.
You won’t get away with that routine on this blog though.
You won’t get away with picking and choosing “choice quotes” that make your point while leaving the remainder of the context on the floor.
For the purposes of intellectual honesty, with which you are unfamiliar, here’s the entire exchange:
Why do people like “mck” come here anyway? They know that their lies will be refuted by facts. Are they masochists or what? Ignorant people drives me nut.
Well, Einstein, nothing you copied and pasted changed anything about what I wrote. Bush admits to being interested in al Qaeda in general, but your quotes reaffirm that he is not interested in bin Laden in particular which was, if you’ll remember, the thrust of Scott’s post.
As a matter of fact, combining the Righty talking point of “al Qaeda is defeated” with what Bush said only makes my point stronger. He lost interest in bin Laden when he was “[shoved out] more and more on the margins.”
If al Qaeda has essentially been defanged–as the Right has suggested for a long time now–then Bush really has no interest in bin Laden.
Spin all you want, but it doesn’t change the facts.
Only in the vast wasteland that exists between your ears is that true sir.
Aye and Scott… you can’t do battle with the mental midgets that believe the battle against the global Islamic jihad movements is just bin laden, or just those wearing carrying the AQ membership cards. Those minds are devoid of the movement and their strategy as a whole.
Most of us understand that when OBL is limited in movements and communications by being so high profile, his effectiveness has been hampered. That does not mean that his command tasks have not been transferred down the chain to others. And there have been massive deaths of their more experienced leadership on all fronts.
As for where OBL would be tried *if* Pakistan actually caught him… first, I’d have to believe they’d hang on to him. They have a nasty habit of trading their prisoners in their sundry truces they set up. The jihad movements in their borders would raise serious local mayhem as long as he was imprisoned.
Secondly, why bring GWB into this? The chances of capturing OBL and determining his fate with the red tape that will be involved by the end of Dubya’s term are pretty darn slim.
The big question is how will the Pakistan/US relations evolve under the new POTUS. What I see is Obama, willing to meet Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Castro et al, but snubbing Colombia and the leadership of our allies… including Asif ali Zardari. Obama’s never met with any of these people personally. He demonstrates no more interest than a passing phone call conversation at best… when he’s not busy bashing NAFTA and CAFTA, that is.
What I also saw was McCain, personally wanting to introduce Palin – face to face -to all our allies. At this moment, Palin has more “experience” with the Pakistani leadership, and other allies, than the DNC POTUS offering.
No Mck, you just don’t get it. He’s important, but not as important as say…on Sept10, 2001. Since then, AQ’s been decimated-not incapacitated, but decimated, and he just doesn’t have the operational control that he did years ago. That’s the point GWB (and Dems too btw) have tried to make, but some people foolishly want to play gotcha politics as if everything bad in the world is Bush’s fault (see also Bush Derangement Syndrome). Half quote all you want, but I see UBL as a bi-partisan/AMERICAN problem, not a Bush problem, and that’s why I cited several people who would have to deal with the Pakistani’s preference including potential President Obama.
I never said he was. I said that he was not a priority to Bush. You underscore that fact, for which I thank you.
I don’t know; why don’t you ask Scott? He’s the one who brought it up.
Duh. That’s why the Left has been outraged by the Bush Administration’s shoving him to the back burner.
I love how you guys take me to task for “misquoting” stuff by totally making rhetorical positions up for me out of whole cloth. Classic.
Lots of smelly socks floating around nowadays.
Does mck remind you of anyone?
Actually, mck, what Scott said in his original post was that he couldn’t see Bush, McCain *or* Obama allowing Pakistan to retain possession of Bin Laden for trial without a fight.
It was you, in your post #1, that stated Bush wouldn’t care enough to do so.
So no… it was *you* who brung up the debate about Bush’s assessment on Bin Laden’s priority… none of which was in context to getting him to the US for trial. You merely stated your opinion that Bush felt Bin Laden was no longer important. An assessment that is so mentally challenged for military strategy and fact that it’s laughable.
He’s not on the back burner… never been. He’s a target, like every other jihad movement leader target. Our Afghan theatre and intel there are always on his trail because he can lead us to others as well.
But thank you for aptly demonstrating that the left think-speak parsing of sentences for political BS… ala “the meaning of is”… is still alive and well.
Kinda sounds like Mck wants to play the “Bush took his eye off the ball” game as if the US stopped going after UBL. The guy escaped around Mid Nov01. That’s it. After that, there’s not a lot the US can do. Watch w Predators, send in some spies, maybe some commandos. All that’s been done. Lately, since Petraeus took over CENTCOM, there’s been a lot less concern about what Pakistan does, and I think that’s a good thing, but the US never put him on backburner-he escaped to where we’re not allowed to go get him.
I disagree that bin Laden’s been “shoved in the back burner”, simply because the efforts to hunt down bin Laden aren’t on the frontpages (I suppose the efforts would be, if it involved classified intell leaked to the NYTimes).
Also, much of the “Left outrage” is due to the fact that so many of them have misunderstood the broad scope of the war we find ourselves engaged in, and merely have the pre-9/11 law enforcement mindset of mopping up Osama and al Qaeda, rather than looking to fix the plumbing and turn off the faucet.
Oh, no–not really. I may have disagreed with Scott’s nearsighted assessment of how much Bush cares about bin Laden, but I didn’t bring it up.
These might be of interest….
I had “clipped” and saved to file, this NYTimes article from earlier in the month:
Also of interest, is this one from June: