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i watched this video and i was about to laugh, did anyone else catch that the sound to lips moving was only off on palin? the words and lips matched up with mccain and couric, but not sarah…. loved how they put the “gotcha journalism” back at her, she tries to be a serious journalist and she misses the mark because she is preditory and arrogant, not unbiased as she should be. wander what she would do if the shoe was on the other foot? i hope to find out one day, hope cbs drops her, there have been rumors.

help me out here…what?

What a fantastic VP Sarah will be. She put Kouric back at her place and made her look stupid. Great job Sarah! This is how we like you, don’t let these stupid jealous bitches like Couric intimidate you. Palin 1/Couric 0

Good going Sarah

As many have said before me, let Sarah be Sarah and she will be spectacular!!! McCain is totally at ease with her and definitely lets the woman speak for herself 🙂 I loved it!

Sarah’s got katie’s number now – watch out!

Luva – I see what you mean, the soundtrack does not match up with the video. Real slick manipulation by the video editor.

“Real slick manipulation by the video editor.” (SKYE)

What the leftists Medias wouldn’t do for THE ONE.

Curt or Aye:
I have a post awaiting moderation, I don’t know why.
I first posted it in: Problem? What Problem?…
So I tried posting it in : Karl Rove- Pelosi… But both are awaiting moderation.

You’re entirely correct. Every “feminazi” is jealous of Sarah’s popularity. They tape for 2 hours and show 30 minutes. It would be nice if they’d show Obama’s outtakes, too. Biden doesn’t need his own blooper show – he IS a blooper (and not too hot of a Catholic, either! Right up there with Pelosi.)

Compare – a slanted take on Sarah’s address to the Commissioned VS Obama’s pastor for 20 years.

I’d rather have a VP who believes in God than a president who thinks he IS God.

“I’d rather have a VP who believes in God than a president who thinks he IS God.” (Sister MM)

LOL… thats a good one!

SISTER MM, YOU ROCK. THATS THE PROBLEM, the rest of the dems also think he is god, he will save the world. since bill clinton seems to be backing palin lately i would love to hear what he has to say about this latest round of bs.

lol I thought this was hilarious. I can’t believe how clueless these 2 came off in the interview.

First of all, why are these two wasting time with what is basically a woman who couldn’t even make “The View” short list?? Katie… what a joke. If that’s her “gotcha”, her ratings will tank.

Ooops… they are already there…

Now, a tech note from an ex film-TV sound editor. There’s no “magic” or subterfuge on the lack of sync on the audio vs video on Palin/McCain. Just ineptness on the YouTube editor’s part. Give some gooks enough software, and they’re bound to show their inefficiencies… LOL

I’m quite sure the pros managed to get the timecode sync adjust on a professional broadcast. But I doubt very much it’s intended as just plain idiocy in aud/vid editing. They are two separate recorded files. And these new editor “kids” in the biz can’t see frame slippage easily… let along seconds of frame slippage. Don’t give ’em too much of a hard time. Just lower the bar of expectations on this stuff.

I’m not sure what this excerpt is supposed to mean. Is this the “death knell” damaging stuff they’ve been advertising?? zzzzzzzzz

Have no clue if it’s in the entirety. Katie’s trying to salvage her presentation. McCain/Palin are trying to explain the timeline of conversation. All in all, I get nothing from this but the fact that Katie’s trying to perpetuate the “inadequate” Sarah using celluloid off the cutting room floor.

I see it this way. Sarah’s met liberal Charlie Gibson, and liberal Katie Couric. Obama took over a year and a half before he’d meet the eyes of a single FOX commentators.

Evidently the balls in this election are not the side of the DNC. I’ll wait to see Sarah in action in the future. I’m neither appalled, nor bowled over with the three interviews I saw. Tho I thought she did much better with Hannity, as she was more relaxed.

And I hope she takes the briefings she gets, then imparts that info as “Sarah”. She’s fine on her own. I don’t want a McCain clone. A little adversity would suit me better.

Crispy… apt name. Seems you’re a little “burn around the edges” yourself, eh? Salute.

This looked like Sarah Palin brought her Dad with her to help her deal with mean old Miss Couric. After John McCain speaks for her, he says he’ll let her speak for herself. Sarah Palin is a grown woman running for the number 2 spot in our government. She should be expected to stand or fall on her own.

Ok Republicans, Like Obama told his supportors…It’s time to get in their face.
I just sent an email to Sen. Cochran, Sen. Wicker and Rep. Chip Pickering telling them to show guts. To put out the names, quotes and dates of all the Republicans who have been warning about Freddie/Fannie since 2001 and the names,quotes and dates of the Democrats who blocked action. Please if you agree email your Sen. and Rep.

I’m not sure what this excerpt is supposed to mean. Is this the “death knell” damaging stuff they’ve been advertising??

I haven’t heard anything about a death knell, but there is supposed to be footage of Palin drawing a blank when asked about a Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade.

These aren’t gotcha questions for qualified candidates, but they are for Sarah Palin. What ever happened to her challange to play “stump the candidate”?

I read a blog the other day saying that Palin should go before Racheal Maddox for a “Real” interview. Oh yeah right that spinning hack? Supposedly the Dems were all upset by the Obama-O’Reilly interview. Uh News flash-O’Reilly is an independant not a hardcore Republican. In the past he has been just as rough on Republicans as he has on Democrats.

Their man Obama certainly wouldn’t go for a one-on-one interview with Hannity. Sending Palin to Maddox would be like sending Obama to be interviewed by Rush. She’s already been treated to two liberal Democratic media types with their frequent Gotcha’ lines of questioning, so tell you what. After Obama does Rush, Palin can have a go with Maddox. Fair enough?

Add Jimmy Carter & Al Gore to the list of names of politicians who knew nothing about foreign policy before entering the White House. Did the media hit them as hard as they go after Palin? No. Were they questioned on their running mate’s past legislative history? No. The media needs to stop playing the gotcha game. They are shooting themselves in the foot with it. The more they do it the more transparent their motives are when they interview the Democratic opponents. Democrats get to sit for tea and chuckle it up, Republicans get grilled on a spit.

I thought Couric looked like she’d implode at one point…not a good moment for her.

The Wall Street Journal had an excellet article by Taylor Stockdale, Adm. Stockdale’s son. How true it is, debates don’t always reveal character. Do we want a great debater with no spine or a less than great debater will a spine of iron? I’ll take the iron thank you.

Damn Sarah Palin she was put here to be fertile not to be president.

Katie was doing her job how dare you people criticize her for that. Mrs. Palin is a grown woman stop trying to make her seem like some kind of baby or person that cant read, write, and respond to simple questions.

Ununited States of America

Damn Sarah Palin she was put here to be fertile not to be president.

That’s a rather sexist remark. So I guess andrea is playing the, “women should be at home, barefoot and pregnant” card? But I suppose that only applies to

women, huh andrea? I also suppose it’s okay for people to agree with you on this as long as they aren’t talking about Hillary or Pelosi eh? We might expect that from an early 20th century bigoted male, but from a fellow female? For shame. I assume you would also use the “N” & “B” words to describe Secretary Rice, huh. How revealing it is when the curtain parts to reveal the true Lib Dem hypocrites behind.

As to “Katie was just doing her job” and we should leave her alone? Well as someone who’s taken a journalism classes, reporters are supposed to be impartial to the story, not making themselves part of the story. That makes Couric fair game. I’m sure Walter Cronkite is spinning in his grave over what passes as television journalism these days. Playing the “gotcha” game is cheap tabloid stuff, as is asking “trick” questions. Palin would not have been expected to know every position McCain had ever taken on every issue & how he voted on every bill, the only valid response she could have given was “I’ll get back to you.” (of course even if she did get with McCain and got right back to Katie, Katie wouldn’t have reported it). I sincerely doubt Obama could tell you exactly how Biden voted on bills in his 26 years, but the news media wouldn’t dare to hit “The Liberal Messiah” with a question like that would they? That was no different than Gibson’s “Bush Doctrine” question. Even the individual that coined the phrase said it was a poor question and even Gibson’s definition was wrong. Just because TV personalities play those games on the daytime talk shows (the open bias of “The View” comes immediately to mind), you can’t confuse it with true journalistic integrity. The display of biased favoritism dependent upon the interviewee’s sex, race, religion, or political beliefs goes against journalistic integrity unless it is specifically presented as an opinion piece or editorial. And creative editing to intentionally display the subject in the poorest view is just as reprehensible as doing so to only present a person’s “good side”. Perhaps you missed the satire in how Letterman & SNL have cut & pieced Palin’s words together however they saw fit. Katie was tagging along with Palin for 3 days, I expect there should be a good 8 hours of footage. But all they saw fit to show was 28 minutes? Come on. If it were Obama, that type of stuff would have remained on the outtake real. The only way for the media to save face is to issue FULL and COMPLETE transcripts of every interview. However, they won’t even do that will they? That is proven by whistle-blowers within their own industry that have come out to expose a few of the missing puzzle pieces from the Gibson & Couric interviews.

Oh and the piece de’resistance was Gwen Ifill of PBS, who also failed the integrity test by failing to alert the debate committee that she was writing a favorable book of Obama. That was a conflict of interest and by the standards of debate moderators, she was required to excuse herself due to the chances of even a perception that she might not be impartial. Regardless of what she wrote, she has a material interest in this election and stands to profit by book sales.