Not a bad catch, but there is the key word “unproven” in the quote from his ad. “I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.” So perhaps it’s not a flip-flop at all. He believes in missile defense, but not in any missile defense at all costs.
Yeah, this is probably a ‘copy-cat’ stance to please the more hawkish. Is it a flip-flop? I have to really question that. Ask yourself this question, do you think Obama WOULD really put a ton of money, like a repub. into the system? So, I’d just say he’s lying.
16 years ago
@Curt: Forgive my ignorance, but are all missile defense systems space based? I am not sure they are.
16 years ago
The point is, we’ll be at war with him. Our troops wouldn’t be home. They’ll still be at war, whether in Afghanistan or Pakistan. He admitted to it all on the debate last night. And for someone who’s been wrong on the outcome of an action before, I don’t think he’d be the one who would know what an effective missile defense system is.
16 years ago
@Leah: for someone who’s been wrong on the outcome of an action before
By that standard McCain was wrong too when he said the Iraqi action would be “easy”. And I’m sure you agree that was wrong in the extreme. There is hardly anyone who always been right about a military action.
16 years ago
McCain was right Stewf. It was very easy to get rid of Saddam Hussein Obama… oupst… I meant Saddam Hussein. But then again, he also mentionned that it would be a long and hard process to set Iraq back on the right track after that. So McCain was right all the way.
@Stewf: Parsing words. He stated before that he would cut unproven missile defense systems and would not weaponize space. Then last night he said he supports missile defense.
No way no how can you describe that as not being a flip flop. Either he was for missile defense or he wasn’t. This crap about unproven is baloney because the last test of the current system has been successful four out of the last five attempts. While we are still a ways off you cannot get a proven system unless you spend the money to get it up and operating. He said he would cut that funding….but no longer.
Hey, I’m the author of that video — thanks for spreading it around!
I purposefully left in the declaration “I will not weaponize space” to clearly demonstrate that when Obama says he’ll cut “unproven missile defense systems” the implication is that he’ll kill the whole program.
Since the earliest days of missile defense, critics have either said:
1. “it’s unproven, it will never work, therefore don’t do it” or
2. “missile defense weaponizes space”
Obama trucks in the language of a doctrinaire critic of missile defense. This was a BIG flip flop.
Not a bad catch, but there is the key word “unproven” in the quote from his ad. “I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.” So perhaps it’s not a flip-flop at all. He believes in missile defense, but not in any missile defense at all costs.
@Stewf: Uh….your forgetting this part:
“I will NOT weaponize space”
Yeah, this is probably a ‘copy-cat’ stance to please the more hawkish. Is it a flip-flop? I have to really question that. Ask yourself this question, do you think Obama WOULD really put a ton of money, like a repub. into the system? So, I’d just say he’s lying.
@Curt: Forgive my ignorance, but are all missile defense systems space based? I am not sure they are.
The point is, we’ll be at war with him. Our troops wouldn’t be home. They’ll still be at war, whether in Afghanistan or Pakistan. He admitted to it all on the debate last night. And for someone who’s been wrong on the outcome of an action before, I don’t think he’d be the one who would know what an effective missile defense system is.
@Leah: for someone who’s been wrong on the outcome of an action before
By that standard McCain was wrong too when he said the Iraqi action would be “easy”. And I’m sure you agree that was wrong in the extreme. There is hardly anyone who always been right about a military action.
McCain was right Stewf. It was very easy to get rid of Saddam Hussein Obama… oupst… I meant Saddam Hussein. But then again, he also mentionned that it would be a long and hard process to set Iraq back on the right track after that. So McCain was right all the way.
@Stewf: Parsing words. He stated before that he would cut unproven missile defense systems and would not weaponize space. Then last night he said he supports missile defense.
No way no how can you describe that as not being a flip flop. Either he was for missile defense or he wasn’t. This crap about unproven is baloney because the last test of the current system has been successful four out of the last five attempts. While we are still a ways off you cannot get a proven system unless you spend the money to get it up and operating. He said he would cut that funding….but no longer.
THE OBAMA FILE (Latest Obamanations)
Ask yourself this question, do you think Obama WOULD really put a ton of money, like a repub. into the system?
Yes, especially if ACORN is somehow involved.
Hey, I’m the author of that video — thanks for spreading it around!
I purposefully left in the declaration “I will not weaponize space” to clearly demonstrate that when Obama says he’ll cut “unproven missile defense systems” the implication is that he’ll kill the whole program.
Since the earliest days of missile defense, critics have either said:
1. “it’s unproven, it will never work, therefore don’t do it” or
2. “missile defense weaponizes space”
Obama trucks in the language of a doctrinaire critic of missile defense. This was a BIG flip flop.
My place is chock full of missile defense goodness:
Thanks again,