Be sure to check out the link MikesA has provided. Some very cool info and videos. I have to kind of chuckle, the owners must have ADD. Corn Maze, Christmas Tree Farm, Butterfly House and Shrimp Farm
Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.
No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there. Here’s but one example of many from her interview with Hannity: “Well, there is a danger in allowing some obsessive partisanship to get into the issue that we’re talking about today. And that’s something that John McCain, too, his track record, proving that he can work both sides of the aisle, he can surpass the partisanship that must be surpassed to deal with an issue like this.”
When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?
If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.
I not only don’t care if the press “confirms” Palin, I love that she drives them crazy by basically ignoring them! That is the treatment the coddled, self-absorbed industry has deserved for years now. They have been an embarrassment to what journalist was supposed to do… educate the public by keeping them abreast of the current events in an unbiased fashion.
Now? They aren’t journalists… they are political critics. Much like a food or movie critic, but on pols instead of restaurants and flicks.
Now… how many of you decide *not* to go see a movie based on critic’s panned review? Right…
I am still voting for John McCain as I have said forever on this site. But the Palin pick was a loser pick. Parker is right that while appropriate to have faith in your religion, this much faith that – though all evidence to the contrary – Palin is prepared to be president is ill placed. You do not have to like that a columnist said it, and she is not the only one, Peggy Noonan has said worse and there are others. But reply instead to the charges that Parker makes. You can not.
If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.
We are all lucky that the financial crisis is stealing all the headlines or we would all be watching the media excoriate Sarah.
I have internation political experience because our neighbors are foriegn countries? We can see Russia from Alaska so I am a foriegn policy expert? I heard it said before, but I can see the moon from my backyard – does that mean I am an aero-space technician? I have been inside a hospital – anybody want me to operate on your children?
I love John for his fearlessness, but as I said the day after she was announced. This was a pick to please the idealouges and that part of it worked. But clear thinking moderates who choose every president in this country are not impressed. Now once again, John must do all of the heavy lifting. Thank goodness we will only be forced to sit through one debate with her.
And now that the roasting of my post is about to begin, I beg you guys and girls to read many, many posts, often written by Curt Himself, and the many replies to those posts in support of Harriet Miers.
McCain is unquestionably the only choice for President, but he could have made many, many better choices for his running mate.
CentFla, I think that, in the long run, you will be quite pleased with a Palin pick. I’m really sorry you’re being held captive with the media oversimplification of the “see Russia from Alaska” comment. But there is an underlying merit to that statement that the lower 48 denizens just don’t understand.
Alaska is really isolated from the US states. Their neighbors aren’t other US states, but foreign nations. Palin negotiated with the Canadians on the gas line. She deals with Russians on fishing issues. This woman is not as unprepared for Veep and foreign policy as a lower 48 Governor would be. She’s actually miles ahead. And she’s grown up in that environment of having foreign nations as neighbors.
Below a video taken by Scott Ott of Scrappleface at the RNC convention in Minneapolis. The conversation is between Washington delegate Dullain Erlich and synidicated radio talkshow host Michael Koolidge.
Centfla: I am not going to rehash all this with you AGAIN. I’m disappointed that you would repeat this stuff after it has already been thoroughly discussed. I cannot imagine what motivates you to continue with your sour puss routine, but it only benefits Democrats which makes me wonder…..
Go ahead and make a response if you choose but then after allowing the regulars to respond I am going to cut you off. There is too much going on for anyone to waste more time on this.
Join us for the live chat tonight if you want to continue the sour puss routine.
You are right Mike we should all be focused on crop art I guess. Good call
C from Alaska
16 years ago
The interviews with Gibson and Couric had no desire to meet Gov. Palin, find out her views or stands on any issues. They were simply formats to play “Got ya” and the editting of the stories was terrible. You really have to read the transcripts. Yes, she made a Russia comment taken out of context. And, with Couric, I could really care less what Senator McCain has done (give me specifics) in his 26 years in the senate. Probably the only one who could answer that is the senator.
Gov. Palin should continue with town halls meetings and just skip these terrible, biased media representatives.
The Corn Field is great!
Given the opportunity — instead of looking for reasons to hate this incredible woman — people might learn she is a reformer, great politician who is what our country needs. Lobby groups and special interest are not part of her. And, she will really work for all the people — not one set, but for the whole of America.
It is ashame that the media has worked so hard to destroy such a great person.
16 years ago
Fantastic video Mata (#9).
As for Centfla… I just think he has something against women in general. He seems a bit of a misogynous.
Jim Geraghty:
And Parker puts her finger on Palin’s real problem in these interviews. It’s not a lack of smarts or analytical ability. It’s that her past jobs as mayor, chair of the state’s oil and gas commission and governor have not required her to know about a slew of fields of knowledge that are pretty much required for a president or vice president. Until a few weeks ago, Sarah Palin didn’t need to formulate policy responses to how to track al-Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan, or think about the benefits and drawbacks of the health care reform proposal Mitt Romney put forth in Massachusetts, or determine where to draw the line in interrogation of captured terrorists, or assess how the nation as a whole should respond to a globalized economy or come up with how to deal with a Wall Street meltdown. What she did need to know – energy policy, tax policy, some social policy areas – she knows fine and can articulate her views at length.
I don’t know Sarah Palin. Having missed the last cruise to Alaska, I’ve actually never met her. National Review wasn’t on her list of stops this week in New York. So I can’t pretend to know what her wiring is all about. But I know I like a lot of what I’ve heard her say. I also know a lot of what I like about her could be projection. I’m not where my friend Kathleen Parker is — wanting her to step aside to spend more time with her family and Alaska — but that’s not a crazy suggestion. She’s right to say that something’s gotta change.
My guess — based on nothing but hope for a change — is that Sarah Palin just needs some freedom. I don’t know who is holding her back but if John McCain wants to win this thing it had better not be him and his staff. When I watch these interviews, I see a woman who looks like she’s stayed up all night studying and is trying to remember the jurisprudential chronology of privacy vis-a-vis reproduction, the war on terror, and public figures (add 12 more things, described in the most complicated way possible, to the list to be more accurate). She looks like a woman who’s been cramming talking points and great Matt Scully lines and Mark Salter-McCain war stories and Steve Schmidt marching orders into her head since that first plane ride from Alaska. She looks like a woman who has ceased being the confident, successful executive who got herself elected governor of Alaska without the full force of her party behind her and managed to have an approval rating of which most can’t even dream.
Peter Robinson:
From a reader, commenting, again, on my column for Forbes this week:
I desperately want Sarah Palin to continue to be an asset to the ticket. Having said that, I don’t see how you can possibly publish the statement ” In just under a week, she had mastered the interview format” with a date of September 26th. Did you not see the Couric interview? I would suggest that she has not only not mastered the format but is, in fact, regressing.
No, to be honest, I didn’t see the Couric interview—I had to file the column before the interview aired. Do the emails in my inbox make me eager to watch the interview on YouTube? No they do not.
Outside the NRO: Politico reports:
Tony Fabrizio, a GOP strategist, says Palin’s recent CBS appearance isn’t disqualifying but is certainly alarming. “You can’t continue to have interviews like that and not take on water.”
You have to wonder if she will continue to be highly managed, kept on a leash, or let go into the arms of the MSM for resurrection. Certainly everyone is now wondering how she will do next week, so the odds are she will be kept under wraps and there will be less media exposure, unless of course it is scripted.
You’ve got be kidding right? rriigghhtt?
If anyone is looking for stupid people, then this place would certainly not disappoint.
MataHarley tops them all, showing that video of Dullain is over the top embarrassing.
sad sad so very very sad.
From what rock did these people crawl out of?
Now why would a Canuck be Googling Dullain Erlich, and still fretting about Palin, I wonder… Hummm… That question should captivate me for about 20 seconds.
Must be hardwork to carve out likenesses and mazes. Although whilst mazes are okay – walking around a field of Sarah Palin (or any other image) would be pretty dull I would imagine.
Ahh, capitalism at work. $8.00!!
Be sure to check out the link MikesA has provided. Some very cool info and videos. I have to kind of chuckle, the owners must have ADD. Corn Maze, Christmas Tree Farm, Butterfly House and Shrimp Farm
Kathleen Parker:
Wow! This is really going to start a sh^t storm.
So Palin is not a garden variety politician with polished answers and nuanced opinions.
Palin is obviously very close to exactly what we need in DC right now.
The reactions from the left and right are indicative of precisely how good this pick was.
Tell me again why I should care what Parker has to say, ’cause quite frankly, I don’t.
And in the meantine the Biden gaffe machine is blowing full force. Wonder why he hasn’t started a sh^t storm?
Here’s your vp candidate, doug:
I not only don’t care if the press “confirms” Palin, I love that she drives them crazy by basically ignoring them! That is the treatment the coddled, self-absorbed industry has deserved for years now. They have been an embarrassment to what journalist was supposed to do… educate the public by keeping them abreast of the current events in an unbiased fashion.
Now? They aren’t journalists… they are political critics. Much like a food or movie critic, but on pols instead of restaurants and flicks.
Now… how many of you decide *not* to go see a movie based on critic’s panned review? Right…
Next subject?
And now we hear from that great orator, Obam-uh
Doug finds ONE conservative who thinks Palin is a lightweight and that’s supposed to matter?
Get real Doug! We don’t care what the elites think about Palin PERIOD!
I’ll just embed the vid Udder linked and perhaps Doug can gain some perspective:
I am still voting for John McCain as I have said forever on this site. But the Palin pick was a loser pick. Parker is right that while appropriate to have faith in your religion, this much faith that – though all evidence to the contrary – Palin is prepared to be president is ill placed. You do not have to like that a columnist said it, and she is not the only one, Peggy Noonan has said worse and there are others. But reply instead to the charges that Parker makes. You can not.
We are all lucky that the financial crisis is stealing all the headlines or we would all be watching the media excoriate Sarah.
I have internation political experience because our neighbors are foriegn countries? We can see Russia from Alaska so I am a foriegn policy expert? I heard it said before, but I can see the moon from my backyard – does that mean I am an aero-space technician? I have been inside a hospital – anybody want me to operate on your children?
I love John for his fearlessness, but as I said the day after she was announced. This was a pick to please the idealouges and that part of it worked. But clear thinking moderates who choose every president in this country are not impressed. Now once again, John must do all of the heavy lifting. Thank goodness we will only be forced to sit through one debate with her.
And now that the roasting of my post is about to begin, I beg you guys and girls to read many, many posts, often written by Curt Himself, and the many replies to those posts in support of Harriet Miers.
McCain is unquestionably the only choice for President, but he could have made many, many better choices for his running mate.
CentFla, I think that, in the long run, you will be quite pleased with a Palin pick. I’m really sorry you’re being held captive with the media oversimplification of the “see Russia from Alaska” comment. But there is an underlying merit to that statement that the lower 48 denizens just don’t understand.
Alaska is really isolated from the US states. Their neighbors aren’t other US states, but foreign nations. Palin negotiated with the Canadians on the gas line. She deals with Russians on fishing issues. This woman is not as unprepared for Veep and foreign policy as a lower 48 Governor would be. She’s actually miles ahead. And she’s grown up in that environment of having foreign nations as neighbors.
Below a video taken by Scott Ott of Scrappleface at the RNC convention in Minneapolis. The conversation is between Washington delegate Dullain Erlich and synidicated radio talkshow host Michael Koolidge.
Well, at least you got the first half of your sentence right.
Centfla: I am not going to rehash all this with you AGAIN. I’m disappointed that you would repeat this stuff after it has already been thoroughly discussed. I cannot imagine what motivates you to continue with your sour puss routine, but it only benefits Democrats which makes me wonder…..
Go ahead and make a response if you choose but then after allowing the regulars to respond I am going to cut you off. There is too much going on for anyone to waste more time on this.
Join us for the live chat tonight if you want to continue the sour puss routine.
You are right Mike we should all be focused on crop art I guess. Good call
The interviews with Gibson and Couric had no desire to meet Gov. Palin, find out her views or stands on any issues. They were simply formats to play “Got ya” and the editting of the stories was terrible. You really have to read the transcripts. Yes, she made a Russia comment taken out of context. And, with Couric, I could really care less what Senator McCain has done (give me specifics) in his 26 years in the senate. Probably the only one who could answer that is the senator.
Gov. Palin should continue with town halls meetings and just skip these terrible, biased media representatives.
The Corn Field is great!
Given the opportunity — instead of looking for reasons to hate this incredible woman — people might learn she is a reformer, great politician who is what our country needs. Lobby groups and special interest are not part of her. And, she will really work for all the people — not one set, but for the whole of America.
It is ashame that the media has worked so hard to destroy such a great person.
Fantastic video Mata (#9).
As for Centfla… I just think he has something against women in general. He seems a bit of a misogynous.
The NRO talks amongst themselves:
Kathryn Lopez:
Outside the NRO: Politico reports:
You have to wonder if she will continue to be highly managed, kept on a leash, or let go into the arms of the MSM for resurrection. Certainly everyone is now wondering how she will do next week, so the odds are she will be kept under wraps and there will be less media exposure, unless of course it is scripted.
Give it a rest Doug. Nobody cares.
Meanwhile, overseas the rumors mount that Biden will be replaced by Hillary:
Give me Palin over Biden any day.
You’ve got be kidding right? rriigghhtt?
If anyone is looking for stupid people, then this place would certainly not disappoint.
MataHarley tops them all, showing that video of Dullain is over the top embarrassing.
sad sad so very very sad.
From what rock did these people crawl out of?
Now why would a Canuck be Googling Dullain Erlich, and still fretting about Palin, I wonder… Hummm… That question should captivate me for about 20 seconds.
@Mike: Get professional help pal!
Must be hardwork to carve out likenesses and mazes. Although whilst mazes are okay – walking around a field of Sarah Palin (or any other image) would be pretty dull I would imagine.