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I take it that these are playing in OH, PA, WV and VA? 🙂

As Lillpop said:

“John Lillpop of Canada Free Press has artfully suggested that perhaps Obama could debate Joe Biden, since the two “have been at each other’s throats all week“. Lillpop goes on to suggest that Obama could even debate himself, since he seems to be on both sides of most issues.”


The Obama camp said they were going to sue the NRA over their ads, used the Washington Post as the source saying the ads were untrue. A quick read of Obama’s website, all the gun ban stuff was still there.

So in answer to your question, they simply think no one notices. This happens when your plan is to say anything, do anything to get elected.

Someone needs to put Biden in a dress and have him sing this:

He’s such a joke now why not just go all out?