Hope, Change, & Another Indicted Friend [Reader Post]

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Oh dear.

This will give Obama something to think about tonight in his DC hotel.

Federal Agents announced today that they have enough evidence to indict longtime Obama friend and close associate Illinois Governor Blagojevich.


Sources tell CBS 2 News Chicago that Federal agents claim to have enough evidence to indict Blagojevich on fraud and conspiracy charges. However, the report says the investigators aren’t the ones who make the decision to prosecute. That would be up to U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the Justice Department in Washington.

WBBM-TV mentions the Rezko connection:

Prosecutors also mentioned Blagojevich in an indictment as the intended beneficiary of at least one extortion attempt by Blagojevich fundraiser and businessmen Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

Rezko was convicted June 4 on 16 of the 24 counts against him. He awaits sentencing in October on mail and wire fraud, aiding and abetting bribery and money laundering convictions. He still faces two more trials.

The Chicago Sun-Times has reported Rezko could cut his prison time significantly by cooperating in investigations of other public figures, including Blagojevich.

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Not to worry Dems….just a “third-rate” corruption case.

Like attracts like!

Fleas… what fleas?

when will the kool aid drinking masses pull their heads out of their asses and realize what a piece of crap he is. how is this going to be covered up by the msm?

Rezko could get a ‘walk’ if he revealed the crimes Hussein O has committed.

“DC hotel”???!???!?

Don’t most US senators have homes in or near DC?

Or is he not there enought to bother?

Uh oh another Illinois Gov in trouble. Man I am shocked I tell you I am shocked that there is shananigans going on in the Illinois Government.

Let’s make it 4 or is it 5 ex-govs in jail. It is the Illinois retirement program for Governors.

Blagojevich thinks he’s a great governor and is planning on running for another term.

I pass a gigantic campaign sign everyday with the MoveOnDickDurbin web address on it. Other posters from Illinois might want to sift through it, it’s interesting.

Here’s the article that talks about the gov, guess even though he is Obama’s home state gov, he wasn’t allowed to speak at the convention.


Obama doesn’t want to talk CAC, Ayres, Rezco and now wants to hide his governor.

Blowgo is just one of many that needs to be in handcuffs…..

Chicago still runs Illinois. The state was run by Capone, and now the Daley machine. The people in Illinois always seem to be two steps behind for one they take forward. I’m taking odds that FizGerald doesn’t prosecute, he knows which side of the bread gets the butter. It’s no coincidence that Gore chose A Daley to over see vote stealing in 2000. Obambi has the whole Chicago machine working in his behalf. Polls are close so that after the vote stealing no one will be all that suspicious. I just wonder how many elections the Democrooks could win without fraud. I would suspect very few.

When and where was the above photo taken? What was the event?

Thanks for any details.
