its a little early in the day to be drinking, and i am not. but, i think it almost sounds like clinton is defendeing john mccain and his position on the debates, i swear that is what it sounds like to me. it also seems like in the past week or so he has made several staements in regard to sarah palin that sound supportive, also like he is supporting mccain. am i mistaken, has anybody else noticed this or am i losing my mind?
Bill is indeed defending McCain and, in many cases, actually building the case for him while tearing Obie down at the same time.
Obie misunderstood what he was dealing with when he snubbed Hillary and all of the smiley, smiley, huggy, huggy, handshakin’ and promises of unity are not really reflective of reality.
Remember the parsed words of Hillary’s concession speech?
Remember the big delay in releasing her delegates?
Anyone who was paying attention will notice that she didn’t “concede” or “withdraw” today.
She “suspended”.
Those words, and the lack of those words, are very significant.
By “suspending” she keeps her delegates and retires to stage left to wait for Obie to falter and fall on his face.
Then she can reemerge, gather the pieces, and attempt to carry her party on to victory.
She may claim to be supporting him but, behind the scenes, I would bet that she is doing everything she can to orchestrate his defeat.
It’s not over ladies and gentlemen. It’s not over at all.
Just remember, you heard it here first.
(Emphasis added.)
All of those signals work together to show you what is going on in the back story.
The Clintons are going to do nothing more than the absolute minimum in order to get through this election. They will put on the happy face but the undercurrent is something much different.
They are hoping that Obie falls flat on his face so that on the day after Election Day Hillary can start her 2012 bid for the White House.
Obie made a crucial error: Never, ever, ever underestimate a Clinton.
I wish I could find the unedited clip of Clinton on GMA this morning.
He took it to the Dems really hard just before he let Obie have the One-Two.
Interesting that GMA would edit that out.
Very interesting.
luva the scissors
16 years ago
aye i really was wonder is my soda was spiked and i didn’t notice it, lol. i was wondering if something like this would happen, makes me giggle a bit. the msm will always edit to suit thier needs and to keep obama bashing to a minimum. i say for bill to keep going, there are still alot of pumas out there. i would really love to be in the voting booth with the clintons when this goes down to see who they actually vote for.
16 years ago
I don’t like the Clintons, never did, never will. But they are intelligent enough to see that Americans are about to elect an idiot for their President. For that reason only, they get my respect. I know they don’t like the guy, but I think it’s deeper than that, they themselves do not want their country going down the drain with that flip flopper idiot Obama.
Aye: Thank you for the head’s up on that video. I might have lost the scent had you commented on that other thread.
I’m thinking that the video is the same as the one on GMA with the edit. I would like to know what Bill said after he began to describe Dems obstruction on Fannie Mae regulation.
16 years ago
Yo Barry, with friends like these, I hope you have someone to taste your food and start your car.
It’s obvious that Bill is giving cover to McCain and you can bet Hillary is givinig signals to the PUMA crowd to support McCain.
“You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the ‘cracker vote’ there.”
If you are all looking for the full video with Clinton talking about who’s at fault, and DNC resisting “his” WH and GOP attempts to tighten up on restrictions, here it is. It’s an ABC video with no embed data, just referral URL. Also can’t find any embed info via “view source”. So you’ll have to rough it… click on the dang link! :0)
You’ll find the pertinent stuff starting half way thru. Then it goes into the content you have linked above at the end.
The clip on ABC’s website is an abridged version of what Clinton actually said in his interview this morning.
He took it to the Dems a lot harder and the footage was edited to soften what he had to say.
I was watching this morning just before hustling the children out to school. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and then when I looked for the clip all I found was this doctored up, watered down version.
its a little early in the day to be drinking, and i am not. but, i think it almost sounds like clinton is defendeing john mccain and his position on the debates, i swear that is what it sounds like to me. it also seems like in the past week or so he has made several staements in regard to sarah palin that sound supportive, also like he is supporting mccain. am i mistaken, has anybody else noticed this or am i losing my mind?
No, you’re not losing your mind.
Bill is indeed defending McCain and, in many cases, actually building the case for him while tearing Obie down at the same time.
Obie misunderstood what he was dealing with when he snubbed Hillary and all of the smiley, smiley, huggy, huggy, handshakin’ and promises of unity are not really reflective of reality.
Remember the parsed words of Hillary’s concession speech?
Remember the big delay in releasing her delegates?
I predicted it here:
(Emphasis added.)
All of those signals work together to show you what is going on in the back story.
The Clintons are going to do nothing more than the absolute minimum in order to get through this election. They will put on the happy face but the undercurrent is something much different.
They are hoping that Obie falls flat on his face so that on the day after Election Day Hillary can start her 2012 bid for the White House.
Obie made a crucial error: Never, ever, ever underestimate a Clinton.
I wish I could find the unedited clip of Clinton on GMA this morning.
He took it to the Dems really hard just before he let Obie have the One-Two.
Interesting that GMA would edit that out.
Very interesting.
aye i really was wonder is my soda was spiked and i didn’t notice it, lol. i was wondering if something like this would happen, makes me giggle a bit. the msm will always edit to suit thier needs and to keep obama bashing to a minimum. i say for bill to keep going, there are still alot of pumas out there. i would really love to be in the voting booth with the clintons when this goes down to see who they actually vote for.
I don’t like the Clintons, never did, never will. But they are intelligent enough to see that Americans are about to elect an idiot for their President. For that reason only, they get my respect. I know they don’t like the guy, but I think it’s deeper than that, they themselves do not want their country going down the drain with that flip flopper idiot Obama.
Aye: Thank you for the head’s up on that video. I might have lost the scent had you commented on that other thread.
I’m thinking that the video is the same as the one on GMA with the edit. I would like to know what Bill said after he began to describe Dems obstruction on Fannie Mae regulation.
Yo Barry, with friends like these, I hope you have someone to taste your food and start your car.
It’s obvious that Bill is giving cover to McCain and you can bet Hillary is givinig signals to the PUMA crowd to support McCain.
But this is the kicker folks…..
“You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the ‘cracker vote’ there.”
OMG…that is gonna play well…..NOT
If you are all looking for the full video with Clinton talking about who’s at fault, and DNC resisting “his” WH and GOP attempts to tighten up on restrictions, here it is. It’s an ABC video with no embed data, just referral URL. Also can’t find any embed info via “view source”. So you’ll have to rough it… click on the dang link! :0)
You’ll find the pertinent stuff starting half way thru. Then it goes into the content you have linked above at the end.
The clip on ABC’s website is an abridged version of what Clinton actually said in his interview this morning.
He took it to the Dems a lot harder and the footage was edited to soften what he had to say.
I was watching this morning just before hustling the children out to school. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and then when I looked for the clip all I found was this doctored up, watered down version.