The Vast Hollywood Left Wing Conspiracy! [Reader Post]

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The “airheads” of Hollywood are creeping out of the woodwork again. They seem to slink forth every national election to prop up their candidate, from the socialist left, and to denigrate any conservative who dares offer himself, or herself, to the American people as an alternative to those who would make the US into a carbon copy of the limp-wristed socialist states in Europe. (I keep asking… if the Hollywood leftists love Europe so much, why don’t they go ahead move there… and STAY there? (I suspect one could fairly easily create a national fund open to contributors who would like to make a contribution toward the price of a one-way plane ticket for any Hollywood elitist who yearns to move to Europe.) Out here in the hinterlands we are fed up with their hedonist behavior.

Yes, and we are fed-up with their self-appointed expertise in diplomacy, and in politics in general. Their slavish propping-up of one of our more decadent left wing administrations was a disgusting display of their sheer lack of morals and total disregard for the great mass of this country’s citizens who attempt, everyday, to live a life of morality and responsibility for their spouse, for their families, and for the families of their fellow Americans.

Hollywood’s rabid attacks on the current administration and the GOP’s candidates for President and especially Vice-President, has just underscored their vacuous, brainless, emotion based hate of anything even approaching Conservative. Somehow, they have managed to forget that they are ONLY ENTERTAINERS… much like the court jesters of old they are “hangers on” to be found near the centers of power but having no input into the execution of that power. They are the “useful idiots” of left wing politics in America. And they have no clue!

No single community in America has done more to destroy this nation than Hollywood. None. Their efforts have lowered the morals of America’s youth to the lowest common denominator… and then… lowered it some more.

Can we continue to believe they create movies for the sake of the art of entertainment? How can we not suspect the movies they create aren’t propaganda tools?

Hollywood’s utter disregard for morality is disgusting. When we think they have sunk as low as it is possible for one to sink, they sink even lower.

And now… they want to dictate, to average Americans, how their government should conduct the people’s business. They call into question the veracity of a President, and a government, duly elected by the people of the US. They rant and rave about the US, it’s government, it’s people, and it’s moral code… plus, they undermine the war efforts of this country by propping up dictators and publicly slandering the US by denegrating our President while visiting countries abroad.

While many of the top tier actors, and actresses, haven’t even a high school diploma, they know they are smarter than you and I because they can ACT AS IF THEY ARE. It seems to us they have come to believe their own press releases!

Not satisfied with acting fantasies out on film, they have stepped a notch lower to acting those left wing fantasies out in “real life”. It is difficult for me to grasp that they apparently do not understand that their celluloid personalities buys them no appreciable credibility with the voters. Surely, they cannot be that shallow? But, then again, maybe I am being too gracious here.

In our opinion, Hollywood would be better served, and so would the American voter, if Hollywood’s actors and actresses would confine their play acting roles to the stage and film and leave the heavy lifting of such things as the contemplation of the Wall Street meltdown, or whether the polar bears are dying out, or the Artic ice pack is melting away, or our oceans are dying, or… well, you get the picture… to those among the American voters equipped for moderate thinking.

Actors/jesters are there to entertain. Once they begin to take themselves seriously, their value to society is much diminished.

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While the gist of this post is correct, that is, a lot of the ‘stars” in Hollywood are leftist dirtbags and I too wish they would celebrate the greatness of our country with their movies. Especially when they continue to crank out flop after bomb after dud, losing millions and keep cranking them out.

However they are no where close to the group of people that truly have caused the greatest harm to our country. And that group is the NEA and AFT. By not preparing our children with a fundamental economic foundation, a true understanding of how our government works and an accurate portrayal of American history, they send armies of ill-educated and misinformed young adults either into college where this bias is further reenforced or into the real world where hopefully, they get bitch slapped a bit back into reality.

Almost as complicant is the left dominated MSM with it’s 24/7 “blame America first” horseshit. If there had been a dem president the past 7 years, our war in Iraq would have been trumpeted as the greatest liberation in the history of mankind. Instead we saw how our great president was undermined. Sickening.

But none the less, with a proper education, this kind of media bias would be laughed off the stage. Did you go see any of the string of anti American movies of the last few years? Me neither. That crap is easy enough to avoid, but because the teacher’s unions will fight to the death any kind of voucher program, most parents are locked into the current public education system.

Our children have no real world conception of our great country or the nature of true evil. With a properly educated population, Obama and his ilk would be confined to very outer edge of political discourse. This is why the NEA and AFT are almost 100% democrat-the dems need the continued dumbing down and the teacher’s unions need the dems to keep the mo ey pipeline open and laws and judges to kill vouchers.

Those artists are the same all over the World. Their egos are so big. Must of them are just plain dummies. But celebrity and money made them think that they are very important people.

Here in Canada, our Prime Minister Steven Harper, recently cut off 25 millions dollars in artists subventions. It’s a riot! They are protesting everywhere they can. A bunch of idiots. And of course, they are all lefties, ecocastatrophists and against war. The problem with artists is that they have no education whatsoever… they are perfectly ignorant.

hey hey, I’m an artist

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So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick… If you’re listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you’re a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we’re morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night, and very rarely do we sit around reading The Washington Journal.”


And a big amen. My personnel favorite is Sean Penn, a rather short almost high school graduate.
One day, during his Saddam Hussein pacifist period, he drove his hot rod to a luncheon in Berkeley, CA (Yes, that Berkeley). While he was having his repast, someone stole his automobile.
When the police came to take his report, he admitted that there were several pistols in the trunk of his car. Pistols, pacifism, hey, makes sense to me.

Last week I read that Brad Pitt will donate $100,000 to defeat the initiative in California that would define marriage as between a man and a woman. More recently, I read that Steven Spielberg would donate the same amount. The age-old question is: what makes them so liberal, and so unlike mainstream America??

just like the political crap on the screens at creu fest, made many people sick to see george bush in flames and morphing into the devil. they are usually to busy with their parties and self absorbing ways that they really have no clue as to how the other half lives.

There was a number of Hollywood types who said in 2004 that if Bush was re-elected, they’d leave the country. But guess what, they’re still here! Why the hell couldn’t they keep their word? Did they think we’d miss them?