Pakistanis Shoot Down U.S. Drone

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Why shoot down a drone?

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan – Pakistani troops and tribesman shot down a suspected U.S. military drone close to the Afghan border Tuesday, three intelligence officials said.

If verified, it apparently would be the first pilotless aircraft brought down over Pakistan and the incident likely would add to tensions between Washington and Islamabad over a spate of recent American cross-border incursions in the lawless tribal regions.

The officials said the unmanned aircraft was shot down late Tuesday in the village of Jalal Khel in South Waziristan after circling over the area for several hours. Its wreckage was strewn on the ground, they said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.


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I see some Pakis getting blown up if this continues. Sooner or later they will shoot at American troops on the Afghan side and they’ll have no choice but to defend themselves.

Thanks NYT, you f’n traitors.

these unmanned drones are great but why cant we covertly sneak some special ops guys that look pakistani into pakistan. they could assimilate into the area, gather intel and take out the militants one by one. minimum civilian causalties and maximum damage to the leadership of key militant figures.

does anyone agree? maybe the cia is already doing this.

“maybe the cia is already doing this”

If the CIA was doing it we would have already read about it in the NY Times and the operation would be compromised.

I hope we ARE doing it, but using some other entity than CIA to control it.